Joseph Goebbels final speech

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Take the opportunity while it still is.

It's not available in my language :(


Fuck off Stormfag.

Goebbels was nothing more than fucking psychopath.

t. Schlomoberg Shekelbernsilvergoldkopfstein

Why do anglo blood pronounce his name Gerbils?

How can that one be the last if he did one last night?

Download it now

>tfw Goebbels was just a depressed lonely autist

>tfw he would've been proud of Sup Forums

i wonder who's behind that post.

"For you, brothers, became imitators of the churches of God in Judea that are in Christ Jesus. You suffered from your own countrymen the very things they suffered from the Jews, 15who killed both the Lord Jesus and their own prophets, and drove us out as well. They are displeasing to God and hostile to all men, 16hindering us from telling the Gentiles how they may be saved. As a result, they continue to heap up their sins to full capacity; the utmost wrath has come upon them.…"


"b..but you're destroying us"
"but it's illegal to say anything against me, what you going to do about it?"

Kill yourself

That was back then when people made their own parties and own movements instead of mindlessly shitposting on an neutral moresnetian violin teacher exchange platform

We will tolerate Anglo harassment no more.

Fuck Anglo's

At least he doesn't mutilate his children and stand by while an old man sucks his bleeding cock.

That's what psychopaths do.

> I actively support a man who desired the murder of hundreds of thousands of men, women and children simply because they were jews/romani/undesirable.
> I support a man who systematically hunted down any german resistance to Nazism and had their families killed.
> I like a man that forced unsuitable men and women to fight a desperate last stand against the Russians. Putting rifles in the hands of the elderly to fight a swarm of russian force with little effect.

Stormfags have no place in Sup Forums.

>oh you gosh darn goyim stormfags

Is your apple jack pony figure okay now, little shlomo?

The victors get to write the history. And their ugly pen has surely been busy.

JIDF going all out today

> I actively support a man who desired the murder of hundreds of thousands of men, women and children simply because they were german/ukrainian/undesireable
> I support a man who systematically hunted down any german resistance to Stalinism and had their families killed.
> I like a man that forced unsuitable men and women to fight a desperate last stand against the Germans. Putting rifles in the hands of the elderly to fight a well trained German force with large effect.

>tfw you realize you cant ever attend a Nuremberg rally

Sure he didn't mutilate his children, fair point.

Instead he murdered his six children with cyanide to save face in death.



do i pass as anglo?


Stormfags welcome anyday! anytime! Stay and have a chat!

He didn't know what might happen to his children, so he just let them pass the easy way

Goebbels was the shittiest and pettiest of all the senior Nazi leadership. No wonder you sub-humans worship him and not some of the better and more accomplished Nazis like Speer or Himmler.

Fucking jidf jew rat

UBER ALLES UBER ALLES UBER ALLES take your country back now or are you a fucking cuck??

t. 60%

You have to try harder, little shlomo

Try reading up the JIDF booklet instead of looking up tyrone's dick


Goebbels was literally a suicidal train-wreck of a human being whose anti-semitic speeches are still cringe-worthy to this day based on the obvious projection.

By comparison Speer, Hitler, Himmler, and the others were statesmen.

In was the summer day in isreal in the year of 2016...

Can't argue with memes, I guess, you win this time goyim.

Never forget. The evil ones won the war and are ruling us today.

When a nation was truly united.

>I have no fervour for a man who kills vermin in his own home, he should wallow in filth and be proud that they overwhelm him and his population.
>I have no respect for a man who upholds his honour even when facing an enemy he cannot strike.
>I refuse to guide a man who cannot see.

You uneducated swine.

>Greetings lads, i'm cool and trustworthy and totally Germanic


>letting communists rape your offspring

>>I have no respect for a man who upholds his honour even when facing an enemy he cannot strike

I think he struck...

"Instead of raising the White flag of surrender that the enemy expects, raise the old Swastika flag of a fanatical resistance."

I don't feel bad, he and the rest of Reich leadership wanted to exterminate majority of my people and enslave the rest. Fighting communism and destroying the eternal merchant is a good thing, too bad they went full lebensraum.

>and destroying the eternal merchant

You one of those collaborator types? Sell your Jewish neighbour out to the Gestapo?

The Resistance would execute the likes of you.

Himmler and Speer betrayed their nation in its darkest hour, may they roast in eternal hell fire.

You don't have to understand it literally in every context, for example you are fighting an enemy that blends in and could be your sister for all you know. They do not wear a uniform, they are not aggressive towards you, they act as a civilian would. But when your back is turned they will stab you.

