anyone who disagrees is trolling.

Other urls found in this thread:

na.op.gg/summoner/userName=I like vodka

>lux support
>no support item
>rushes zhyonas
Your deserve b5 u monkey

yeah, nearly all the builds on that team are kinda out of wack

It's not all about kills, it's about taking advantage of the other team and pressing objectives when they are down.

I honestly uninstalled. The game isn't fun unless you queue with friends. Also, dude you've been posting these threads for 4 years coming strong.
>W H Y

And look at the cs they need to go practice on bots

rushes zhonya against a super fed zed

you must be one of the retarded bronze shitters I get queue'd with

4 years almost to the day

I'm impressed...

Elo hell is an illusion. You will win through practice and self improvement. A good thing to do is to admit that many problems in your performance, both in life and league come from yourself, and by improving yourself, you will inevitably achieve a rank you feel you deserve. And remember, almost 75% of ranked players are in bronze and silver. Take these words to heart user.

I've been playing since 2010 and have never made it to bronze 2

I have years of screenshots showing that I'm not like the people on my team

and if you cant see this plain truth in front of your face, you are either mentally handicapped or trolling

what was ur wardscore

Ok looking at this, the rest of the people in your team are fucking boosted monkies
>a negative riven
>susan jg
>boosted ashe

Have you played with the new runes/masteries? What the actual fuck. Messed up my play style on a lot. Plus I feel as if everyone got a movement speed reduction.

>played ranked with bronze players, got deleted
>played with friends on their silver smurff accounts, did well without being boosted
Honestly league is defiantly shit for soloque. I'm tired of being queued up with premade parties.

I've told you this before, you need to participate in team fights or at least have SUPPORT items if you're going support. Sightstone and trinkets go a long way

Play adc to get out of bronze, it took me two days to get out from bronze 4 to silver 5

or bc u play teemo

ive legit climbed from bronze 3 to plat 3 in my lifetime once.

Climbed out of silver many times.

Not much experience in the bronze depths but its actually not that hard and u might just be a stubborn shitter.

>playing adc
>in season 7
I see what you did there

>preseason 8
>all roles are good

I climbed from Bronze II all the way here this season lol


lol not elo hell. you just fucking suck

You should have ended the game quicker in this particular scenario. Don't fuck around with kills. If your team is being fucking retarded you say fuck them and do it by yourself. I learned that from Illaoi. Also teemo is actually garbo. Use a champion that contributes more than 75%damage, a blind (only effective against jax, yi, and yas ftmp), and wards that do damage. Illaoi split pushes faster and harder, snowballs harder, and will force the enemy to 3, even 4v1 you, and still lose a lot of resources. Look at team contribution that can function even if you have to become the team. Look into one (1) hard carry, one man army champ and only play them unless your autofill taxes come and you have to pay the kike overlords at riot.

wow 5 kp
nice presence

Oh you're like my friend who will go xerath support, build no support items, then complains when he gets 2 shot by the midlaner and does no damage because he has 15 cs at 30 minutes. I even asked him "If you wanna go full ap xerath, why not just queue for mid?" and he just said that he like support better. WELL THATS OBVIOUSLY NOT TRUE IS IT?

I may have gotten off topic there.

Teemo might actually be the worst champion in the game. He has literally 0 teamfight potential. It's like picking nidalee and wondering why you lose teamfights.

Bruh I got a gold 5 Smurf account I'll sell ya. But I'm with the masses here, that build screams B5. Playing support in bronze is asking to not get out. My tip, learn jungle. Low elo it's easy to carry from the jungle. You can turn every lane in your favor instead of having control only over your own lane til mid game.

As a guy who has level 7 teemo. Build AD teemo to hard carry

Gotta go AD and AS teemo to be anywhere near viable for firefights. Or just build tankmo with frozen mal. Still there is much better options tho

Honestly support is brain dead easy if you just play it right. Don't play shitty half supports like Lux or Zyra and play something like Janna or Soraka and he'll be fine. It's really not that hard to shield your adc and faceroll the rest of your spells.

see how much your mother and I have in common?

it's funny how you know english words but can't get out of bronze

not OP, but what you would build on him? I usually go
>Soc Boots
>20% CDR grievous wounds
>BORK or armor pen item

Dude we can all cherry pick games that we've lost that we did good during.

if you really want to climb be top mid or jungle and pick noob stompers such as Master Yi ,Annie,Jax, mundo or anyone with strong easy to use abilities that are easily exploited at higher elos but work well on bad players at low elos

i see your problem there OP, you picked fiddle support.

