>Sen. Rand Paul wants to use a defense policy bill to force the Senate to wade into a larger fight over declassifying 28 pages from a 2002 review of the 9/11 terror attacks.

>The Kentucky Republican has filed an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) to force the public release of the 28 secret pages, which could shed light on connections between the Saudi government and al Qaeda.

>Paul's amendment comes weeks after the Senate unanimously approved legislation allowing the families of 9/11 victims to sue countries that supported perpetrators of the terrorist attacks.

>While the White House is threatening to veto the bill, senators largely brushed aside any concern that the legislation could antagonize the U.S.-Saudi relationship.

>“Look, if the Saudis did not participate in this terrorism, they have nothing to fear about going to court,” Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), expected to be the next Senate Democratic leader, said earlier this month. “If they did, they should be held accountable.”

>The pages were left out of the 2002 review, allegedly because they showed that senior officials within Saudi Arabia were complicit in the attacks.

>Obama is under increasing pressure to declassify the 28 pages. A decision is expected in June.

>Paul's amendment would require that the pages be released within 60 days of the NDAA being signed into law, something that isn't expected until this fall.

>His amendment would allow Obama to keep secret any names or "identifying information" if the release would create "imminent lawless action or compromise presently ongoing national security operations."

also on infowars

bumping for justice never sleeps

Keep up the good fight Randle. You were the president we needed but not the one we deserved.

He can still fight the good fight while in the Senate



I know, that's why I told him to keep it up.





Good work, Randy!

i'd have lunch with him

can't handle the randal



I thought you guys liked fascism? What happened?

>His amendment would allow Obama to keep secret any names or "identifying information" if the release would create "imminent lawless action or compromise presently ongoing national security operations."

Is this admitting Bush did 9/11? What else would create imminent lawless action?

The absolute Madman.

>>His amendment would allow Obama to keep secret any names or "identifying information" if the release would create "imminent lawless action or compromise presently ongoing national security operations."
big mistake, that basically gives them free censorship privileges

I thought that leaked a few weeks ago

Both have merit.

Libertarianism is cool again now that Randlet isn't running against Trump anymore

Jesus a True burger

I hope Trump makes Rand his Secretary of State. Just imagine how based he would be.

Get this manlet outta here. I don't care wtf he does or says until he grows a few inches taller.

>I hope Trump makes Rand his Secretary of State.

Why would he? He humiliated him and called him a loser. And Trump's a hardcore authoritarian.

Because they know the game and they don't take any of that shit personally. Rand is already supporting Trump.

Fuck yeah Rand . This man should have been president. Trump should put him on the cabinet desu

I met Senator Paul a few months ago, he was hilariously short and extremely sweaty walking into the library he gave a speech about. He's well articulated for a manlet and i really like him even if he was a dick when i shook his hand.

Glad to see Rand didn't lose his way after dropping out of the primaries, he's probably better off in the senate anyways.

Good job Randy.



trump made it clear he was fair game for everybody he understand what it means to run against other people, he holds no grudges over it


Rand is a midget. He needs to kill himself already for being such a pathetic loser.


Trump/Rand 2016

Daily reminder that the Saudi role has never been classified in this report and bringing the Saudis up is to distract from the Israeli role who were the biggest players

Good job.

That's a suave motherfucker right there folks.


dam those knockers

NoVa is a fucking shithole.

Can we talk about Sup Forumsitics here for a second?
These pictures were taken from a campaign stance ofcourse.
A point of view where the participant tries to warm up and bond with the public, yes?
Yet all these atempts are weird and awkard meetings of wealthy aristocrat businessmen and woman with peasants.
The American food chain, globalizing, skimming for CEO bonusses and some foreign language spoken only by economics on wall street, the arms industry, the pharma industry, the federal reserve, appearantly the Bush family too, Saudi's, Israel, etc. It's truely said where we live in a times where Americans lose which whatever they pick from the choice that is handed to them.
But then so are we, I give it 10 more years.

where the fug are you?



>In your rectum

I've seen all the pieces on how Donald has been costing up to Kissenger.

If Donald chooses Rand for a significant role in his cabinet I think we can clearly read that Trump is the real deal.

No, I mean, your post was AIDS.

huh, so I guess Virginian non-county units don't get a flag

This. I hate to say if but if he picks newt then it comes off as more of the same republican establishment. At least with Rand you can pull more youth and libertarian votes


Pretty based

Hmm how about we shitpost a while, just me and you?

1) Saudi state support is mentioned elsewhere in other sections of the report that the 28 pages come from but were not redacted i.e. why would just that section be redacted if it were just about protecting the Saudis

2) Up until recently only about 8ish members of the house have read it and they have been some of the only anti-Israel votes in the house, in one vote about a year ago to continue funding Israel's Iron Dome all of the people who voted "no" had read the 28 pages except 1

3) When asked about the pages in interviews the house representatives who have read it have said "Its about understanding who our allies and enemies are". In one press conference they were asked by a reporter whether a nation besides Saudi Arabia were mentioned and they looked at eachother for a moment before one of them said "Thats something for the American people to talk about when these pages are released"


>even Chuck Jewmer going along
I'm beginning to suspect that top kikes are pushing this so they can absolve Israel of the blame. Still props to Rand.

Thank god he's still at least in the senate. We need more honest men like him


Kentuckyfag here. Rand is up for reelection in November. The Democrat running against him is a faggot so I'd say we'll be able to keep Rand in the Senate


>tfw he was blasted in the media for not being enthusiastic enough when applauding Netanyahu's speech

Don't let us down

Here it is.

Dat Patriot Act banter though

>"...if the Saudis did not participate in this terrorism, they have nothing to fear about going to court,”