Does systemic racism exist?

Does systemic racism exist?

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So a hispanic or white person can call me a nigger now and it won't be racist because ridiculing someone because of their race is no longer racist?

What a stupid question

Affirmative action in US is institutional racism against whites. Desu.

Yes. Every rule I don't like is just racism.


"Systemic racism" is a term used by people who can't bring themselves to accept that the black communities real problem is genetic inferiority.

Pol will tell you It doesn't exist even if you post tons of examples of if.

I wouldn't come to pol for any opinion as most are sociopathic losers who use this place the same way a five year old that writes curse words on a bathroom stall.

Please post tons of examples.

yes and no
do black people are shit and do shit?yes the government knows that? yes
the government hates them just because of their skin color? no
if it was really racist agains everyone that is nonwhite, then it would be racist agains asians too, but wait asians dont do most of the crimes in usa despite being a minority, like blacks do

the example? what do you mean a example? ITS EVERYWHERE
ITS 2016
are you kidding me just look outside everything is racism and white people are hating innocent black people because of the evil media! they dindu nuffin!

The left circle isn't even the true meaning of racism.
Its stopping the freedom of someone to do something based on their skin. Thats it.

>The Structual Oppression of Non-Whites

Seems like a pretty racist statement to me.

if racism is systematic, why is there the term systematic racism?

Affirmative action is government mandated racism

Why so then you can question the sources. I'm good.

Nice ad hominem.

Kill yourself faggot.



'government legislature'

wew lad

Racism is hating other people because of their ace

nice american education
nice reading comprehension
nice post pretending to be smart by using this phrase in latin

Nah I'm not. I'm not about to sit and try to change the mind of a bunch of know it all edgelords, nazi, basement dwellers.

I've done that twice today and frankly it's a waste of time.

All of you fags hold on to your puesdo science

I'm personally pretty open minded. And it's just making you look worse if you don't even try

>I-I'm so smart I don't have to make an argument.

What are you going to do when Emperor Trump takes the white house? Complain on the internet as the political shift to the Right makes SJWs and Leftists the basement dwelling edgelords?

I really don't care what you have to say. It's pol.

You've deluded yourself into thinking what you type affects me. You should stop.

>I'm right!
>how come?
>psst, i don't need to explain why..

I really don't belive that you are open-minded at all. If you need proof of systematic racism then you don't pay attention to the proof that it exist.

show me one piece of evidence for the one on the left that's being used after civil rights movement


Yeah I don't care about you pegging me as a sjw simply because I don't have the same neo nazi ideas you do.

And yet you jump to assuming I'm a Neo-Nazi because I don't believe in systematic racism against minorities?

What a hypocrite. Give an argument or STFU.

racism is just treating anyone differently just because of thair race.

it doesn't matter which race is victim

Yes, it's called Affirmative Action. Getting whites and Asians screwed over by low IQ browns since 1995.

Racism is discrimination on the basis of race, full stop. The word 'racism' does not and never has entailed any other meaning. It does not refer specifically or exclusively to real or imagined poor treatment of non-whites, or to whatever imagined "system of discrimination" your major is in.

Make me stop typing? Make me make a point I don't have to. And is making me happy that me not doing what you want is making you so mad.

Like a five year old.

What next? are you gonna call me a cuck or a nigger? Am I not welcome in your nazi hugbox?

I don't.

Google is a wonderful resource.
use it.

as a man with a hispanic background it absolutely disgusts me to see both men and whites are treated like dogs. the same race that built this country from ground up and lets us have our freedom and prosperities its absolutely disgusting, if anyone should be treated as a dog is the common black man.


>Pay attention to the proof that it exist
If you could just give an example maybe people will start listening to you, the fuck. You cant convince others to believe in you by not stating facts.

Lick more white ass Jose

You mad bro?

>cultural norms that conflict with other cultural norms is now racism
>unless they're white, of course!

Racism exists. There are a lot of people in the world who hate others and treat them differently on the basis of their race, and Sup Forums is obviously home to a lot of those people. That isn't what this thread, or the larger argument that it is related to, is about.

>If you need proof of God then you don't pay attention to the proof that he exists.
How's it feel to be in a cult?

Use Google. I could care less if some kid on pol who I will never ever meet understands my point of view or not.

No but you are.

>I'm willing to make ten posts saying I don't need to make an argument, instead of making an argument

Yeah he mad.

Ask Tevin Geicke.
Oh wait, you can't.
He was beaten to death while wearing his country's uniform, by a pack of "unarmed" black teenagers, screaming how much they hated white people.

i hope so. foreigners should not have same rights as citizens

God is not the same as racism.

Nice try tho.

I wish I wasn't an atheist so I could make a "Yeah, God actually exists" joke, but I am so I can't. Someone else make the joke.

