Drunk af and bored af. Sup Sup Forums?

Drunk af and bored af. Sup Sup Forums?

Kill yourself nigger

what's up. are you a patriot ?

also drunk and bored af, what's up brother, what you up to

Fuck off, Weasley

Youre a wizard harry.

Currently smoking a bowl on the toilet lmao.

not op here. not nice

The extent of my patriotism is that i live in the usa.

how much of a faggot did it feel like to retake those pictures until you got one you liked enough... for /b

Took one tey for Sup Forums because i didnt give a shit. Only 3 tries for Snapchat because ive got mad skills.

Don't worry, the pain you feel from being such a faggot will go away soon.

fuck off you ugly attention whore pussy

Did you ever have a "pass-through" moment instead of the normal "pass-out?" I'm nearing the end of a fifth of Ever Clear. Just bough it yesterday. Been mixing 50ml of Ever Clear with 50ml of Margarita mix, the rest is ice and water. Not bad, but it would be better with Tonic Water. I suddenly went from drunk to oddly lucid. I think my liver is done.

you should kill yourself! live stream !

Just looking for some conversation jfc

Usually i will drink half a bottle of shitty vodka at a time that way i get drunk asf for as cheap as possible.


God i hope so

Nope sorry bro

this user has the right idea.



Nope nope nope. There really that people who look like me???

Post dick

commie faggot

Roll trips, 69, 420, or dub dubs and we got a deal. Ill even timestamp it if you want.

I voted for meme lord trump fuck off

Lets roooooooll

roll lmao

As a show of good faith ill roll to post my own cock bc im a faggot.


Who gets drunk and high on a Monday night.

Also cut your hair. Sup Forums is pure degeneracy these days.


why does the night matter? i do it every night.

Unless you would like to die an early death, I'd recommend slowing down. Once a week is barely acceptable in my eyes.

Who gives a shit? I pay my bills. Hell Ive got work tomorrow. Suck my dick old nigger.

oh shit

I have half a handle of Vitali in my freezer but I'm exercising self-discipline for the sake of my physical and mental health and try to stick to once a week - if not a month - as I stated earlier. Also, saying "nigger" isn't edgy anymore, Thomas.

Yeah I know that feel. You hit a wall of drunkeness where your brain doesnt know what to do with those extra chemicals. It sucks. Like, motherfucker im drinking here do something with it


Give me dick


I went on a 2/3 day binge last month and I was depressed and anxious for a couple days after.

rolling for peener

that doesnt sound healthy


Giv dic

123 get and you never show your dick to another human or cat again

I also had intensely vivid and lucid dreams. A couple cool and a couple terrifying as all fuck. I googled it and they were common symptoms of alcohol detox after heavy use in a short period of time.

What me and my cat do is none of your fuckin business

Roll for peepee

Show dick

Rolling for ween

pls send to me penes and vagene


Pretty damn close lmao

Roll for benis

rr for some action

Also because im bored asf. Lets add #s 42,25,72,56, and 12




Winrar. Gimme a sec to get a woodie and write on it lmao.

Go to sleep, Chris.


active alcoholic here who has went through withdrawal symptoms. Youre not in trouble until you wake up sweating and with that feeling in your teeth that only alcohol can calm

go find yourself a soul if ur bored

Difficult when drunk

You are Chris from Mass

i dont know what/who you talkin bout fam. sorry fam

Nice job m8

thx bro wasnt ez

You fags can have this board. Back in the good ol days you would have been fucked for showing your face

what do i care who knows who i am? im a loser with no money and my identity is useless lmao.

OP i think i know you

You talk like a pretentious teenager. Please Ann hiro