If you deny the holocaust does that make you anti-semitic?
If you deny the holocaust does that make you anti-semitic?
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Who cares if it does.
No. It makes you anti-lies
No, just retarded.
No. It really makes you think.
No just dumb
Top goy.
I hate Jews and I'm marrying one. L
>the duality of man
shame on you.
No, but depending on where you live you get to do some years in prison.
Some dipshits like even internalized that construct of post-war propaganda, as if the very fact that an alleged historical fact has to be regulated by law doesn't throw up some legitimate questions.
Not necessarily, but you probably are.
No it doesn't because denying something doesn't mean you hate a group of people. If someone denies 9/11 it doesn't mean they hate Americans. They just don't believe it happens. Saying "the holocaust never happened, but it should" is anti Semitic. But saying "I don't think all the evidence lines up for the holocaust" is not.
The Holocaust is the one thing Sup Forums hasn't redpilled me on.
The holocaust did happen. Maybe it wasn't 6 million maybe it was exaggerated. The jews didn't learn anything from it. Everywhere the merchant have gone in history people have tried to kill them. They are the common denominator. Considering how good they are with numbers you think they would realize it.
It makes you historically illiterate. Or whatever the correct term for it would be.
Every society that has tried to kill Jews failed (obviously), and most of them had a bad time after they tried it.
Why won't you faggots ever learn from history and stop trying to murder me and my family?
Denying the shoah is like another shoah, silly goy. Remember the six gorillion. (|̰ ̰̃:̰̃Л]
Mass genocide is difficult. Kikes are good at hiding. What are you taking about bad after. Rome hit its peak after trying to kill the Jews. The muslims messed up. They had a chance to finish you guys off, but they let you live.
Most jews nowadays
>Why won't you faggots ever learn from history and stop trying to murder me and my family?
Because for some reason you can't stay out of our countries. Israel exists nowadays yet you live in Canada.
The only problem I see with "Every society that has tried to kill Jews failed (obviously), and most of them had a bad time after they tried it." is the failure to accomplish the goal.
Rome never really went full tilt on the Jews, although they did fuck up (ancient) Israel good.
As for the Muslims, give them credit, they TRIED as hard as they could: they failed.
Really the only who messed up were the old Jews for not converting to Christianity and make it easier on everyone in the long run.
Also Hitler tried too, full tilt, but simply ran out of time.
>Because for some reason you can't stay out of our countries.
I'm not in your country dude, I live in Canada but I'm a Polish citizen.
>The only problem I see with "Every society that has tried to kill Jews failed (obviously), and most of them had a bad time after they tried it." is the failure to accomplish the goal.
They all failed, they all got bad karma for trying it, and literally no country that has rid itself of Jews (e.g. the Middle Eastern Arab countries) has seen any real benefit from doing so.
Also I'm not Israeli or even Zionist, so why should I go live in Palestine?
Don't you think the Middle East is fucked-up enough, already?
At this point, believing the official story just doesn't make any sense. Sure, you can believe that 6 million jews died in camps. But the ways so-called survivors claim people were killed? Hell no. If you believe everything jews tell you you get shit like
>color-coded smoke according to nationality
>soap made from human fat
>holocaust rollercoasters
>masturbation machines that jack off young boys until they die
>people being gassed 6 times without dying
>people hiding in vats of shit for weeks
>every survivor having a story about meeting Anne Frank and/or being examined by Mengele
>millions of people getting interned in camps, but prisoner numbers tattooed on inmates only have 5 digits
>people being killed, buried in mass graves, then dug up and cremated just so they can bury the ash
>documents being shredded and burned to cover all of this up, somehow documents still exist to prove it happened though
>holocaust biographies being proven to be false, with many of the supposed "survivors" who wrote them not even being jewish
>every inquiry into "mass graves" shows no signs of any mass graves
Sure, nazis were very violent, but it's not exactly hard to question the holocaust considering all the blatant lies that have been spread about it after the war. The official narrative is more leaky than a sinking ship.
>I'm not in your country dude, I live in Canada but I'm a Polish citizen.
Proving my point of you being a rootless rat instead of living in your homeland Israel where you fucking belong.
>They all failed, they all got bad karma for trying it, and literally no country that has rid itself of Jews (e.g. the Middle Eastern Arab countries) has seen any real benefit from doing so.
Well, looks like we have to try until we succeed so that we can make a proper comparison.
>Proving my point of you being a rootless rat instead of living in your homeland Israel where you fucking belong.
Israel is not my homeland, Poland is.
>Well, looks like we have to try until we succeed so that we can make a proper comparison.
Just keep letting Muslims into Europe, they'll do the job for you sooner than you think.
>Rome never really went full tilt on the Jews, although they did fuck up (ancient) Israel good.
The jewish-Roman wars were some of the largest Rome fought. Rome was definitely trying to remove the Jews from their board.
>As for the Muslims, give them credit, they TRIED as hard as they could: they failed.
The muslims were pretty tolerant to the jews for the most part. Usually because jews were more willing to submit than Christians.
>Also I'm not Israeli or even Zionist, so why should I go live in Palestine?
Because you're a Jew. Why should you be allowed to live outside of your containment area?
