Anyone else noticed that women are becoming even more against older men having a relationship / sex with younger women...

Anyone else noticed that women are becoming even more against older men having a relationship / sex with younger women? And when I say older men, I only mean mid to late twenties, which isn't even old I know. The card that these women now play is, "Girls are naive and not fully mentally or emotionally developed until their early to mid-twenties. This makes them easy to manipulate. If you're an older man with an interest in a woman under 25 then you're a predator.". I assume the reason why women become so aggressive about this is because they're afraid of getting older and men losing interest in them.

What happened to women wanting equality? Why are these women treating girls between 18 and 24 like they're not capable of making decisions? They wouldn't act this way if it was the other way around with a 18 year old guy and an older female.

I'm mid-twenties. I'm think 18 year olds are hot but also think plenty of 50 year olds are hot too. It's fine as long as it's legal.

>What happened to women wanting equality?
They got it.
Everybody's equal under the law. There's no group which has more rights than another.

The only issues left are petty social ones.

>Girls are naive and not fully mentally or emotionally developed until their early to mid-twenties.
Hasn't this kind of argument been going on for a long time now?
Isn't this essentially the line of thinking that resulted in the age of consent being 18?

>in the age of consent being 18
the vast majority of Western Nations and their states have AoC at 16.

>What happened to women wanting equality?
Women got it. That's why they are against men going after young women. Now that everything is equal, there is no reason to ever date an older woman over a younger one.

Feminism got exactly what it asked for and like everything else driven by women, it completely blew up in their faces.

Unless you are tied down by children there is no reason to associate with an older woman over a younger. Young women are just as likely to be into casual sex. Young women are just as likely to have a good job. Young women are MORE likely to pay their own way instead of expecting the man to pay for everything as they grew up in an environment of being equal instead of being waited on for most of their lives.

Would you rather date an saggy 40 year old woman with a bunch of kids from her first husband that expects you to pay for dates or a tight 22 year old that buys her own coffee before fucking you in the restroom after meeting up on tinder?

That is why older women are against men going after younger women.

Single moms are to blame. They want a cuck to come raise their little child support victim instead of seeing a man hump and dump a hot little piece of ass 18 year old girl.

I think it's good that teenage girls stop dating older guys. Let them date guys their own age. Only the girls can stop it, because there will be always desperate guys looking for an easy teenager.

Spotted friend zone guy.

Practicing your "pretend not to want teen girls" rhetoric, I see.

That's scoliosis right there.

Literally who cares?

this a new meme or somethin?

because old men are gross and they remember how naive they were as teens and how older men always abused them.

most women are genetically attracted to older guys in much the same way guys are attracted to younger women.

the fuck you care either way what is "acceptable" or not?

I've just began to see more of it. More on the internet really.

It's just that they always talk about women being powerful and independent with brains of their own and then when it comes to me having sex with them they treat young women like children saying they're too naive and easily manipulated.

Agree. I also think it's this new breed of feminists they think they're edgy.

It's totally fine for them to date guys their own age lol. I'm not stopping them. I'm just saying that guys find younger women hot and theres nothing wrong with that.

By older it's somewhere around 5 years older. younger girls are not attracted to old men, that's something made up by old men like you so that they think they should be attracted to older men.

36 year old user here dating a 20 year old, been together 2 years in January.

Always went for older women before.... fucking idiot.

Not the user you were replying to, but you're absolutely right. There is a point at which younger women are attracted to older men, but, seemingly overnight, a point is reached where their reaction to the attentions of an older man is just "Ewwww, gross!" It sucks, because for we older men, our feelings have pretty much stayed the same in regards to how we feel about ourselves. I feel, emotionally, pretty much the same as I did in my 20's, but long ago, I started getting the "Ewwww, gross" reaction.

post tits

Just gotta keep at it user....
You’ve got older so just simply walking up to a young woman isn’t gonna cut it anymore, change up your game and it’s easily possible

If you are older, decent look with a fit muscular body then younger women will be into you. I know many women are not always into muscular guys BUT I believe that if a woman of any age sees an older man with a great body, they can't help but look and admire it. I've noticed this with my sister when watching TV. I'd say that she's not the type to go with a big muscular guy. Her style is more alternative. She has a boyfriend her age who is a skinny type but when an older man appears on TV with big muscles I always catch her in the corner of my eye looking up from her laptop to the TV for a good while. They just cannot help it.

This is all worthwhile advice up to a point, and believe me, I've modified my approach many times over the years with great success, but nonetheless, there comes a point where the younger woman who expresses interest in someone my age (63) is as rare as a unicorn.


I think older men can look better with a beard because it covers up aging face. Have a beard with a good toned body and some fitting clothing and I reckon you could get some attention.


it's a forced meme for newfags to pretend they're funny, just ignore it