Literally nothing manly about this faggot hairstyle. Any Faggot who has this haircut should nerve gas themselves

Literally nothing manly about this faggot hairstyle. Any Faggot who has this haircut should nerve gas themselves.
Beta metro fags.

Other urls found in this thread:

Just salty because they get more pussy than you. Face it. Girls don't want a neckbearded bitch with grown out hair.


No one cares beta fag

Each new generation is a fresh invasion of savages.
– Benjamin Disraeli

I made this thread like last week retard. We don't have this thread everyday. Dumbass

wtf is nerve gas

Oh? So Mr. Sup Forums thread maker, show us what a manly man like yourself looks like

Phoneposters are the ones who need to be gassed.

had this haircut/variations for around 5 years, regularly complimented on it. Suck a dick, curly boi


OP's the type of faggot to sport a jarhead and wear bootcuts with dollar store sunglasses thinking it makes him 'Alpha'

Nothin more alpha than dipping pussy my dude, which happens a lot more if you maintain your apperance

Triggered fuck bois

Fat guys are a different story. If you are fat don't try being attractive because you never will be.

You wut m8? BTFO

le triggered maymay xD

The undercut has been one of the most popular mens hair styles since before WW1

OP is a dumb faggot

Piss off, this is the gayest of gay.

cant grow a beard user?sad.

is not too very smart, so i says things is gay when theys make me feel mad

I think that hairstyle is great, it sort of looks like 40s germany. The beard however doesn't match it in my opinion. The hair is so clean and slicked, yet the beard adds roughness, its off.

Hate those god damn beards.

Whatever gets you laid is masculine to me pal

I think you just proved his point

And what kind of hairstyle do you have? Emo? Unkempt weeb hair? Long faggot hair? Your'e saying that there is nothing manly about having a beard (one of THE most manly things you can have) and a timeless clean cut haircut? I own a business. I have a wife. I provide and take care of my family. I have a beard. I have this haircut. PLEASE tell me Im not manly. What do you do with your beta life?

>Defending the Nazi mullet

>I think that hairstyle is great, it sort of looks like 40s germany. The beard however doesn't match it in my opinion.
The two do match if you understand the hairstyle is 1910's Edwardian, not fascist squarehead in origin.

>Receding hairline
>Childlike ears
>Womanly nose

The only pussy you're getting is the 40 cats you'll end with ya fuckin spinster.

Nice beard, my dude. Looking good.

>having to be a bitch and change your style for women just because they like it

Top kek. God damn. Get some testosterone you little fag. Real men don't put up with that gay fashion metro bullshit.

It's the closet nazi hairstyle, you wouldn't understand.

I think every man that served in WWII (axis and allied) would disagree, but I’ll give you 30 seconds of attention op, you obviously need it.

Hate these cast-away beards. The haircut is great tho. Gets me laid a lot more than before.

OP is as insecure as ever I see.

>""""closet"""" Nazi

What do you mean? It's obvious he doesn't even groom it with argan oil.

Everything comes back around op, I never thought I’d see skinny jeans and neon come back around, but it did.

I didn’t have to change to meet my gf, I just looked a way that women seemed to be attracted to. You people who think that you can look like pieces of shit and still get laid claiming your shittiness is just the ultimate form of MGTOW masculinity are just as pathetic as the overweight HuffPost writers that claim their obesity is beautiful.

Kek. Sounding like a true manpurse

That's a lot of verbiage to admit you can't find a barber who knows how to just use the scissors.

I think that longer hair on the sides is a better look, generally. Somewhat off topic, but I think a lot of men should style their hair like pic-related again. Those women seem to like it.

Op is probably one of those guys stuck with helmet hair, or he’s a nigger who’s only choices are the “Ben Wallace” or the jerry curl.

That beehive on top of the right chick makes me hard


It's been out of style since the 1940's though. It used to be mandatory to wear a fedora with a mens suit as well, but now it looks douchy.

>just looked a way that women seemed to be attracted to

Jesus Christ you really are a fucking pussy.

Ugly mop headed cunt, who grows more hair on his toes than his face. It's ok beta boi, we will reproduce for you.

hairstyle is w/e
that beard gets pussy tho you salty mo

This is the best look. Short hair short beard.

My hair doesn’t even look like the image in OP and I don’t have a beard, I’m just saying you don’t get to define what’s masculine, the world around you does that. It just so happens that not caring what the world around you thinks does come off as masculine, but if you go to far down that rabbit hole you end up looking like a piece of shit, never getting laid and looking like a permavirgin.

I actually have a similar look

I mean maybe. I’m getting engaged soon so if you think marriage is a pussy move (as I’m beginning to wonder) then I actually do fit the bill.

Engaged at 14. What are you? Muslim?

You mean the big hair on the left woman? The right woman has a fringe, although it also has some backcombing if one notices more. The 18th and 19th centuries were very interesting times for hairstyles, and people didn't seem to go quite as short as would become popular today (or the early 20th century), on the sides and back.