Think saboteurs blowing up theatres, cooks poisoning meals etc.

A modern day highlight can be suicide bombers.
Pretty hard to fight especially when you reveal you are their opposition as they seek to strike you.

Nope, I wouldn't. Many merchants were good people, who believed they were polish first, jewish second. It is their elite which is in my opinion screwing up things right now. It is them who are downright evil. Thus the "eternal" term.

Speer tried to tell Hitler the truth but was ignored. Himmler tried to protect Germany from communism but they wouldn't let him.

Neither betrayed Germany and Hitler /= Germany.

It's pretty easy when you don't give a shit about the Laws of War and just kill any/all civilians who are even slightly suspicious...

I am not germanic, I am Spanish and 50000+ spaniards fought agaisnt Stalin in the 250 Infanterie-Division, the Blue Division, Escuadrilla Azul and the Legion Azul.
Hitler knew very well what an spaniards is. And also knew what an american is.
You are here the untrustworthy, amerifat, your criminal nation ruled by the merchat will pay what they did in dresden, hiroshima, nagasaki, vietnam, and the genocide of germans after the war. Piece of shit.

>Speer tried to tell Hitler the truth but was ignored.

What truth, that the war was lost? After the war Albert Speer defected to the allied camp and started to slander Hitler and the National Socialist movement to save his ass from being executed as a war criminal. He was a filthy rat that betrayed his fuhrer and his people by kissing ass to the allies after the war.
>Himmler tried to protect Germany from communism but they wouldn't let him

And Himmler failed because the sole purpose of WW2 was to destroy and enslave the German people because they had expelled the Jewish yoke. The allies would accept nothing but an unconditional surrender. Hitler fought on till the end because he knew if Germany were to lose the war, Germany itself would cease to exist as an independent sovereign nation.

Woah there hombre i'm of Mexican descent (thanks Spanish grandfathers) But I agree my nation specially the government is not a positive force in this world. I take slight comfort however, knowing that at least for the first years of WWll Americans bombed factories, shipyards, actual infrastructure and Americans did it during the day. While the Brits were such evil pussies they bombed Germany by night and targeted civilians. America's intention was noble and fair and many pilots were lost, the same can't be said for the slimy Brit. And about Japan I have no comment.

>inb4 pic related

You're forgetting decades of mistreatment Germans received from the Polish during Polish occupation. Is it really such a shock that they didn't like you? On top of that your civilians continued organizing further and further resistance movements resulting in huge numbers getting captured instead of left alone.

This was not a one-sided conflict and there is no legitimate reason to blame the Germans for your actions.

>The Jews are good people
>We Jews are really Polish just like you, Jews try to blend in
Oh, I see why.

Never go full stormstard. WW2 was a war of German aggression and Nazi documents prove that Hitler was preparing for war since 1937 at the latest. Nuremberg testimonies further corroborate this.

Never trust the beady eyed Anglo.

>Stormniggers hate Jews for being their own tribe and working against the larger nation
>Any Jews who try to integrate and be part of the larger nation are sneaky evil bastards who need to be outed

Jew can't win...

Coincidentally I've been reading a Goebbels bio lately.

He would have totally been a Sup Forumsack.

>Ignore law, kill all suspicious civilians
If that was so then the army would have disintegrated.
Men would have joined up because they would fear the repercussion for not doing so.

There are three reasons for fighting in a war.
>Career opportunity... widespread cause for joining but it does not produce good soldiers.

>Patriotic. This love fades as men die around you, as you fight tooth and nail but for what? A few metres of dirt? You will succumb to the thought that progress of any sort is not worth the lives of your friends or your own.
Unless you are fanatical, that makes for a good soldier.

>Thirdly; hatred for your enemy. This makes for the strongest soldier because they have no thoughts but determination and survivability.
Fear is not mentioned as it is not a component that helps you fight your enemy, you will cower and surrender when you can. These men cannot be carried and they will die.

Why mention this? Because the German army was great, if it consisted of fearful men it would not have had the strength to walk out of its own border, let alone reach all corners of the world.

I'm not saying you're wrong but your argument does not apply to even a small % of soldiers.

Never been to Stormfront in my life.

But really, this is a ridiculous argument. Jews have been doing the same thing for thousands of years in a predictable manner, and even the ones alive today have been doing it for generations. "Stormfags" have been around for a little while.

You're putting cart before the horse you flaming oil sand nigger.


>You're forgetting decades of mistreatment Germans received from the Polish during Polish occupation.


You're forgetting Kulturkampf ? You're forgetting 123 years of occupation and forced germanisation?

