>Be EA
>Make $60 Star Wars game that is a guaranteed hit because of Star Wars label
>Add shitty microtransactions right as microtransactions are sparking community outrage
>Lock 90% of your super popular Star Wars heroes behind a paywall
>Get the most down voted comment in Reddit History because your community team does not know how to write an response
>Remove the refund button from your website
>Lock refunding the game behind a 60 minute phone waiting time
>Make your popular Star Wars heroes cost less in game
>Make it so you earn less in game

Then wake up and realize a Star Wars game would have been a financial succes anyway, but you had to be the greediest company on earth

One of the few times i’ll Actually say good going reddit, 475k downvotes to EA made them realize they fucked up

What'd EA say that got the down votes?

>be gamer
>live in moms basement
>finally saved enough couch change for Star Wars
>wipe Cheeto dust off fingers and pull out your disposable Visa gift card
>buy Star Wars, cum while downloading
>open up game ready, expecting it to be beaten for you
>find out you have to unlock characters through playing the game
>shit self
>after Mom cleans the butt poopies, post on Sup Forums about these fucking scamming publishers

Hi there reddit. How are you guys actually surprised at any of this shit? How do you guys keep buying it again? Move on to other studios. The last time I bought anything from a AAA dev was Assassin's Creed 1.

They laughed the whole way to the bank.

TBH you should've grown out of playing games by now.

Post of truth

STWBF2(2005) Had individual match progression that was reset every match
>wanting a game with unnecessary progression

The progression should not have changed.

Those big strong players are gonna crush me :(

Remember how EA fucked up the 2013 SimCity release?

>Make $60 Star Wars game that is a guaranteed hit because of Star Wars label
because the previous one was such a hit right? i sold my copy in less then a month i didnt even care if i got 20 less the originally spent.

The Reddit out cry made it so all the in game purchases of named characters IE Luke and Vader are down to up to 75%
where as before you needed to grind out 40 hours of gameplay for one of the characters or microtransaction your way through

Reddit did a good job in making it so we dont have to buy the fucking characters

Why the fuck do we let EA get away with this bullshit?

We need to keep hammering away at them. They ruin one franchise after another, and any company they acquire.

Thanks to them, SimCity is a joke that got wiped out by a newcomer. They ruined "Mass Effect", ruined "Dead Space".

Basically. If i ever start a company, I will never ever go public with it. Being driven by shareholders is just turns things to shit.

"The intent is to provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment for unlocking different heroes.
As for cost, we selected initial values based upon data from the Open Beta and other adjustments made to milestone rewards before launch. Among other things, we're looking at average per-player credit earn rates on a daily basis, and we'll be making constant adjustments to ensure that players have challenges that are compelling, rewarding, and of course attainable via gameplay.
We appreciate the candid feedback, and the passion the community has put forth around the current topics here on Reddit, our forums and across numerous social media outlets.
Our team will continue to make changes and monitor community feedback and update everyone as soon and as often as we can."

Tl;dr: "Look man, we both know the chairmen are fucking this company, but I have to type this shit from the script they had some communications major write up. Please don't hate all of us, just them."

Yup. Now a newcomer ("Cities" Skylines") has totally conquered the hill.

That was fucking unthinkable before EA's incompetence.

Somebody buy the Star Wars license from EA already.

>thinking 40hours is too much for top-tier characters

lol noobs, go to steam and see how many hours youve logged on your favourite games.. go on.. Ill wait

40 hours per character on a mediocre game is pretty grueling, but say Skyrim is easy to rack up 400 hours

Post the pic with them holding Faygo bottles

Gamers complaining about playing 40hrs to unlock new characters. Smh first world problems

why did you just find this out now?
Support those you want to support and put your money where you care. There are plenty of video games out there that are fun and many studios actually deserve support.
yes it was a hit, it was a scam and so many bought it
legit artists sometimes know they are working on cash cows and real shitty games. As someone under contract you have to bite the bullet and sell crap
i know countless city building fans who praise skylines i love that it happened
yea, thanks for making a living for artists with your NEETness, i appreciate it

This. Shareholders have too much power of decision, too much agency in cultural production. They don't care about what the company they have shares in does, so long as more money more money more money. Fuck that. I'd rather have smaller games that aren't buttfucked by shareholders, The Witcher 3 and Hellblade prove that it's perfectly possible to make *phenomenal* games without those parasites.

