I want to ask Sup Forums's American users this: do you have more money, better quality of life...

I want to ask Sup Forums's American users this: do you have more money, better quality of life, and/or a safer community after 1 year of this guy?

Yes. Though I'm not sure it had anything to do with Trump. I'm an immigrant, and this year in May I stole an American's job as an automotive design engineer.

Earn good money now with full benefits. My wife stole another job in a chemical company that pays $20/hour.

Since you're terming it as "stealing", does that mean you're an illegal immigrant?

Because if you're there legally it can't really be called stealing, I mean they let you in...

Yes actually but its circumstantial based on area I live in and it has nothing to do with the president. Anything the government does has very little effect on me. The fed on the other hand....


He means "steal" as in affirmative action

direct answer to the question is yes.
long drawn out one... fill in what you want to hear.


He means steal as in received an outsourced job.

I mean "steal" as in if I never immigrated here I'm certain the job would've gone to an American. There were loads of Americans interviewing for the job.

I got it by undercutting the market by $20,000.

Calm your tits. The question isn't primarily political - I'm asking people how they've been doing in the last year.

I can't really attribute changes in any of those categories to Donnie Boy. The only real change I've noticed is the internet is a little more retarded than this time last year.

Fair call, thanks for explaining

More money? Yes although only because ive been working due to being of age
Better quality of life? Yes although because vidyas are dank right now and muns

Safer community? No because my community was already safe i guess living in a small town does that

You expect him to do that in a year? Lol retarded liberal

he said he would.
LOL retarded trumpfag

Trump is a disappointment. He promised no to intervene in other countries and Syria happened. He promised the wall and not even a brick has been laid.

Omg who gives a shit

I do actually oddly enough, but I dont think it's because of Trump. I've no interest in politics and news shit anymore so I dont even know what he's done while in office. My insurance costs have gone down though, and I got a bigger raise than usual by a pretty good amount.

I-is America great again yet? This billionaire promised it was his reason for wanting to be president, so confused

I want to hear the real deal from the average joe.

I don't live in the US so I honestly don't know what to think of your president, or even if I did think something, whether it would be relevant.

I just want each person's experience.

my insurance cost will be going up in January and for less coverage. Thanks trump.

Doesn’t “make America great again” mean that America is currently shit?

>better quality of life, and/or a safer community after 1 year of this guy?
Did anyone have that after one year of Obama? No. After 8 years? No.

My stock portfolio has gone up 22% this year. So, yes I do have more money.


I guess you were still living in mommy's basement during the Bush recession.

He can't make the swamp enact laws, they have to do it themselves. And everyone but You knows that the rate increase is due to Obama care.

So what’s your answer to op’s question? And are you happy having been lied to?

same, i live in nyc, no effect from trump except my salty tears as a liberal

Obama sucked and You know it.

and you were still studying economics from a transgendered fruit loop. make more assumptions

Eat Me you douche


>and/or a safer community after 1 year of this guy?
the only thing that's changed is niggers are madder about not being in charge anymore. get over it

Were those stats taken in Obama's first year, before he fixed the GOP mess?


Let's see..well since he came into office, there's now a long ass queue to become a u.s citizen. I'm a resident btw. So who knows when it'll be my turn. AND the cost to become citizen was almost tripled to about 1500$. Been getting harrassed alot more by old\middleaged white authority like code enforcement, local animal services, ECT ECT. On stupid ass shite. A lot of murders happening not only locally but across the nation. Nothing close to me yet though. That's pretty much all I got so far here in Florida.

Btw I don't vote. But if I did. I still wouldn't because none of the candidates are\were\ever will be suitable for presidency. I don't do "sides".

bitter people never prosper.
looks like its your fault snowflake

the dates are on there.

I had some econ classes when I was earning my BBA degree, but that was in the 80's

you spelled Bush wrong

sure kid

Bush Jr. inherited a huge surplus and a great economy from Clinton, Obama had to deal with Bush's destroyed economy. He did his best to fix it, but now we have Trump. Those numbers have to be from when he inherited Bush's mess.

trump is the bitterest fucker out there so I guess you're right

stay mad kid
nice selfie BTW

you mean obama

yes, the red ones are when Obama started. The green ones are towards the end of presidency.

that happened right after tbe democrat takeover of congress.
stay mad kid

no. I mean trump. him and these two mongs are the ones trying to sabotage the Affordable Care Act

blames the republican for democrat mistakes
stay mad kid

start loving your dump care

Politics are a personality cult.

Really that's it.