2 paths, same result. If ahead start with RH, next build berserkers greaves, guinsoo rageblade. Next a liandrys for the burn. If you feel you can win soon build more damage, if not grab a frozen mal. If behind just start with frozen mal

It's simple logic
You are placed against people your same elo
If there are leavers or trolls on your team, guess what
There are on the opposing team too.
If you suck, you suck. End of story.

What the fuck is that build?

Op gg

learn it, use it

...people still play this faggot ass baby moba?

If you're seriously bronze 5 after actually trying to improve then ur never gonna get anywhere relevant.

quit the game or enjoy being shit for the rest of ur life.

teemo is an ap assassin, if you play him any other way you are a retarded faggot

if you think the enemy team is going to let a teemo stand there and auto attack them, you are in for a rude awakening

Dude as a guy who got Plat after playing for just 2 seasons and the main thing that helped me out is game knowledge. Even tho your kda is not you builds are bad like not getting sup items and a red trinket as a sup and you need to learn how to close out games sooner and play for objectives and not kills na.op.gg/summoner/userName=I like vodka

Bruh you got a loss. Im a plat player teemo main. You don't have to believe me. Just giving some advice

Regardless, you are worthless in a teamfight.

Also, are we really surprised that the teemo main is in bronze? The two are practically synonymous at this point.

Got masters last season and I'm laughing at how much OP is trolling. Who the fuck gets a 6 KDA in last 40 games and goes 13-26.

You're either a troll or a grade A retard.

thanks bau5. Have some booty for your time

There are actually many teemo mains in diamond and challenger

There is 1 teemo main in all of masters/challenger.

And he's a teemo jung main.

Majority of all Teemo mains peak at d1 because the champ doesn't carry and is only a pest. Anyone good can deal with it.

Exactly. Dubs of Truth.

One trick pints are rare in challenger in general, to be the best you have to be able to build a competent team. The fact there is 1 in challenger shows teemo is viable. But nobody's gonna argue he's the best champ in the game

I'd say it's more the player's talent than teemo being viable. You know he mains that because teemo is a meme-y champion.

Hey, I've been playing since pretty much the beginning (with a few breaks) but never bothered to fuck with ranked. It always seemed like I'd just be dealing with cancer. Is it worth trying? I've always maintained 20-30% more wins than losses, but play mostly ARAM in the last couple years (time constraints and all).

If you don't mind the cancer, then go for it. Just remember that there's literally no monetary gain to ranking up, so if you don't enjoy playing ranked there's no reason to do it. Dunno why people will hate ranked but then go right ahead and queue up for another.

What kind of reach is that? There's countless 1 tricks in masters+

But when you can reach masters playing a mechanically demanding champ like, riven, lee, zed, yasuo, etc.

...everything else can be played at masters level.

Not a fucking teemo though. You don't see garen one tricks in masters, why? Because they are shit and the champion is shit to anyone with skill.

Teemo is only around because of its shrooms being invisible.

I have a Bronze troll account. I literally win every game that I try to win and lose the rest of games where I flame, troll, int etc.

Yeah, I have to agree with others, I wanted to be a pro LoL player for so long, but this season I finally realized how shit the game is and that "LoL pros" are simply meta sheep that have decent mechanics and a team behind them, the game requires very little skill and is very boring to watch due to the meta.

>Easily exploited

Literally no one in this thread said anything like that. We just said that OP was shit.

Been playing since the week before xin was realised highest I got since I move alot is silver 1 I think I would be gold 5 if I didn't have to move so damn much

You’re cherry picking your best games and most of them are pretty lackluster lol, this is embarrassing. I’ve been playing for 2 seasons and ended masters, if you have any basic fucking understanding you can get to at least gold. Hell people who master a champ and don’t know shit about the actual macro of the game get to plat on that alone. You’re a big shitter and the worst part is that you blame your teammates. Bronze 5 is literally the lowest of the trash, if you can’t carry yourself out of bronze you won’t ever get anywhere

I swear going on probuilds and following their builds fully will raise your elo by 3 ranks easily. Also try playing an actual carry in a better role.

>barely hit the 5 min average at nearly 20 mins
i dont think ur as good as u think

Exactly. My first ranked season, which i started directly after i hit level 30 in season 3, i got placed in bronze 4. I got out of that shit in like less than a week though.