What ever makes you feel better. Calling me mad doesn't make it so. No matter how much you belive it does.

Why the hell are you on Sup Forums again? Maybe lurking more will help change your views but then again youre the one claiming that systemic racism exists towards minorities and not citing or giving one example, youre a lost cause.

>the structural oppression of non-whites

I wish you didn't exist. We all can't have what we want.

No meaning of a word has a strict meaning, there's really not one correct answer.

Anything pertaining to one race being superior over the other can be correctly considered racist. People's own more detailed opinions don't matter.

Saying MOST people have a wrong understanding of a word because you think you know the true correct meaning goes against many basic concepts of language.

Whats the cause?

Hey OP, racism bites both ways asshole.

>Does systemic racism exist?
Yes. Whites and Asians are less likely to get into medical and law school because of their ethnic background, and the media likes to pretend white peopel are evil.

Stop posting this fake and wrong definition of racism.
Its offensive to believe that other people will just accept this changing of definitions to suit your ideological narrative that just exists to be racist against only white people without any repercussions (good luck kek).
How stupid do you actually think we are?



It exists and it's called affirmative action.
What's that? You got the highest scores in your class? Too bad, deltrice gets the scholarship because of her skin colour.

Super mad

Affirmative action exist because discrimination exists.

I'm crying about it. :/

No, unless you're willing to argue that the systematic racism is constructed to privilege Asians because they consistently perform better than whites.

Turbo mad.

>implying mindless institutions can be racist

Show me a law that's racist

>You're in high school
>You're a kissless virgin
>You're an atheist
>You're fat
How many did I get right?

In college
Haven been a virgin since the age of 14
I believe in God
I'm average.

So 0 for 4.

What are systemics and how are they racist ?

>says make me make a point I dont have to (nah nah)

>admits it's making him happy that he thinks people are getting mad when really they are just telling him he's an idiot.

dude the only one acting like a five year old is you.

nigger you are like 21 posts in and stilly trying to pretend you don't care and somehow convince us that you don't have time to show any of the myriad of resources you claim to have. if you had anything you would have posted it by now.

also for someone who "could care less if some kid on pol who you will never meet understands your point of view" you post constantly. it's quite apparent you care an awful lot.

To an extent--but it's all perpetuated by leftist Jews.

As an example, Jewish record labels sign black gangsta rappers and other assorted thugs who then preach hate, encourage degenerate behavior like drug use, thugging, twerking, pimping etc and then market it to urban black youth and the "black community." They do this in order to keep blacks dumb and violent while the Jews make record level shekels; blacks who attempt to see through this brainwash are labeled as "uncle toms" and are shunned by other blacks. If you try to point this out to leftist media kikes, you're labeled as a racist and "intolerant of black American culture." That's a misnomer because modern urban black youth culture was entirely manufactured by the Jews.

Dude, calm down! It's just a forum. No need to be so fucking mad.

A lot of us used to have stupid beliefs we couldn't back up and this place forced us to face reality. You'll come along.

Systemic racism is when South Africa fires its white utility company workers for no reason other than them being white.
Systemic racism is when Zimbabwe chucks out whites and seizes their farmland.

What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

Case in point. This is when it all started.

Notice how this picture makes it seem as though cultural norms aren't valid (specifically the use of "" around the term norms).

But they don't mean all cultural norms - only white/western cultural norms are the problem.

None of these liberal fags have a problem with the black cultural norms of single parenthood, rampant violence, sexism, and glorification of ignorance.

None of these liberal faggots seem to mind the cultural norms of Muslims: homophobia, intolerance of other religions, and sexism.

Nope. Only whites must change their culture to fit within the progressive agenda.

the one on the right should be changed to
"Most rich people are WHITE!!!"

Nope. It exist because blacks consistently underperform compared to other racism (even when you account ses).

The real answer is blacks, as a group, are less intelligent than other races. But no one has the balls to say that.

The easy answer is "whitey be evil" & "gibs me dat" - which is an easier sell because "muh slavery" & "muh hitler"

Pictures don't lie

>A white girl nigger in middle school

Some minorities, particularly blacks, are not held to the same standards as whites. When they speak substandard English you cannot correct them or you're called a racist. When they don't perform well on tests we mark them up instead of telling them to try harder. It has been said that the first step to fixing a problem is admitting it exists and that isn't something anyone seems to want to do. All of these things enables the poor behavior keeping them down.

"Systemic racism" is the bogeyman used to explain widespread inferior outcomes for a racial or ethnic group when the real reason is too inconvenient or politially damaging to repeat.

"Proof" of systemic racism comes in the form of pointing out these poor outcomes but the connection to a societal oppression is NEVER provided.