I'll never understand people that lick the boots of entities that couldn't give a flying fuck about them. You can keep licking until your tongue's raw, they'll still try to wrench more money out of you because that's all they care about, not you nor your opinions. You're equally impacted by this, objectively, so what's the point? Why the loyalty, the forced false equivalence, the insistence on denying the root of the problems?

I side woth ea y'all are lazy fucks who want everything handed to you. God I remember when it was rewarding to grind unlocks and prove your worth in the game.

Don't get me wrong. It's fucking oetetic justice "Cities: Skylines" smashed EA on this like Hulk vs Loki.

I just regret the passing of a good franchise (SimCity). It's your fault EA.

not boot licking - I just think that big acheivements in games should be just that - actual acheivements that require considerable amount of time and effort to achieve.

whats the fun if you have accesss to all game content from the get-go?

EA; the destroyer of "Star Wars", "Dead Space", "Sim City", "Battlefield", and "Mass Effect"?

That company can go to hell.

EA has been the downfall of COUNTLESS good franchises and game devs

We both agree on that, but it's fact that the game's design is not about achievement but about psychological warfare to fuck your wallet - consciously designed that way. If you want achievement, 5-10 hours is more than enough. 40 hours is excessive, and this is combined with clear power advantages for dishing out dough, making playing the game asymetrical if you have people paying for their power anyway. There's literally zero arguments to field for your standpoints that aren't flawed and deeply subjective at best.

no one is complaining about having to unlock content, they are complaining that someone can pay money to unlock it before they do.

paid shills suck cocks.

Because I make more than minimum wage and I want to play a game without bitching like a woman.

Not even that. It is that they highly prefer the latter, and gameplay was designed to be super grindy to drive players towards paying.

A game that's no fun to play, designed to fuck you and your fellow players over, and you openly and willfully endorse that, even making it a political matter? You make capitalist piggy very happy indeed!

I'm still mad about my Battlefield 1 season pass being included in the base game before I even got my second DLC. I paid $60 for a half assed $15 French map pack and they just mysteriously stopped giving Premium players their monthly battlepacks.

Yet somehow we can't bury the company into the ground.

Fucking shareholders and profits and casuals. They enable everything.

One fucking day, EA will destroy itself.

ah my bad didnt read the bit where you can pay to unlock - yeah thats a shit move

How many has it been now? I've lost count.

Yeah, that's the issue. Those 40 hours isn't going to be an exciting journey and isn't going to be filled with rewards for your hard work and time, it's just going to be 40 hours of repetitive busywork so they hope you cave after a few and pay up some more.

>paying 60$ for 10% of the game
>good goy

>no fun
>designed to fuck you over
Sure, if you’re poor/bad at gaming
>political matter
>you make capitalist piggie very happy
Making over $50 an hour will do that to someone. Must suck having to grind at work for a week to afford a game. I get you’re 12 and hate asking for your moms credit card, but you can cut the neo commie shit and stop acting like you’re politically involved in anything besides Szechuan Sauce regulations.

People that make over $50 an hour aren't on Sup Forums at 9:30 on a Tuesday.

They also reduced how much you earn to 1/4 tho.

>doesn't understand why he makes it a political matter
>"cut the neo commie shit"
Yeah, imagine being a critical consumer instead of a bootlicking cuck of shareholders and hypercapitalists that care so little about you you might as well be an ATM. Grandstand all you want, you're weak as shit and we both know it, and your weird-ass lying about your income proves that further. Not fooling anyone, buddy.

