Why is this game so bad?

Why is this game so bad?

Aww someone stuck in bronze

Did hanzo scatter arrow you again?

Git gud, nub

I don't even play. The game is so disgustingly simple and boring that it makes me retch after a few minutes of playing.

You pay 40 dollars and no campaign. But it works out because most people will buy blizzard games anyways.

its actually a really fun game you just gotta git guud

>I don't even play
>makes me retch after a few minutes of playing

Choose one

Baddies gonna bad. Go Junkrat, ideal for baddies

You pay 40 dollars for an unfinished game that's not even worth half of that. The game should be free to play imo.

So which is it? You don't even play, or you wretch after playing? Bit contradictory.

I bet you think anything that has mainstream appeal is inherently bad, don't you?

Fuck off, hipster.

Because it's the same thing over and over and over. Kinda like DoTA and LoL.

Different user here. I wouldn't necessarily say it's "fun" but it's definitely bearable. Especially if you have friends to play with.

ruining bait thread with pic dump

Maybe I stopped playing after playing it made me retch? And I'd rather play a game that actually takes skill to play than this excuse of a game.



Two words: Git gud


Nope. I like League. And I think csgo is a good game. Overwatch is just bad.

TF2 is free to play, got to a fast move speed server, and there you have overwatch

Figure out those new runes yet? I managed to have the BE to get urfwick, was a happy day


Nope. I just copy opgg for now.

I mean, he's right. The skill ceiling and overall quality of the game is so terrible compared to something like TF2 or CSGO. Blizzard is a bunch of baboons catering to other baboons.

Or maybe you're a lying would be contrarian.

lame, don't be a puppet, try something new. That's what preseason is for yo

garbage human, kys

They missed the mark, class based shooters were played out years ago

I will. Too lazy now.

It's bad because blizzard is bad.

Play something that takes skill faggot.

someone please drop trap porn so op can /thread

fair enough, try lethal tempo vayne if you havent yet. That with guinsoos is a lot of fun if you are good with her ult mechanics

The worst part about the game is the SJW aspect. You can't suggest anyone change their role or try different strategy without being called toxic. It's a cancerous environment. Basically reddit the video game

I honestly never played vayne. Don't even own her.


Which lane do you play? I've tried a good bit of shit out already

It's only around for inspiration on rule 34

Because people
>etc ...

>Get behind my sh... !

I think you should just stick to pacman or tetris although tetris might be to hard for you...

filthy subhuman, kys

If you wanna vent and trash popular gaems go there. If you think it's bad, atleast elaborate.

It's TF for SJWs. You can get banned for basically anything and there is no real skill involed. Problem solved. Have a nice day OP.

jungle was my main, then top/mid and supp. i suck at adc.

Lol so if i think the game is bad, i must suck at it, right? And the game i play require way more skill than overwatch.

filthy casual, suck a nigger cock

There's a hecarim build going around that caters to high move speed, that one seemed pretty legit, need to try it out still.

Played Olaf with predator and lifesteal build, worked ridiculously well in all the games I got to try it.

gaylord, kys

it is like not beeing abel to dance because you are a retarded fat fuck and then complaining that dancing is bad.
you have two options: go work out, learn dancing and have fun or do something els and let people enjoy it.
stupid user.

Low skill ceiling, low skill floor, basic, uninteresting kits, lots of aim bot and aim assist in those kits, plain, stereotypical and uninteresting characters, lack of content for the price you pay and pandering to sjws and other faggots.

olaf is a beast if you get ahead.

cuck, die.

I'd say symmetra is the most newb friendly.. that character pretty much does everything for you

or maybe you like waltzer and not macarena so you say macarena is bad. you dont have to suck at something to think its shit.


Everything you just said is incorrect.. but it sure is fun pretending to know what you're talking about huh?

1) people wont work together
2) wont fight to secure the objective
3) people keep trying to 1v6,1v5,1v4,1v3,1v2 instead of sticking together.

No but it helps

TF2 for scrubs designed with waifus (not gameplay) in mind, what is there more to say?

Lol. Please explain to me how this game takes skill to play. Itss literally a game made for casuals and the only reason its competitive is because blizzard throws money at it. Overwatch is as simple and as basic as call of duty.

Wow that makes it even more impressive that the gameplay was so perfect

Indeed...like in 99,9% of all games that type today. Most games are ok, but get turned to shit by the players who give zero fucks about anything

Maybe play against some better players

Because it's a class based fps that people try to play competitively and the only competitive fps that will ever matter is CS. Tf2 is better than overwatch because it knows that class based fps is fucking retarded.

I’m with you op this game sucks dick. The fanboys make it seem like it’s wonderful while other like me and op just see a cookie cutter game boring as fuck

>wait for OP ult the game

leftist shill, kys

None of the ults are op you just don't know how to play the game so when someone uses it you always get caught

How does that make the game not bad lol

It doesn't.. the game being good makes it not bad

Oi fuck you you inbred piece of dog shit

But its not good.

But it is

Not if you want to play something that takes skill.

I don't play video games to impress people I play them to have fun.. because I know in reality no one gives a shit how good I am at video games

its pretty simplistic in how it's played gotta give you that.

The other team is doing the dying. I get to kill half their team just for waiting. How is that not op?

I bet you're the kind of faggot that makes his friends watch him play dark souls

Because its a team fortress clone. And tf sucks dick

Because none of the specials are op.. if you know how to detect them and avoid putting yourself in situations where you can't get away or find cover quickly they are really easy to avoid

>I have fun playing low skilled games
I bet you are a console peasant too.

Consoles are the way of the future friend.. soon enough computers will be completely phased out

Because your taste in games usually change as you get older. Notice how only little kids play this shit game.

If it didn't take skill, wouldn't everyone win all the time?

How will they make games without computers?

Because future

I dont think you read my post.

I don't think you read mine

The games beautiful, sorry if you're mad over buying a game you knew didn't have story. Learn to synergize with your team, play lots of classes, learn the meta for each character, wreck ass. And if ya one of those punks saying it's easy and simple, shut the fuck up or post season rating above 3500. Just sayin'.

I dont think you think

I think you're right

Never played that

I'm pretty sure you have to be a Sup Forums-level idiotic elitist to actually think that's a bad thing

So your perfect game has hiding as its main counterplay? The problem is they are too fucking easy to pull off, at least in tf2 you have to do something to build a charge meter and you lose them on death.

it's fun for 2 hours before you realize it's a shittier TF2 designed for kids

Sup Forums-level idiocy is thousands of time worse proven by the likes of you. Be honest, do you also game on your phone?

Not the same guy

You're not baiting anyone, but I'm sorry if you actually think like this

enjoy your angry birds faggot

retarded hitreg.
random shoots not hitting count as headshots, direct hits just go through enemies.
hence it doesnt depend on skill, just luck, so it draws shitloads of casuals