Germans went full retarded, tried to exterminate a race that was probably even whiter than them. Why wouldn't they send Jews, I don't know, to Namibia? German were lazy and idiotic.
Muh WunderNazi Germany meme is seriously pathetic.
Muh trains never lat. A myth.
Muh autobahn meme. A myth.
Muh Romankillers.
Muh Nibelungen and Vikings. A XIX century faggotry.

If you're unironically speaking that ALL Jews are bad, you're delusional. First we would consider who is a Jew.

>Nations that are hated by the internal anglo, the amerifat, and other cucks are bad because they prepare for war

Isn't there an old latin quote that goes like "he who doesn't prepare for war, prepares for destruction"

Fuck off

>Risks his life to countermand Hitler's insane and pointless order to destroy all the infrastructure of civilization in Germany


>Why wouldn't they send Jews, I don't know, to Namibia?
That you even ask this says more than you ever could admit.

All you kike faggots deserve death

They couldn't even kill them.
It's so laughable.
It took them 5 years to fail at killing.

Holy fuck...I actually teared. Fucking hell, we could have been so much more.

>nazi documents
Care to share?
>Nuremberg testimonies
These were proven to have been gained under torture. Most people, when tortured, will confess anything to make it stop.

Your mockery is wasted. I am not the Deutcheboo you think I am. Hitler was a romantic, not a cold-hearted killer. If he was capable of wiping out a whole race on a whim he would not have turned into the leader he became.

why did he suck Hitler's dick so much?


They planned to send them to Madagascar after the war

Its called having a best friend, something you will never have.

>what is a Slav Holocaust.

stop being retarded.

>he kills actually white people
>he saves the Jews

I've fucking had enough.

they should send them to their home, America.
Before the war, in massive shiploads.

It's not like it didn't happen on its own.

Nazis failed everything by being edgy and smug. And romantic, ha. That's the price for cool uniforms and pseudopaganism.

Where are their hijabs?

>slav holocaust
You mean the Holodomor, a real genocide of slavs committed by the Jews?

Oh no there was a social tension. How about partition of Poland that lasted from 1795 to 1918? How do you think Poles felt? No fucking mistreatement justifies total war, they were targeting civilian population from the day one. You sound like you believe Gleiwitz incident was true. Random round ups and gunning down civilians were justified too? No wonder we got such huge underground resistance, we didn't want to get annihilated.

And about the juice, god forbid not every one of them is an anti-white plotting devil. Jews lived in Polish lands for ages, is it really hard to believe that many of them integrated well into the society?

Goebbels would have instantly understood the notion of meme magic. Whatever else he was, he had a talent things like that.

No one hates Jews for either of those reasons.

Treason, subversion of education, abusing their power to negatively influence children, pushing concepts like race mixing and multi culture and a world without racism, yet simultaneously push for hatred of white people, push for rejection of Christian beliefs and principles, as well as the family.

>Le ebin good nazi meme

why kill a city, kill it over the moths after there's no fighting, after it's broken, when the war is lost.

Destroy art and knowledge. Why?

Because Krauts are sore losers by definition. Small opinionated entitled fucks.

I mean millions of Poles, Yugos, Russians, Ukrainians etc.

Those constitute the 30mlns of dead, just like Chinese.

A greater man than many. May he rest in peace and be remembered kindly in time.

>No fucking mistreatement justifies total war
And it wasn't why they went to war.

Perhaps more important, it wasn't what I said. You are a self-obsessed liar.

>war casualties are a "holocaust"

But also always remember that Jews who DON'T do those things, even patriots who fight for their country also need to be murdered and their entire families murdered because "muh edgy feelz good" and stormniggers can't be bothered to discriminate.

I especially liked how Hitler eventually made sure that even decorated WW1 veterans were kicked out of their jobs, stripped of their citizenship, and sent to internment camps.

what are you doing here david?


>oh yes, they were killed in their homes en masse, it was so horrible, it was a total holocaust

>my favorite part was how they were captured and sent to internment camps to be deported to their own country
Fucking hell, man, which is it?


yes, if it's not war casualty. War casualty is by bomb, famine and fire, not ethnic cleansing.

You won't live long enough, but your spawn will die and your country would be ravaged. You were so long shielded from the war you are those cheeky bastards that turn floppy by their 30s and live their sorry lives since then.
I really hope for it and pray for it, like the rest of the world.


>I will kill you. I will kill and ravish all of your children. Your entire country will be raped. You haven't been to war, so you will never see it coming when I barge into your home and rape all of your children. I hope for this. I pray for it every single day.
You're Jewish, right?