3x3 1 week

Actually reply to others edition

Other urls found in this thread:


+Cloud Nothings
~Touché Amore, Empire!
-Wavves, The Front Bottoms

do you have any pop punk where the vocalist does't sound like a faggot to recomend?
The Unicorns are a great band. i should listen more to them

What are Ween like? Good starting point?

listen to the mollusk
try that free throw album


You like to be outside and you like in a minor city like Portland or Dallas
You smoke a lot of weed
Freshman in college, I'm guessing science o english major

Haven't really listened to anything on your chart. What's your favorite album on there?
Horse Rotorvator is a great album. What's your favorite coil album?
I like the live version of blackjack a lot more than the studio version. I don't know why...

I'm going to post a 5x5 of the plebshit I've been listening to and there's nothing you can do about it.

>actually reply to others edition
i have listened to zero (0) of these albums
i gotta listen to that zola jesus again, I put it on as i fell asleep last night
new alvvays is growing on me. I swear I'll check out polyrock sometime

straight edge as fuck sorry to disappoint
probably horse rotorvator, ape of naples or and the ambulance died in his arms
i'm conflicted on the album, I like the darkwave and industrial influences but I don't know how well they blend with the poppy parts, but i definitely enjoy the experimentation and I think it's her best since stridulum

+Cloud Nothings & Touche Amore
+Coil, Liars, Chelsea Wolfe, & Zola Jesus
+Alvvays, Dwarves, John Zorn, & Tricot
+MBV, Wintertime, & Three 6
+Cardiacs & Throbbing Gristle
+Alvvays, Zola Jesus, & Julien Baker

Woman 19-23 from a big city most likely in college



Not a girl but I stay in NYC

What's the Jefre collab with the greek-sounding name guy like?

That's cool shit tho, props for admitting to liking ELP, even though honestly only the title track of that album's worth the while

goes to "parties" that are mostly a group of people softly talking in a dim lit room

>he knows what "parties" are
damn normie

+Unicorns, one of my favorite albums
Also thanks for reminding me I still have to listen to Hotel Foxtrot

What's that John Zorn like?

Wye Oak's the only thing I really recognize and I lost the albums I had of theirs I'm gonna look up some songs I liked. Saw them opening for Anco or something and they were good

kewl records, I feel you'd like Sun Ra esp Lanquidity

damn is Mozart's Symphonies Nos. 35-41 some fire or something, did it just drop?

old tunes vol 2 is so underrated and i hope you enjoy yankee hotel foxtrot it's such a great album and if you enjoy I recommend watching the documentary about it called "I am trying to break your heart" :)

>What's the Jefre collab with the greek-sounding name guy like?
It's surprisingly really good. I've been a fan of Jefre's for years so I checked it out without knowing much about the other guy, but it pretty much combines the shoegazey sound of On the Echoing Green with acoustic instruments. Check it out if you want:

>I feel you'd like Sun Ra
To keep with the weird outer space theme I've kinda been feeling like lately? I love Sun Ra by the way. One of the few true musical geniuses.

it is! even ppl who like early boc seem to pick out Random 35 and vol 1 and ignore vol 2, which is weird. So far I've only really heard that Billy Bragg & Wilco album, I love the musicianship on California Stars so I think I'll enjoy getting into Wilco. And my friend is a big fan so I'm sure he has that documentary, I'll see if he wants to watch it

>damn is Mozart's Symphonies Nos. 35-41 some fire or something, did it just drop?
no I just drone Boku

I don't know what the point of this thread is so I'll just post my most listened to albums of the past week

im really tired but theres a big spider in my room and im too scared to sleep

is that vashti any good
i like just another diamond day

what a bunch of nu-male garbage

yeah lookaftering is fantastic


im sure the spiders friendly
get some sleep friend