ITT: we badly describe movies and anons guess what they are

ITT: we badly describe movies and anons guess what they are.

>hurr u did bad stuff so in order to live u need to repent from bad stuff

First movie:
>Shrek erryday

Second movie:
>Deliver book

I'll start:
>bald sorcerer
>magnetic siverware
>lightning strike

>15 yos drinking milk
>shit hits the fan

>deliver ring to volcano
Any guesses?

the matrix

star wars?



Shrek 2

Pic related


>brain surgeon
>brain in jar
>true love

Not related to the movie.



Good guess though


>drinking beer
>destruction of civillization


>film makers travel to remote location
>see Michelle Obama
>dead monkey

Travelers Star Guide to Trekking Galactica?

>My ex hubby and his friends tried to give me a free abortion so Imma stop his fucking heart

Kill bill


Good job, you pass

Shrek 3

>man get mad
>man go green

The Man With Two Brains.
Fucking hilarious.

>bad mother fucker

Love that movie

Pulp fiction

>she a ho
>feels tho
>sicillians are niggers

Also winrar

Yes. That was easy, though.

A clockwork orange.

The World's End.


Pulp Fiction.

>hail satan

Super easy

>everyone dies cept marky mark

>Three men who dislike each other have to work together to find some money

>really short guy
>hides a pig
>get a baby.
>goes home.

>didnt even get in that much trouble in the end


the departed


Office Space?

this is like every movie ever made.


Devil's Due? there are a lot of satan baby movies.

no, let me give you a hint:

>husband is actor
>dr. was in on it

>fat guy teaches some niggers how to slide down a hill really fast.

Cool Runnings.


oh, Rosemary's Baby

you got it bud.

Another clue, the money's in a grave.

>fatass with midlife crisis fights robot

The good bad ugly

real steel?

>real steel

Correct, made it too easy but couldn't think of another clue.

>heaven sent

A man hitches a ride with a fat retard to get home after being thrown off a plane

Planes, Trains, and Automobiles?

> guy kills his dad
> beat a nigger
> gets btfo by niggers gf
> face scarred forever

Due Date


>nerds computer
>angelina tits
>roof pool

true romance right? the tarantino one from the 80's where he prduced

>its Harry Potter
>but he can't move and he can't talk
>he is used to do daily tasks from another guy
>and the guy and Harry Potter are stuck on an island

>maybe the bald guy just wanted to walk the dog on the beach with his wife and their kid?


Swiss Army Man

A PowerBook 5300 saves the planet

my bad, saw it ages ago and didnt think to google

Shouldn't have said Harry Potter and should have left only the second line in

Star wars: force awakens

truck barely makes it across bridge
everyone explodes

no biggie

haha ya it was kinda obvious

jason bourne with tits beats the shit out of a bunch of commies


shit, that actually fits...wasn't the one I was thinking of though

the passion of the christ?

A clockwork orange

Wow I'm impressed

atomic blonde?

Atomic blonde


too slow faggot

None of you faggots will manage this:

>horror movie
>green night vision opening scenes involve a few (masked?) people getting into a minivan at night that then attacks a supermarket
>theres a shootout, at least one of the attackers dies
>dead body is zipped up and taken into the store's cold storage
>where there's a closeup scene of it beginning to mutate under the body bag
>in the supermarket, the hostage situation continues
>then suddenly the zombie/mutant bursts out of the cold storage area and begins to attack people in the store
>movie was definitely made in the 21st century, nothing earlier, MAYBE 2008 onward.

None of you can guess it.

>Get a new job
>Find out about skeleton factory in India
>Inhale gas
>Ready to party
>Abuse my girlfriend
>Nuclear explosion

Alien Raiders

Guy goes back in time to fuck his best friends mother...


The Terminator

nope, that's a couple being kidnapped by another couple in a sedan and they get stuck in a gas station.


Hot tub time machine?

Clone but doesn't know it.