So we can all agree that these dindus were some kind of false flag right?

So we can all agree that these dindus were some kind of false flag right?

Even by nigger and lefty standards, I absolutely do not believe that somebody could be dumb enough to believe that this 'act of protest' would cause anything other than an increase in trump voters and a confirmation of everything Milo says about the far-left victim complex

Other urls found in this thread:

With all those blacks on stage,
you'd think it was a slave auction instead of a Milo talk.

Why are niggers dumb?


No, they're actually that retarded. Go to the bitch's Twitter page and you'll see it first hand. Make sure you call her a nigger while you're there.

Don't underestimate the stupidity of niggers


Is that Idris Elba? Is there any role he can't play?

Quads of truth desu famili

link plz

They have their heads so far up their own ass they think this works. Their feedback is a completely closed loop of cunty entitied children that tell them how brave they are. They have no idea they're truly our greatest ally.

I wouldn't want to watch it if I were you.
It was painful. The sheer stupidity.

That nog in the OP? This is one of his facebook profile pictures

>Dindu snatches microphone
>Chimps out in Milo's face
>Starts whipping an nae-naeing

You honestly can't make this shit up.

Less talk more memes

the guy leaving the talk said it best

i want to hug katie bell

>what do you mean by this?

They were probably wanting to cause a mess and get arrested so they could claim later they were oppressed.. but it backfired on them spectacularly.

also 47m30s in the video.. the negroid girl dancing cause she knows she's doing something she's not supposed to.
>every damn time

The rule is that if it's anything that has Milo involved just ignore it.

>Come to watch a speaker talk about current issues in society
>Do it at a college, a place of learning to broaden your horizons and learn more about the world


I 100% agree. Weird how everyone knew each other. They were calling those niggers by name. Then the based black girl comes up and they belittle her as she talks about personal responsibility, ect.

not saying it was obviously staged, but fuck they cant be this stupid to just fall in line with Milo's act.

They should host their own event.. problem is nobody wants to listen to them, so they have to hijack somebody elses shit simply to get noticed..

>avoid conversation with the nigga, the nigga will lie, the nigga will make excuses, he would use words he don't really know
>if he gets really desperate he may start to rap or even dance

If these clowns hosted their own event, few if any would even bother to show up.. they're not interested in a debate, simply interested in stirring up shit..

black lies matter, setting back race relations in the US several decades, or atleast trying to.. If decent african americans had any sense they would knock them on their ass..



>If decent african americans had any sense they would knock them on their ass

I want to, but I rather have a Trump victory cause them to leave.


>So we can all agree that these dindus were some kind of false flag right?
>i don't believe niggers would do something dumb
Here's a tip, niggers are really really dumb and short sighted

underrated post

user, liberals really are this self-destructive and have no self awareness whatsoever. Just look at the shit from a few months back when that TEACHER was literally calling for thugs to remove someone that was filming a rally.

What the fuck did they think was going to happen?

>all of the above

Chose one

If only we could know...


He probably wanted to kill his kid and then the chick saw so he had to "Jump into action" to save the kid who "jumped in and closed himself in" thats my assumption.

they didn't get that the new ones lock up until the cycle is done

Honestly, duck the discussion. This was the BEST possible outcome of the seminar. In place of Milo talking about victim mentality and black privilege, we received an actual demonstration. In no way can anyone, regardless of partisanship, look at what those nigs did and sympathize with them.

I looked it up. It wasn't even the kid's Dad. The woman was apparently the girlfriend of the kid's Dad, and the guy in the video was the guy he was cheating on the kid's father with.

This is some next level cuck stuff.

Link to the girls twitter page???

I think they are just unpredictable, and what ever they are about to do, it is always an impulsive action.

Thats fuckin nuts

Thats possible

You really think anyone dumb enough to be a Marxist is too smart to pull shit like this?
>Top fucking kek

Increase in trump voters? You mean MORE racist white people? Good luck getting him in the white house with just that. I can't wait to see Trump lose and see your basement dweller dreams dashed. You people are so fucking stupid. Hilary won the white house the moment she decided to run.

