Thoughts Sup Forums?

Thoughts Sup Forums?

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forgot link lol

She is an Aryan goddess.

She's everybody's aryan goddess, not just the neo-nazi's.

Taylor, if you truly are here, I just want you to know that I love you

Pls respond

It's a shitty, unknown blog with clickbait material. Means absolutely nothing.

Oh noes ! They've invaded us ! Time to "start" spreading misinformation and post useless content all around our safe space so news outlets get outmemed.

>“It is also an established fact that Taylor Swift is secretly a Nazi and is simply waiting for the time when Donald Trump makes it safe for her to come out and announce her Aryan agenda to the world,” one white supremacist told Broadly.

Which one of you fuckers was this?

I love you too, if only there was a way we could be together!

I don't expect Taylor Swift to align herself with what this board and others want her to. However, by reporting on this, they're calling attention to the fact that she is an absolutely stunningly gorgeous Aryan woman, and more people will see that.

Let's compare her to Beyonce or whoever the non-white equivalent is. It's eye-opening, to say the least. I hope they run with this for a long time.

Her shitty music doesn't even matter, it'll wake a few up to the differences between races.

>mfw autistic journalists can't recognize an obvious troll
>mfw meme magic will cause Taylor to investigate right wing politics and end up converted.

>It's a shitty, unknown blog with clickbait material. Means absolutely nothing.

it's going to be zyklon ben all over again.

She could actually be considered and oldfag since she was a Sup Forumstard since the age of 17 or so.

She will say whatever in public but it's likely she's having a kek over it.

Anglin is intimately involved again

Keep trolling, you will force her hand into entering a public relationship with a nigger who has a massively fat nigger cock.

Is that what pol wants? A big, veiny, pulsating nigger cock shooting a thick load of nigger cummies into Taylor's Aryan vag?

someone post pics of tay tay trolling Sup Forums

>Sup Forums wouldn't jizz in their pants

And also post nudes. I need them for scientific reasons.

didn't she named her cat after a /thread on /b ??

Taylor Swift is already one of us.

>A big, veiny, pulsating nigger cock shooting a thick load of nigger cummies into Taylor's Aryan vag?

She is free to make that choice, and I trust that she'll make the right one. I have no faith or loyalty to her, but it would be great if she never touched a black cock. It would certainly rile those who wish to see her defiled.

Isn't going to happen cuck.

She hates niggers but understands she has to be around them in the industry.


>Thoughts Sup Forums?
It's true. Found this old picture of her marching with some brothers.

>mfw Tay collaborates with Ben to have an animated film made using his artstyle and her as the lead actress voicing the MC
>mfw the film is actually an adaptation of Mein Kampf with background imagery drawing influence from Hitler's paintings of buildings

Show yourself god dammit

They don't even know what Neo-Nazis are, they just label this shit like this to scare stupid people off.

Even if she did, at one point, think about fucking a Black guy (Even if just to "Try it"), Kanye West probably purged those thoughts from her head when he embarrassed her on national television a few years back.

there is a wide gulf between Sup Forumstards and Sup Forumsacks.

That gulf is 5 years.

Tay Tay
May May

She's watching a black guy perform in this photo :)