I'm a bipolar Christian and it is not easy for me and definitely not good for Jesus

I'm a bipolar Christian and it is not easy for me and definitely not good for Jesus.

>Be me about to repeat my daily ritual
>"Thank you god for the thing am about to eat."
>Think about some bullshit
>"Fuck you Jesus you fucking cunt fag, I fucking hate you!"
>"Aw I'm sorry man but you know I can't help it."
>Some minor thing happens
>"Fuck you and your father you evil motherfuckers! I'll fucking shit my shitfuck all over your facefucks you fucking cunts!"
>Feel bad again
>"Jesus am very sorry forgive my sins."
>"Fuck you, you water walking motherfucker."
>"Ah fuck it."

Every fucking day. Seems I have some form of issue with our cunt savior

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He forgives you mate. He knows this isn't your intention

He likes it.

But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven, but is guilty of an eternal sin.

Yeah I struggled with that too. Cursed the HS in a fit of rage. Just the one time. Am hoping that shits been forgiven.

ITT: cucks

Well im agnostic so i can relate. If theres a god, i think he knows he can't force people to believe blindly. sometimes we get pissed the fuck off at stuff he either did or allowed. yell and scream, if he's cool, he'll understand. just try you're best not to be a massive dick to people and hope/pray we're good in the afterlife, thats what i do
>inb4 theres not one
there might not be but if there is i'd like to go to it and see my people i care about. hopefully alcohol is cool up there in heaven.

Hopefully free alcohol, free cocaine and free hookers are cool or else I'm going to hell fuck that shit.

Son:You're not coming in.

Is it because I'm on Sup Forums?

Who's the chick?

This is not bipolar, this is called mood swings. Still a serious illness though.

You got it.

I'm in the process of being diagnosed. I've already been diagnosed with Bipolar and ADHD, I have no clue what is next.

actually having bipolar disorder is a fucking curse that I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy.

with that, thank your God you don't actually have it.

Mabye you're actually a closet antisemite

Either slow or retarded or just not reading


DGAF what you're alleged doctor allegedly told you. Bi polar doesn't cycle from minute to minute. Manic can last hours to months while depression can last years.

Please diagnose me doctor because this seems to be my situation. I'm 28 and have been like this since I was a child.

You are mentally retarded.

If you don't mean these wrong angry thoughts in your heart, I think God knows this and forgives you for it

Man I get so angry at times I really get scared I might pop one day and kill someone.

You should probably get some (Christian) counselling. It's worth it to talk about these things, especially if you fear that you will hurt someone.

That is what I'm doing now. I am seeing both a psychiatrist for my meds and a psychologist for my problems.

This anger comes out of nowhere though, it just happens same with me feeling irritated most of the time for no reason.

>stand infront of petrus
>chose the right religion and be granted entry into heaven
>fuck you you hairy old fuck and your nonsense door fight me irl cunt
>get sent to hell
>all is gods plan

I had some things I called pushy thoughts for some time. They were basically thoughts that said that I hoped something bad would happen to someone or something.
They had to do with stress. What helped me was not to blame myself for having those thoughts and working on my other stress problems.

Stress, anxiety, blaming is a vicious circle which can only be stopped if you stop blaming yourself or being mad because of those thoughts.

Accept you have them, know they're wrong and try to think positively. If you only think about negative things or in a negative manner, you'll attract negative things and negative thoughts (Look up law of attraction youtube.com/watch?v=Q8FffZIMXCI or some other video if you will)

I know how frustrating it can feel to feel this guilt and frustration, but also hate towards those thoughts or to what is causing it.

I fucking lol'd

Romans 9:21

“Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?”

honestly, we are all fucked

This is me: I have to go now, because I have an exam.

I would like to talk to you more about this, maybe it can help you work some things out or I can help you get rid of the guilt.

You can contact me on this: [email protected]

God bless and may you find peace