Hello all, this is a mucore of 2017


Other urls found in this thread:



Replace long ride with lonesome crowded west

it's not. you shilled this chart in the other thread too. stop shitposting and trying to insert your favorite albums into mucore.

>808s instead of MBDTF
>Long Drive instead of Lonesome Crowded West
>NOTM instead of Money Store or just TPTB
cmon OP

no one is going to save this and repost it

just cut it out, OP

>The Dreaming instead of HoL

it's this, actually

I dont even listen to half of these


Kate Bush is too advanced to be Sup Forumscore.

Can straight men even properly appreciate her music?


grimes is mucore now with how often she is discussed
i think radiohead is definitely still mucore but tkol is the new hot item

do NOT do this

some suggestions:
- switch 808s with College Dropout, it's simply his best album
- switch Untrue with either Kindred or Street Halo EP
- take off GYBE

Grimes is not mucore. She is spammed exclusively by Grimesfags. 80% of this board hates her and her fans

That's actually way better than the old one. Go to Sup Forums wiki and ask them to post this chart there.

combine these three










It's incredible how literally everything written on that shitty jpeg is literal shit, don't you think? It needed some real dedication

GYBE is discussed daily
Untrue is discussed daily
Good idea on kanye

switch You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack with I'm Better Than U and perfect list

ow the edge


yeah but Burial has long since moved past Untrue, it's time we do too
same with GYBE

I think i cut myself on the edge by accident

read this
before you start being not nice to Grimes

looksthe same as 2011 hlf of those are not discussed anymore


Fuck grimes and fuck reviewers and fuck you


more importantly, read this pic related

i understand where you're coming from, and that's a good point,
honestly, but consider, mayhaps........
......fuck (You)!? >:3



Overage tb completely h

yes yes tell me more. your taste is ideal and all reviewers and Grimes fans are pleb, you are right

Thats worse

Aww grimesfags triggered?



it's the best chart itt so far

At least a teenager could grow out of being cringey

i think is better

cringey how?

Well for starters by acting like you

people has to realise how amazing Grimes music/art is and stop insulting her without any good reason

but how am I acting cringey


NOTM is amazing


>grimes just there for the sake of having grimes there

i'd much prefer exmilitary desu, an album which completely changed this board

oh, the sagacious joke. If you honestly listen to that shit, you're the edgy one.