Not sure if she was sarcastic or actually retarded...
I mean those sculptures are the sculptures of god damn Egyptians... not of the sub-saharan niggers.

Is there even one example in the last 16 years of republican/right-leaning people rebutting speech they disagree with by blowing whistles and otherwise making useless noise to drown out the speakers?

Because it sure seems to be a favorite tool of lefties


Congratulations OP, you figured out the master plan. All those dirty fucking illegal alien Mexican trespassing fucks waving around their dirty fucking Mexican flags are also on Trump's payroll.


i guess #imwithher now

Even when some dumber conservatives protest a speaker because, say, he doesn't believe in god or something, they don't do that.
Because one unifying thing about conservatives is that they all at least believe in freedom of speech.

Here (You) go mate, it's on the house

Listen buddy, you think it's only white people tired of shit like this? No, I've been on the Trump train since Chicago and as a black man. I despise BLM to the very core and for whatever it takes for their destruction. I'm all in.

One American friend once told me this: Never lean on a nigger, he will either let you fall or try to fuck you.

Not that specifically...

Haven't heard that one, but then again we don't have many blacks where im at.

Just as stupid sure
But they respect the first amendment at least.

>underestimates racism

retard alert.

Well he's from northern Alabama.

Video is 1h 58m, nignog steals the mic at 50m
Did he just shout things the whole hour?

We need to come up with more and more challenges.

There's about ten minutes of legitimate nigging

Milo tries to steer the attention away by moving to the middle of the room but the dindus just start blowing their minority whistles (literally can't make this stuff up) into the mic, there's some ten minutes or so of Milo and the audience basically berating the security for doing precisely jack shit about the situation, eventually everybody follows Milo to march to the dean's office or some shit like that

It's not worth watching it all but it's pretty funny

There was one black woman who came on stage that was against the niggly wigglys disrupting the event. And she was a math major. Lol. I guess the place where you can find respectable blacks is only in the stem department.


This is what it was. The point of direct action is to create a repressive response from authority. That's why when nothing happened, no one came to remove them, they didn't know what to do and she started dancing.

Im from the one good part of NOVA.


After 55:00 mark

56:40 exactly

Actually it's 56:30 mark

Warren County patriot reporting for duty.

Loudoun County here hope we don't become like Fairfax, legit biggest worry is that we become shit like the rest of NOVA.

I know the republican kid who put on this event. He is getting memed all over fb by liberals. Will report back with some liberal comments


There are some great places in Loudon. I'm basically straddling the Fauquier/Warren Co. border so I still live in a relatively brown-free zone.

Ah damn, she's pretty based. Would definitely be friends with.

Though I was there was a Trump loving qt like this on my campus.


Any of these BLM have jobs?

Really? What part? I'd like to see if I know the guy. Unfortunately, I know a metric fuckload of niggers.

Nice, i don't usually go over to warren county but it was pretty nice when i was down there.

>straight outta Chicago

Kek, like that's something to be proud of

actually if you look at the protester's twitter pages they are all getting praised

Not friends with this girl but her profile is public and she's been commenting on DePaul pages.

>bix nood intensifies

here's the info to both of those yesterniggers chimping on milo

And wait for it. You can't make this shit up

>women studies
I remember taking women studies for fun and it was full of fat girls.

>trans lives matter

I dunno, he told me but I forgot, I haven't seen him for two years now. Last I heard from him, he moved to Georgia, somewhere north of Atalanta, he has a metal band there, apparently.

I'll leave it up to you to find out, but you can find memes of him on this girls page

The Professor confirmed 4 hours ago that she's not Kayla's mom.


There were claims that she is a daughter of one of the professors. But professor posted, on her twitter, that she has no children.

This is Chicago we're talking about. The king of black-on-black violence. Does DePaul care?

Wait, ...trans lives matter? What the..

I'd just like can we hack her profile, and post stuff like ''Fuck me Donald''.

The east side of the city always making my city look like shit

Why aren't hate crime charges being leveled against these people for assaulting a gay man?
Who do we petition to get them brought up to have these violent uncivilized heathens jailed?

anyone knows how I can listen to this live from the Commielands?