Quads gets senior quote

Quads gets senior quote

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I really, really like this image

Disregard wenches, aquire currency.

Why are we here, just to suffer?

*smacks lips*

"I came, I saw, I dindu nuffin"

lol re-rolling for this

we wuz kangz

Been done already.. "People don't think it be like it be, but it do."

Ooga Booga - Nigga


God or no God, each is an uncertainty.
To dictate whether God is or isn't, is to strictly be envolvped in one's own ego and or pride of culture.

To be honest, watermelon's overrated.
-some punk-ass bitch

checked tho

I want to give Emma Watson a Dirty Sanchez.

"that's some scoliosis right there"

My dog gave me AIDS


I'm gay.

fucking 5

rerolling for this

blacks should be slaves stupid nigger bitch cunt fucking cunt nigger jew bitch nigger

im a nigger jew nigger nigger nigger jew

how many niggers can a nigger jew nigger if a nigger jew could nigger jews

"how do white boys even compete."

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

I'm the first black man with a small penis

ay yo man wasup my mang ay is'yer boi ayye is'yer boy tyrone silberstein nigger jew


ay nigger ay nigger jew ay nigger jew ay nigger jew

Damn, niggers are ugly.


dey say it don't be like it be... but it do.


I still play Undertale from time to time

You learn any new vocabulary lately, gay homofaggot?

they don't say it be like it is, but it do

Hitler did nothing wrong

We wuz kangs n shiet

word fam put sum respek on it

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like? - Neil Armstrong


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid


dindu nuffin

"I came, I saw, I dindu nuffin"

Keven Spacey molested me too.

tl;dr you're stupid if you don't find inspiration in the quote "WUBBA LUBBA DUB DUB"

im pickle rick

I am a nigger faggot

"I can taste my lips"
- your friendly neighborhood nig

my nama jeff

I really, really, really like watermelons and fried chicken.

Mia Khalifa is overrated.

I'm a nigga faggot boy


Dindu nuthin


re-roll for this desu



Since this is my last year here I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm a homosexual.

life is a joke death is the punchline


I invented slavery




Ooga Booga I be a KANG

Shlow for Shlceep


skittles n coke are two of my favorite KANGZ

"What did I ever do to you?"

Should've shot the place up when i still had the chance.

I enjoy watching young Sheldon on ABC with my friends and family

You're fucking me

>quads kill giganigga

I wish I could give myself a rimjob.

rolling for this

Holy fuck still checking for quads
>I am the giganigga

it wasn't me

>it wasn't me

Black people aren’t real because they aren’t black, nor people.


I dindu nuffin

i am not laughing

I let Sup Forums decide my senior quote.


Where da white women at?

Living proof integration backfired

reroll kek

We wuz Kangs n shit

nig nig


We Wuz Graduates n sheeeit.

I am a mighty faggot

i hate black people


It's ok to be white

My nama Jeff.