>Sure, if you're poor/bad at gaming
You really know jack shit about game design and monetization techniques, I see. That's fine, but don't pretend your ignorance gives you the right of a voice in this discussion.

When you’re testing and compiling code, you can do whatever you’d like in the downtime. We even have a game room just for that. Stop working in a sweatshop, there are opportunities out there kiddo.

>butthurt because I can afford/play the game and you can’t
Could you be any more underage?

I mean, I'm just an informant, I'm not even getting the game

>projecting this hard

Comprehensive reading isn't your thing either, I see. No wonder you don't know fuckall about this topic and are just pretending to be hard.

implying we have 9:30 over here
>dumb ameritards at it again

Pretty much. Instant gratification in games is cancer. If I don't wanna play the game for 40 hours to unlock my favorite character, I should not be playing it at all, because its probably trash.

That being said, allowing you to get the characters for 200$+ is fucking bullshit as well. Pay to win trash.


Answer the question

just stop

No, how old are you, seriously?

Not pay to win but sure

F to pay respects

I understand the argument that many people are pussies and need to actually just play the game instead of paying to beat it, but this was designed to give you almost no choice if you don't want to be at a huge disadvantage. Somebody proved that this straight 40 hours of grinding implies that you don't spend a single bit of in game currency on anything else, denying yourself access to any other upgrades unless you want to grind another dozen hours. It's like this for many other aspects of the game as well. Is this shit really worth not having a season pass?

Lol and you idiots pay anyway because your real lives suck

That's not me. Why are you so triggered?
There wasn't one, and I don't see any reason to engage you further anyway because you're not at all equipped for these discussions, it's just a waste of time.

See, this guy understands and has read up on the subject, that's a solid question.

>still buying EA games
>still complaining about their greed

Keep contributing to the cancer.

1. Testing is an involved process, so if you're away from your screen, you're not testing.

2. If compilation takes more than at most a minute, your code is fucked has is full of fucked up loops that show you have no clue how to optimize.

The fact that people will run to an image board to lie about something as mundane as having a career is sad at best kek

OP is a loyal EA customer who buys everything they offer and then complains about it, therefore his point is moot. Isn't that right OP?

youre trying to win a lost argument, something stubborn kids like to do

Always the same shit.
>say something stupid
>"you're stupid"
>heavy breathing, opens another bag of Cheetos, the crunching aluminium packaging echoing on the concrete basement walls

Some of us have jobs to work and bills to pay you fucking NEET. Maybe I just wanna come home and play a little bit of Darth Vader between cooking dinner and going to bed. I don't wanna fucking grind into that.

And that should be perfectly possible, for reasonable prices, while it's also perfectly possible (and enjoyable) put in reasonable effort to unlock it naturally. I really don't get why people don't understand this, microtransactions aren't inherently bad so long as they're not predatory and forced. I have a kid on the way, I'm not a teenager anymore so I just don't have those oceans of time anymore, I understand wanting the shortcut.

Anyone with half a brain saw this coming from a mile away the moment they announced no season pass for this game.

People went crazy and got excited, while the small percentage of us tried to explain that's not going to be a good thing.

That being said, some of you are acting like EA is crying over any of this, or as if Reddit actually affected share price. Sorry to break it to you, but Q3 earnings are going to continue impressing shareholders. EA makes millions on their copy/paste sports games and always will.

What does that even mean?

No refutation just ad hominem and strawman, super cute.

His country skips 9 o'clock entirely.

Who cares. Saged

The shit should be free bottom line. If you want to grind for something do the achievements, shit in the game shouldnt have to be bought when i just spent 80 bucks on the game already. But EA has and always will be a bunch of jewish nigger kykes that only want money


it means that you should end your pathetic life fat neet

Not sure who you are, but yes, that's exactly what that "lol I'm a coder how old are you" tard is doing. I agree with the post I'm quoting, I don't get having such a fragile ego that people have to lie on a fucking image board.

