>The absolute state of Scouse women
Do other nations have anything as bad as Ladies Day at Aintree?
>The absolute state of Scouse women
Do other nations have anything as bad as Ladies Day at Aintree?
Looks like the average bird you'd meet at Walmart when you pick up your burgers and AR15.
i wana suc fat womn tity
>isn't interested in birds
You a poofter mate?
I would guess about 95% of these slags voted for Brexit
Be a man
Slap on a suit
Look respectable so long as it fits right
Be a woman
Slap on low cut, awkwardly designed fabrics and tonnes of makeup and look like shit
Why do women do this?
They spend so much fucking time getting ready and buying clothes and mostly look like shit
If you train your fatty well, she can lose weight and learn self discipline.
This girl looks like she would be legitimately hot if she lost a few pounds.
unironically this, in general British womenz are pretty ugly looking desu. I live in California so I am spoiled in choice by the diverse races of women here, and on average they are qt. It's really wherever you want to go you'll find them.
Santa Monica= Blonde qt's
East LA = tough to find latin qt's
LBC= Asian and Black qt's
Handbag looks like a bag of chips.
I'm jumping in the next Eurostar
>I live in California
We all stopped reading there.
I'm up in Liverpool at the moment, going to the National tomorrow. Loads of slags about today desu.
this makes me proud to be american
>ban islam from britain, we need to protect british culture!
you sure about that?
sorry you live in a cold shithole with ugly people lad
Wtf I love England now.
Why can't I have girls that thicc here?
white one is pretty hi test
tfw to inteligent for slags
> Today is the most fashionable day of the racing festival with a prize on offer for Best Dressed Lady
> prize on offer for Best Dressed Lady
> Best Dressed Lady
> Look at pics expecting some serious classy shit
> All dressed like sluts
Not even sluts my man
They look like low quality escorts
Why do Americans get called fat... most of these women are far fatter than anyone outside of the south
These disgusting fat slags, they are disgusting, but Christ do they turn my dick into diamonds.
ITT: Foreigners pretending they wouldnt bang some of this prime british minge
Think this one is a goer lads
these are actual middle class british women? jesus christ
It's Liverpool. It's what slags imagine a posh lady looks like.
they're all pretty fuckable desu
some of them are very attractive, plus brit women seem to be jovial and not stuck-up.
Welcome to Liverpool, lad. You can have your pick for a bag of chips and a liter of cider.
This is what your average British Woman looks like
Isn't that the fat chick from Wilson Phillips?
Are you a Gangsta Cuz?
most of them*
would the italians say that background man's tie is living La Dolce Vita?
Is everyone in Milan wearing their tie a foot and a half above their belt resting comfortably on their gut?
Does Ferragamo offer a line of tiny 1920s style ties so I can copy his look?
>middle class
these are chavs mate, they live in council houses i would think
No one wouldn't bang the prime ones
reddit gold to the first person who finds a pic of a scouse who has bare feet and the bottom of the feet are dirty.
DirtFoot is the best sign there is of White Trash.
Are rents high in Liverpool?
I think I just found where I'll spend next summer.
Doubt it,its an absolute shithole
Why don't any of them know how to apply makeup properly?
>putting on makeup with a fucking trowel
I don't know Gerard Pique why don't you tell me why
What's with French men loving BBWs? Why don't you all just vacation in the American South.
The fuck?
3 of like 10 legitimately attractive ones I saw.
How the fuck do britbongs do it? White women being that fucking ugly. Holy shit.
Real ladies don't go to things like this, the only women obsessed with screaming to the world that they're "real ladies" are attention whores who deep down know they're not
Hence the over abundance of sluttyness
I would get so deep in that big middle aged soccer mom ass I'd need a canary for safety.
There is something wrong with me.
Please explain, how come average American "Stacey" type basic bitches manage to be attractive, but british women are so disgusting across the board? I mean every country has uggos and fatties but it seems like 99% of the population in Britain are hideous monstrosities.
Note to bongs: no need to reply with one attractive woman on TV, you know what I mean and you won't disprove that with a few pictures of exceptionally good looking chicks
Alcohol mate
Why do you think the Anglo world was the first part of the world to embrace multiculturalism and immigration?
Hard to have population growth when your women look like that
they found a way. even worse than yours cletus.
post more british slagz
American women arent curvy, theyre just obese. You guys can keep them.
poor diets and alcohol
>Brexit is bad
You can buy a house for £1
they drink like 10x as much as anywhere else
>racism is cool
Trashy Marlyn Monroe
Honestly, women here are practically all Philly/Boston tier, they all generally drink A LOT, they're vulgar as fuck, easy lays, waaaaaay too much make up, obsessed with tanning oh and the smoking. Even the ones with rich parents are like this.
They make American women look natural in comparison
Ticking time bombs so gotta get in while it's fresh
Scouse people are disgustingly ugly even by our standards.
Mall clothes that make anyone decent who isn't a whale.
If you notice much of these women are wearing weirdly unfashionable outfits that appear to have been made themselves since they are so ugly and unflattering.
>be medieval qt pi
>have good genetics of celts and vikings
>get raped by landlord
>he gets caught by old hag of a wife
>he accuses you of being a witch and putting a spell on you
>get burned on the stake together with all the faggots
Many such cases.
There are hundreds of thousands of college girls there to fuck that do not fit those bills besides drinking and easy. Locals are shit though, true.
Think how hard those pants are to get off, probably most of the girls who buy those piss their pants more times than they get laid
Me in the middle
there's always the Newton, Mass girls who have the auld money
It's the poor diet, smoking, binge drinking combined with the fake tan "beautician" culture.
me on the right
>ok user, I'll gobble yer knob but if you spunk in me gob I'll chomp yer knackers off la'.
Those are just cheap rubber/vinyl pants but if they are anything like leather pants they are easy to get off because after about 15 minutes you start sweating and the sweat helps get leather pants off.
It's getting them ON that is shitty.
You're probably gay dog
I bet girls from cornwall look good, it's the only region that matters
British women are hotter than your average Slav.
If you aren't a proxy you already know British girls look like a bag of cottage cheese in a plastic bag if you live near the Algarve.
Fucking British ruined that area and turned it into Daytona Beach, Florida except with more fish n chips places.
These gr8 lds remembering the 96
It doesn't matter how fat British women are, they will always have those inbred faces
caption plz
Yeah Slav/Roach mixes
thinking of booking a weekend in Magaluf this summer...
england was a mistake
how many of these pictures are there?