Hots player here, you guys sound exactly like us... its funny to hear your bronze say the same thing

how do you boost in bronze V LUL. You should be 1 v 5ing if you are higher than silver V for skill

hots isnt an actual moba, its just a multiplayer arcade game with little to no thought behind it.

Holy fuck you're actually retarded.
Just watch the rain man play teemo and you're btfo you brainlet bronze 5 nigger

You're literally the league version of that one shitposter who posts pics of himself all day and says "I hate my life and I want to kms" yet never accepts any help or even goes through with it, he just keeps his attention seeking pity party going forever.

>literally either get better and carry by yourself until you're out of bronze, learn to get carried and actually accept our friend requests so we can help you
>or just stop fucking playing the game you cancerous piece of shit

>pic related, it's you

bruiser and tank meta now my friends

16 maps, each with a different meta.. lol 1 map in 2017, and your game keeps copying us so hots is doing something right fag lord

Not him, but i agree and disagree. HOTS' characters definitely have more depth, it's the game itself that doesn't require much thought. Like i'll pick Murky, who's an actually fun and interesting character, then my brain will actually shut off and 20 minutes later im at the end screen. I swear that game just puts you to sleep and plays by itself. It's fun but it doesn't require much thought.

>hots did something right
>has to keep bribing people playing other blizzard games into playing it

I like hots but the multiple overwatch promotions seemed desperate.

>"your game"
who ever said i came from any other game? you seem a little upset and hurt that i insulted a video game that has no actual rhyme or reason to it. it's literally just a cartoon arcade game with no real thought process required, and im sorry if that hard truth hurts your feelings.

comparing a game made for fun to a competitive game. I think HOTS is brainless but I still enjoy playing it. It was never meant to be some leet gamer club

elo hell is real

its not actual depth, more so just an illusion of it. adding on more things and variables isnt indepthness, just complexity, and complexity doesn't always mean good

Focus your games on not dying and you'll be gold in no time.
Below diamond most of the deaths happen because of chases, extending too much or wandering around with no vision. Think of how often you die because of this.
Instead of trying to get as many kills as you can, from now on play trying to die as little as you can. You'll be out of bronze in no time.

>It's fun but it doesn't require much thought.
That's the beauty of it. There was just a pro player that went from bronze to grand master in 130 games. If you're good its a feeding frenzy, but ye 90% of the player base in hots is pure shitters.

>maining anivia
Nigger this is how you get to diamond without being good at all. Follow this example and a silver player can get diamond

elo hell is real part 2

but im challenger now : - D

and no silver players cant get to diamond by playing 1 champ, they have first learn how to play

If your challenger after the season ended its doesnt really matter. And anivia is the easiest one trick champ to carry with


very helpful with new runes

also op you're retarded for playing ranked right now, it quite literally doesn't do anything for you until rewards are done being given out

and the fact im right now ranked #3 anivia world

hell is very much real and actually a portal to hell has been opened by cern sending frequency technology to saturns hexagon to unleash all kinds of demonic entities to earth, the occults never ending quest for power has unleashed the worst of evil upon us so you better start reading up on occult history and how to deal with demons or they will take control of you and you will be trapped in a hell inside your own body

well i got to challenger 2 months ago, and anivia is one of hardest mages in game

If ELO Hell was real, how do you explain boosting services?

Protip: you can't. If it was impossible to climb, boosting wouldn't exist.

git gud, shitter

The characters aren't particularly complex, just well made. Take Abathur for example. He's not particularly complex. You put your Q on a teammate and cast spells from their position. But you can't tell me that there's a single champion in League that can affect the game as much as Abathur without encountering an enemy in person at all in a match.

who the fuck plays this shit anymore

>it's literally just a cartoon arcade game with no real thought process required
It's as difficult as your opponent is good. If you think it takes no thought you're going to get schooled quick.

>Buying mana on Singed after 2016

Start maining trynda and split-push your way up to silver, after that.... start fighting with your team focusing on objectives over kills.

If you play support, you duck your team's dicks regardless of how the game goes.... If you lose because nobody could carry... that's a loss.

Add me if you want to win. My summoner is Raped

skins for being in gold at the end of the season.

hardest? nigga...

ask any high elo player and they say the same

there is a difference between hard and high skill cap.

>no monetary gain
They aren't even rare so you can't sell your account with them for any decent money. Sure some of them look nice but besides that, they mean nothing.

ye, theres difference between your mom and good looking woman too


gotta go fast-arim

I like this build. I'm gonna steal it and feed.