Words of the grandfather,

I served in Nam, came back home, and went back to work. It's all a shit show kid.

no u

sure kid
this must be the dumbed down version.

stzy mad kid
lmao every day

Trump inherited Obama's success at fixing Bush's failures. Look up what Bush Jr. left behind. You don't remember the market crash, or the war spending?

sure kid

oh look! it's putin again.
> the taste of communist cock forever permanent

kill all russians.

what a bitter childish answer

Thanks for the laugh, America.
-planet earth

stay mad kid

Depends on how you define some of those but largely "yes" because none of those things have anything to do with whomever is in office. If you're so unwell-off that the machinations of the President teeter your precarious social position, I suggest you manifest a new destiny alongside some new priorities.

Market crash was due to Clintons housing policies.

Also, hes not Bush Jr. Different middle name than his dad.

did you post this last week
you know what happened
the FBI is looking for you.

so weak

not an argument


Typical red argument. No facts. No counter anything. Just a false statement. Some would call it false news.

Why so short-termist?

Why are all trump threads filled with people screaming “kid”? I mean, the only people who’d be upset by that claim are kids, and I can only imagine the only people who’d consider it an insult are also kids. Oh and it’s almost always trump supporters who scream “kid”.

How can you tell?


you are correct.
what you posted is not an argument


it's the samefag, "sure kid" one thread after another. that's happens when copy and paste is taught to middle schoolers, specifically the one newfag.


I hear he doesn't post in Sup Forums.
why don't you go there?

so bitter
I can hear the tears hitting the keyboard.

All the liberals I know just listen to the news headlines and don't look into any facts, get a job you loser.

same fag

You just believe anything with flashy printing? Clinton gave Bush a clean office. Bush destroyed the office. Then, Obama came in and clean it up again. When I say office, I mean taxes, budget, world relations, public approval, jobs, respect for the office (lack of immature twitter rants and Stern interviews/history of infomercials)... etc Trump hasn't kept to his "First Hundred Days" promise, nor has he drained the swamp. He created a new one. What the fuck is his son in law doing there?

Yes he has you fucking retard look it up


Great example. Thanks.

yes and fuck the queen

>till living in mommy's b
Well they do call him a racist and a nazi

Honestly, yes. Been working towards my nursing degree, and Obama made getting jobs impossible unless you're black or hispanic. About two months after Trump's inauguration everything started going good. More jobs are hiring, day-trading on the market boomed, it's all great. I live in a family too poor to receive health insurance, but qualified for multiple full-ride scholarships. Trump is the greatest thing to happen to this country since Kennedy, or maybe Reagan.

>I’m sure that given that he’s not a politician, I’m sure he’ll make a great politician
>turns out to be an intensely awful politician
Trump supporters truly are the cuck kings. Stunning how much assrape they’ll forgive. Poor little cherubs. Got to feel a bit sorry for them.

So I do have more money. I would not attribute that to trump but I do have more money...... The shit that trump says/does isnt what puts people at risk. Its the reverberation from the fucking people that think burning rioting looting and slander is a viable way to protest because they are so fucking underdeveloped and uneducated they can't fathom the thought that HEY JACKASS MAYBE JUST MAYBE

Yes I have more money
No trump doesnt bother me
Its the snowflakes and the niggers that are the problem. Not trump.

Yes, in fact every year has been better than the last and it had far more to do with hard work and good life choices than Trump, Obama, Bush or Clinton.

I have more money. I own more guns too. So more money and safer yes technically.


Lived in both New Jersey and Florida by the way

just continuing the upward momentum Obama started

so weak

stay mad kid

Too afraid to admit it libfag? That's cute, you liberals never could accept facts

The market crash was not due to Clinton's housing policy.
It was from decades of American financial deregulation a making the market more volatile. In economics you have two main schools of thought, the European and the American. Europeans tend to focus on long term investments making them less profitable but more stable. On the other hand you have Americans who trade fast and don't pursue long term investments, making them more profitable but less stable.
It is a combination of this school of financial markets and the fact that it was deregulated to a point where banks did what they wanted instead of what was good. In Canada they have a regulated banking system which would prevent them from doing what happened in 2008 with the US.
It wasn't Clinton, it was decades of American financial risk and it back fired hard on everyone thanks to seeling subprime mortgages hidden in CDO's.

sure kid
stay mad

sure kid

sure kid

Ha! Fucking SJW's

That is far too complicated for most Trump tards to understand. It's not in meme format and doesn't have a Fox news or at least some kind of American flag patriotic bullshit logo somewhere.

I'm not mad, same fag. I'm not the only one to point it out in this thread. Lurk young one, lurk.