Kentucky thread?

Kentucky thread?

Whoops sorry uploaded a thumbnail hold on



hurry up. I have dick in hand


any more of them? particularly lefty?


that the girl on the right? she's hot





You going to post video or just be a fag


Lol I went to her school... her name is Kelly Donnelly, shes from Lexington. I was actually the original poster of that picture... Why do people think there's a video? That's straight from her instagram freshman year lol

Like that's why the Instagram tagged people symbol is in the corner. She eventually didn't go to college and is learning how to pole dance. She blocked me from her IG but if you want to test your lick go ahead






you guys need to list which holler they come from


All lexington

caroline - lexington

who and more

tits are perfect

Do you work at Sqecial?


georgetown i think?

Why did she block you from IG?

nope - that place is weird, and i'm not a hipster or a hippie


Mackenzie Metzger- phoenixtide on instagram

Because I don't know her personally

who has this whore sucking dick?


cmoog or something on ig lexington


how tf did an asian get into kentucky?

Ask her father. She's from Kentucky after all


i went to school with her, she use to talk about how in middle and highschool shed get guys 30+ on whisper and tinder and suck their dicks

first girl to suck my cock at 15. never saw her again

post some southeast kaintucke, i just moved here and most of the chicks are FUGLY, prove me wrong

uk bitch that lived at 524 last year. spoiled little rich cunt, i know theres pics of her around.

lex girl who was in playboy a few years back

adopted i think

Where da Paducah at?