Restore faith thread

Restore faith thread

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Do you know where you are?

[spoiler]That webm warmed my heart though[/spoiler]

>[spoiler] [/spoiler]
do YOU know where you are?

Would rape both of them with a merciless force and then get a killing spree



man so many violent Sup Forumsastards
i hope you have a wonderful life
really every one of you Sup Forumsitches

>tfw that doge will get to lick her twat and i don't

Faith in what? Humanity? Can't restore my faith in that. Its been dead a long time ago.

then off you go to another thread, in this one we chill ok?



That is a sand shovel

Will make you feel better.

kids that overreact over such menial bullshit grow up to be emotional messes

just were you belong

Old clip.
Out with the old, in with the new.


These pictures make me love humanity.



This probably be funnier reversed



actually read it alll - cool story

How is the friend at fault? He shit all over his house, ruined his mom's bible, then comes back two years later to get him thrown in prison.. that's just fucked. This dude is a retarded pos. Also never explained how Indian dude "cured" him from getting shot in the gut. To summarize, the protag is a pos that ruins the lives of everyone he meets


>little kid gets surprised with first puppy
You're quite the fag


Faggatron leader of the feminapticons spoted guys.

Also pic related to ya


did he make it to school in time?


someone needs a hug





2 weeks later no one want to walk the dog in the rain, 2 months later the dog ends in a animal shelter is about to be put down.



You know that, because.......... ?



>edgy teens trying to ruin the thread without realising we're already desensitized to their folder

holy FUCK

shit the cow was still alive

naw meng, it was dead

u need glasses

How does someone not hear a fucking train?

Read this before, great story. Thanks for posting

I don't fear it, I welcome it

I think he did it on purpose fam

Those ear thingies that play music. I see people driving with them in, smart, very smart.

No, you can see that once he sees it, he hesitates and walks backwards. Why would he do that if he wanted to die?



ye but it's a dog !
a smelly doesn't cover up it's own shit creature
a creature that shit's literally everywhere and anywhere
a creature that literally eats shit
a creature that has to be trained not to piss all over the house


One day, the dog will die and her delicate heart will break.

She was sad and now she is crying.
Sadistic parents.

moar please

How the fuck do you not see and hear a train coming?