Poetic justice is always great, one of my favourites is when CD Projekt Red smashed everyone in 2015 and everyone was trying to attack TW3 for being too white.

Goddamn man, TW3 is on a completely different scale of phenomenal, we'll probably not see a game like it in the coming decade. Makes me sad.

>if you're poor/bad at gaming

Vader, Luke, main characters accessible off the bat in the first game locked behind a 40 hour game-time played paywall? I could literally afk matches for 40 hours to play intensely that whole time, same difference.

40 HOURS EACH? Don't get me started on Obi-wan and the other 100k credit heroes.

Microtransaction Casual. Have fun shelling (shilling) out hundreds of dollars to play. You stupid, nigga.

I fucking called it since their first SW bf release and everyone was like: HURR DURR THE OTHERZ WERE SO GUUD! MY DICKZSOHARDCAUSE MUH GAYMS!

What else could I do but sigh? I'm honestly not surprised by all of you suckers who got cuckd, you asked this for yourself when you fell into that EA logo.

>thinks every gamer is like him
>cries when they find out he's wrong
>goes on Sup Forums to whine
>no one agrees with him.
>shits self again.

>how old r u i make more money

And GoG, a subsidy of CD Projekt Red rebooted the servers for the original Battlefront II. Not only that, but CD Projekt Red were very on the fence about charging people for their DLC for Witcher III, DLC which is more like expansion packs, whole games themselves. I don't mind paying for that as it is a shitload of content I enjoyed and felt the developers deserve compensation for their time and resources, not so big a feeling paying $10 for some skins.

CD Projekt red is one of the last good publishers left. I like to think it's because they are also developers and can sympathise with the gamer and not just see us a customers.

Bless them for reviving the original BF2 servers, but are they any stable now? got in on day 1 and it was buggy as hell

>works at low end job making small code that doesn’t affect anything major
>thinks all code is as minuscule as the things you work on
How sad

im 12 what is this

I remember being a fledgling journo at Gamescom when CDPR was showcasing The Witcher: Enhanced Edition behind closed doors, and goddamn man, those guys are a riot to hang out with. Beers, barbecue, we spent more time talking about our favorite media than The Witcher itself. Every time I saw them again, it was all like "hey user, you're back again! How you been, dude? GoG working out for you, excited for [game/movie/novel] coming out? Come have some beers dude!" Even hooked me up with some industry networks and contacts that helped established me, so good times.
Fucking standup dudes, from the ground to the top.


ITT Reddit

>"he said he wanted to play Vader specifically!?"
>"play a different game faggot"
>gr8 b8 m8

Uh, I did marketing for Witcher. Doesn’t sound like the team I know. They’re good guys but they don’t really mingle. Who are you? Maybe we met.

As Jim Sterling says all the time, indie games and Hellblade prove time and time again that publishers literally do nothing that is required for a quality game to be successful. If more avenues for devs to get funding and distribution pop up, toxic distributors will go bankrupt over the course of a few years when this "fuck you, pay me more!" bubble finally bursts and the fallout scares off investors.

Oh nice i was looking for this pic

>cater the game to ME
>because I’m an old faggot and I have shit to do!
>fuck your main demographic!
>stop liking what I don’t like!
>fuck my ass daddy Vader!

I stopped believing like 25 hours in on The their first battlefront

>uses "demographic"
>doesn't understand demographic

What's so great about TW3 as i didn't really buy into the hype of it

Rather not give out my name on Sup Forums for obvious purposes, but I getcha, they're not typical socialites or the like (who really is in the industry) but it was good times regardless. It was the GamesCom where you guys were handing out those floppydisks with a free game for GoG, just as it was starting up? Was a fun chore to find a floppydrive, can tell you that much.

Forgetting Westwood's command and conquer/Red Alert series

I predict EA's BF2 will have lost their gamer base in about 2 years time, if not sooner.

Meanwhile, people still playing the original BF2 after what, 10 years?