Hey Sup Forums how to stop being pedo >inb4 kys

hey Sup Forums how to stop being pedo >inb4 kys

i have tried orgasmic reconditioning but its just too hard bc my attraction is too strong(why didnt it work for the gays in the past?), i am considering surgical or chemical castration. i never would touch a kid inappropriately, but i still feel like society hates me, and sure you can red pill me and say this is all the liberals agenda, and you may be right, but i just want to know what i can do besides kms because that is too obvious and death is inevitable anyways

Are you a geniune paedo or a heebophile?

most of the time hebephile but sometimes it goes a bit lower

its just the liberals trying to hurt you op, "just b urself" and accept 2d into your heart. it will all be daijobu.

also chemical castration does not cause you to stop being attracted to underage females. it just kills your sex drive. if you are upset with yourself for being attracted to underage females, the chem castration stuff will not really be beneficial to you.

thats the problem at what point do you say it is not ok, theres a point where you just are accepting more and more degeneracy and it doesnt help, but i dont know shit to do, idk if its genetic or not, think about how all the gays were put into conversion therapy and it didnt help

Gay men aren't pedophiles.

there have always been pedos and there will always be pedos. hating someone for being pedo won't cause there to be fewer pedos in the future. you aren't accepting sexual abuse of children, you're just accepting that there's a weird part of you that finds children sexually attractive.

who said it was females?

i understand the slippery slope theory i just cant believe that people would actually accept it when i dont even want to accept it myself but at some point it feels pointless to hatemyself for something i cant change(so far)

sorry i'm really tired and accidentally projected. i think i meant to say underage children which is really redundant so lets just say children, or in your case it sounds like its just adolescents and teens

How about midgets OP? Ever consider one of them?

ive tried fapping to all of the substitutes it just doesnt get me off idk

yikes what if im a gay pedo?

homosexuality and bisexuality is pretty commonly reported by hebephile and pedophile persons

How about horses? Have you tried fapping to horses yet?

How would you even know?

i seldom associate with anyone who is not a pedophile and quite a few of the people i have spoken to about this are bi or homo. one of my best friends is bi. i wouldn't say bi/homo is more common than hetero, but i would say pedos are significantly more likely to be bi/homo than non pedos.

Untrue. Its a bad stereo type.

we should get together and compare notes some time only i don't have any facts to back anything up. i only know i keep bumping into homo pedos online. i don't think its a stereotype that homo pedos are more common among pedos than homos are among non pedos.

ik ur jk but i actually am repulsed by other paraphillias like incest, zoophillia, scat, necrophillia, i dont even like most videos because theyre either too young and/or being taken advantage of by a nasty old fuck, thats why i only like webcam and self made stuff