I’m actually getting engaged at 20, which is still pretty young. Scared I may be making the wrong move.

Real man right here

ITT: ahistorical nerds who don't understand that the short back n sides would grow out to look like an undercut. If a guy had good hair he'd get it trimmed and you end up with undercut. If not, cropped head with slightly more hair on top to protect head from minor bumps.
Grown right out it's the Elvis rockabilly pompadour. Men would slick it straight back and cut it off before it got to pony tail length because no man tied his hair up back then.
Look at old pictures closely. Not just posed shots but street shots. Hair didn't matter as much because everyone wore hats and men didn't try to be aesthetic.
WWI soldiers would shave their heads to avoid lice, leaving a swatch on top to stop helmet rubbing their head, it was called a warlock. JRR Tolkien's men all looked like they had mohawks.

I am very insecure about my looks and have a strong dislike of anyone that looks more attractive based on my own preconcieved notions of attractiveness due to the fact that i am incredibly jealous that I do not fit in the same category, the thread

here you go, op.
literally the only way to get women
beta cucks will disagree

>i can pay my bills
>therefore i'm manly
>so i style myself like a faggot
>and get all insecure on the fucking internet
are you suuuuuure you're as manly as you say you are?

Sounds about right

> Calls someone who is ploughing women "a pussy"
> Spends every evening masturbating alone
> Doesn't see the irony
> 11 years old

Damn I love this look, so does my Fiance. Growing my hair out now for something similar. Got some beard oil to keep my face looking slick. Shit is on point and the ladies love it. I am assuming you tried this look couldn't pull it off and are a cuckboy. XD

Beard fags GTFO!

The massive beards just make you look like a hipster which makes you look like a stupid cunt. Wise up, beards are beta. This beard is nice, this is degenerate.

Too long hair.
Hard to dry.
Hard to take care.
Long Hair demand women's products

> Proven to include lead
> Turns already stupid people even more stupid


I wouldn’t say I’m ploughing women. My girlfriend is the only person I’ve ever slept with, but I’ve had 4 or 5 girlfriends before that.

and you'll look like every other soyboy
all youd be missing is skinny jeans

the trilby is what looks retarded you fucking autist, a fedora just looks mafia

These beards work because the hair on the sides is around the same length as the facial hair. Too faded on the sides, with a beard like OP image is not a good look.

>beards are beta
the fuck is considered alpha then


>implying jones thundercock doesnt fuck dregs of women
>implying lead doesnt increase performance
>implying lead doesnt increase lead amount in brain cells thus increasing intelligence tenfold
Ok, kike

Fun fact: Pidgeot is my favourite Pokémon.

Topkek I'm 33 years old bald and chubby. I make 6 figures a year and I have an unlimited supply of pussy.

Women want money not men with style

u mad ?

I bet your bowl cut makes you look like quite the big boy

I don't care about looking "special". Also more men have pompadur (I think that's the name) than the simpler haircut

>I make 6 figures a year and I have an unlimited supply of pussy.

youve never left this site kiddo

>$ 0 watch wtf ???

I make 15 figures a month, have always pussies following me just in case I need to fuck, I was in the seals, have 3 medals of honor, the cia, fbi, nsa come to me for help when they are stuck. Loser

>Scared I may be making the wrong move.
Well, I mean... It really IS too soon, but maybe you'll get lucky and she's a keeper.

Great deal I bought some for gifts and then I got an email telling me that there's a 100% discount. Perfect opportunity to save money (protip you can sell them on eBay for some good free money).

Agreed. But neckbeard style isn't style either. Just do something normal. Being a fucking hipster doesn't make you unique, just the opposite. Now if you wanna be a beard-fag and have a huge bushy beard, that's more manly but if you do it only for the 'beard culture' or whatever, you're a faggot.

tl;dr if you go for style for attention, status, or elitism, you're a faggot. But if you neglect hygiene, you're a loser.

I wouldn’t be putting a ring on it if she wasn’t a keeper, but I am afraid that marriage will change us.

>I dont make this thread all the time
>just most of the time
Stellar defence. Smells like butthurt in here.

Exactly, this huge beard makes you look like a tryhard

Buzzcut with full beard reporting in.

>hair didn't matter as much...

Men would always carry pocket combs back in the day, especially if they wore a hat. Gotta stay spiffy going indoors when the hat comes off.

The only acceptable beard is ungroomed viking (metalhead basically )


>if you go for style for attention you're a faggot
>drawing attention is how you attract the opposite sex
virgin much?

This wouldn't really be that bad except that lumberjack beard doesn't really go with the hairstyle.
Looks like something you'd come up with at the barber in GTA Online.

fuck off with dead say no more meme cunt

Personally I draw attention by not being a retard like you

boy you sure told me

im okay with that hairstyle but if you got it fucking flipped to the side with hair gel and shit all smered all over you should be stoned to death


That's not the same hairstyle, that one is fine, but OP just looks weird and unnatural.

Maybe if every neckbeard virgin didn't have it