Being white but not supporting White Pride

>Being white but not supporting White Pride
Explain yourself

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm jewish.

I have personal achievements to be proud of, so I don't have to resort to being proud of something I had no hand in at all, like my skin colour. White priders are the niggers of the white race.

I can't expect black people to call out black seperatust bullshit if I don't do the same with white supremacy

That's some scoliosis right there.


I'm not a meanie

Pretty much this. op is the type to talk about how "we" got so many goals in the game last night, because in between beating his wife and finding his meth pipe he glanced at a football game.

I'm not a huge faggot




I cannot take pride for something I'm not responsible for.

>when your dubs is 88

because all the "white" pride groups are full of non-whites like Slavs, Greeks and Irish

>op is the type to talk about how "we" got so many goals in the game last night, because in between beating his wife and finding his meth pipe he glanced at a football game.

This, I don't like the idea of various European ethnic groups being lumped under one generic title (my Germanic heritage refuses to be put on the same level as a damn dirty frenchy) and people into the whole 'white pride' thing are usually white trash.

>white trash
NON-white trash

far too much Irish in the mix to be white

Nothing wrong with white people being proud of there race you just messed up by letting Raciest coin the term "white power". terrible pr move

So, the Irish aren't 'white'?

>Being white

Fuck you white nigger

That's not what "taking pride in your race" means.

I'm not a insecure redneck where my parents are brother and sister


nope, none of; the original London "White" supremacists, the populations of New York and Boston or the Nazi's considered the Irish White

the very Idea of a White Race was conceived to justify discrimination of the Irish

the Irish Diaspora into the US were treated as a subclass, little better than the various coloured peoples. "No Niggers or Irish" was a fairly common sign in the late 1800s/early 1900s

Im not some little bitch snowflake that needs a skin color to be proud of who i am.

Fucking Sup Forums has become pathetic sissies

>really makes me think

>Being this retarded
Go fuck yourself

Yeah, it does. Admit it, you're a failure at life, and instead of blaming yourself for your own stupid fuckups, you blame it some sort of non existent "attack on the white race". You are pathetic and the sooner you realize this, the sooner you can do something about it.

noggin' status: joggin'


pride in a genetic accident is a joke, whether socially acceptable or not.


openly trusting a white person to be more civilized and intelligent? how's that not like putting a giant "exploitable" sticker on me for anyone to exploit however they want?

yall think youre keeping yourselves safe from minorities, you're just making yourselves easy marks for scumbags who are white.

im not some class cucked idiot
class over race

roflol. /thread

No u

nah bro. it actually does. any time you're on the losing end of an argument you default to shit that other people have done. you have no personal accountability for anything.

My mixed qt 3.14 GF wouldn't like it.
And I'm not an insecure faggot that needs his skin color to feel superior.

Just because someone's skin color is the same as mine,i grew up fighting the Polish,German, & Italians, Chicago is a very segregated city,even other types of Latinos are killing each other over where they're from. Also,I'm currently in Reno Nevada, & these prisons on the west coast are segregated,you can't play sports,cards, cell with, or even eat food after blacks,even if they didn't even touch the food! That shit is stupid as hell! If these dudes go to prison in Illinois there's no segregating there, YOU'RE THE MINORITY, & there's no "white car" there,because EVERYONE is in a street gang, & ALL RACES RUIN together under either the 6 point star,or 5 point star. (Folks or People) I think people should be proud of whatever nationality they're a majority of,if 50/50, pick 1!

Because I firmly believe wool is a better clothing material than cotton, and that sending black people to the "cotton fields" sucks because wool is better.

"White" is a deliberately nebulous descriptor. I'm "white" because I look white. Meanwhile my ancestors are Hungarian Romani, Cherokee, Haitians, and the Irish, all of whom would be murdered by "White" folks.

So, uh... get fucked?


pride is a sin

to bad they didnt got to you.

No u

I never reveal my power level to people until we've grown very close. Of course, by then they're not surprised, so I guess my disdain for shitskins bleeds through even though I try to control it.

im slavic i cant into white pride

It's pretty easy actually. I have hobbies, interests and am in general a well rounded person. Why do you obsess over one faucet of your person? Why not identify with your interests, your level of education, your job, your income bracket, your fetishes, your religion, or anything else? I really don't get the "pride" movements, white black gay or whatever

Nah we're past that whole thing, you guys are now full-fledged White Boiis.

>muh blog articles and youtube clips!
Like I said, non existent.

nah fam, im not serb-savic, im pole-slavic thats worse than curry niggers

>simply wider
That's the problem right there. Race is too wide a group to feel actual solidarity from.
Just because you share someones skin colour doesn't mean you can relate to them or their experiences.
I'm pretty sure you, Paris Hilton and Shane Dawson and Zoe Quinn would get along just dandy right my white friend.
Fuck race it's so fucking meaningless it's like taking up solidarity in being fat, it's such a non-achievement.

you mean german

I'm not a retarded edgelord

Its ok to be white

I have culture instead of just pigmentation alone


Here's your fucking culture

>hmmm....what do you think they meant by this?

Poor big man lmao


Clearly colonization made them do this.


Samefag lmao nice selective tweet feed you got there. Where's the one where Trump thanks Anime Anonymous here?

Lmao hey it's cueball mc.bitchalot from youtube

Won genetic lottery, and decided to not be an asshole about it.


I wonder how he got demonetized LMAO

Ah fuck my there goes my argument.

Really got me there man.

That guy looks like a faggot and pretty non white. I always found that anyone who focuses on race are annoying fucks i dont want to interact with.


Bcz i take pride in who i am. Pigmentation is not anything I can take credit for.

i am very indifferent about this because 1 this is collectivism, something i oppose completely 2 i am like at least 1/8 or less black/indigenous such person died like 100 years ago i certainly dont look like them but i know they are part of my ancestry

Jewish people are white lmao

Shit like this

Hey it's the tweet where Trump says, "Sup Forums," jk, you are all man children



How and what words are connected with is not something we control. White pride came out of slavery and the KKK, thus is negatively charged. All the other prides mainly are shit arisen in later times, mostly to facilitate positive change, thus they're, to most people, positively charged. E.g black pride from Martin Luther and co and the end of slavery.

because i'm not a fucking retard


imo ashkenazi jews are white, it literally means european jew, and european means white basically

go back to Sup Forums faggot

The irony of the 'white pride' autists is they bring great shame on their race by being mental midgets and chimping out every time someone non-white voices an opinion.

They are to white people what niggers are to black people, an embarrassment.


Ah fuck there it goes again.

>taking pride in your non-elective birth circumstances

I'm too intelligent for white pride tbh.

No, they only say they are white when it benefits them to do so.
>Jewish Superposition.

Oops. Forgot obligatory pic.


I don't give a shit

holy shit that kid has a hole in his head. zombie confirmed


ORRRR maybe it's because the Jews run the media & entertainment industries and they've relentlessly been pushing associations like that while dragging anyone who opposed them through the mud.

Gee white genocide isn't a joke, it's serious business. We need to stick together amirite guyyzzz

>Not taking pride in what you are from the day you are born until the day you die no matter what else changes

but you are more than just a white boi, why the fuck is being white so important?