>The jewish-Roman wars were some of the largest Rome fought. Rome was definitely trying to remove the Jews from their board.
Then why did they let them go live comfy lives in Rome afterwards?
>The muslims were pretty tolerant to the jews for the most part. Usually because jews were more willing to submit than Christians.
I thought you meant during the Israeli-Arab wars. The Arabs treated the Jews like shit (the same way they treated their Christians).
>Because you're a Jew. Why should you be allowed to live outside of your containment area?
Because I'm Polish, all of my ancestors for literally centuries are buried in Poland. My family is mixed with Polish blood. I look Polish, I speak Polish.
Why Palestine? I know you think I'm a sand-nigger, but... I'm not.
no it doesnt make you anything its just a meaningless buzzword belive what u want to belive bro
There is kikery afoot on this thread.
>Poland is
Then you're a Pole and not a Jew.
>Just keep letting Muslims into Europe, they'll do the job for you sooner than you think.
There are 6 million of you in the US while there's maybe 1 million in all of the EU. Let's put the focus where it belongs.
If you poo in designated shitting streets does that make you anti-septic?
Well it comes with the premise that the Jews are liars are complicit in lies, which whether or not true is anti Semitic
>Because I'm Polish
It's either or. You don't get to wear the goy mask one second and the jew mask the second. You're not called MaplePole, so we know what you are - no matter your language, no matter what you look like, no matter your blood.
>Why Palestine?
Because we haven't figure out how to build an oven big enough for an entire country yet.
>I thought you meant during the Israeli-Arab wars. The Arabs treated the Jews like shit (the same way they treated their Christians).
It varied from dynasty to dynasty, but for the most part Muslims were tolerant of Christians and Jews because they paid Jizya which was a huge source of revenue. In fact some Caliphs would ban muslims from trying to convert them because they feared losing said revenue.
>Then you're a Pole and not a Jew.
Can't unmix the Jew at this point, it's in the DNA tests and shit.
>Let's put the focus where it belongs.
You should probably focus on your own country and let Americans deal with their own.
How can you deny something that neve happened?
>It's either or. You don't get to wear the goy mask one second and the jew mask the second.
Dude, I'm a Polish Jew, not because I WANT TO but because that's literally my ethnicity.
>Because we haven't figure out how to build an oven big enough for an entire country yet.
It's a pretty good approximation you guys set up there in the Middle East. Hot, dry, and surrounded by people who want to kill you.
So basically they were slaves? Gay and lame, I wouldn't want to live like that.
I haven't been convinced it never happened,but the evidence for its exaggeration is pretty compelling
yes - that holocaust is written in the torah you stupid goy
just incredibly naive
>Can't unmix the Jew at this point, it's in the DNA tests and shit.
Then you're a Jew. So what's the problem with putting you in Jewland?
>You should probably focus on your own country and let Americans deal with their own.
Well, that's maybe why every attempt has failed so far.
Cleansing the world of the Jew needs the coordinated effort of the entire world.
>So basically they were slaves? Gay and lame, I wouldn't want to live like that.
How is that slavery? I mean your better off in Canada definitely, but it wasn't bad by that times standard for a minority. Btw maple caramelizes nicely. You will cook well in the oven.
I don't know but it damn well should be illegal
Only if you hate Arabs, Assyrians, and all the other non-Jewish semite people too.
>So what's the problem with putting you in Jewland?
1. I don't want to live in Jewland
2. I am still Polish
3. There are people already living there (sand niggers)
>Cleansing the world of the Jew needs the coordinated effort of the entire world.
Hopefully never going to happen, I don't think the Americans are interested in European-style totalitarianism and mass slaughter of civilians, it isn't their style.
>Living under Muslim rule
>Not slavery
Pick one, and I'm sure I'd be delicious.
>Dude, I'm a Polish Jew, not because I WANT TO but because that's literally my ethnicity.
Why add the Polish? It's unecessary. Nobody cares what your kike whore of a grandmother decided to hide her children with.
1. Who cares what a Jew wants?
2. No you're not.
3. That's your problem to deal with.
>Hopefully never going to happen
Hopefully it will. Even the retarded golem that is America has to wake up to the Jewish Question eventually.
I'd personally live under muslim rule than the Jew run west we have right now. Jews are the cause of almost every bad thing that has happened to the west since they managed to sphere-cuck them.
What I'm getting at with this post is that it's almost like Wile E. Coyote was the guy in charge of the final solution. You couldn't think of more inefficient and convoluted ways to kill people if you were paid for it!
>Why add the Polish?
Because I am Polish, Ich bin Pole. If you want to let some foreigner dictate to you, your identity and nationality, that's your choice, I don't.
>1. Who cares what a Jew wants?
Who cares what you want? Seriously, who does? What power do you have?
>2. No you're not.
Yes I am, I'm no rootless cosmopolitan.
>3. That's your problem to deal with.
It's Israel's problem, not mine.
>Even the retarded golem that is America has to wake up to the Jewish Question eventually.
USA is different than Western Europe, they still have some pride in their principles and some honour.
I'd rather live with the current degeneracy than under Sharia law, desu. I mean, it's not like you don't have a choice, you can certainly run off to join ISIS or something if you're so sick of living in the West.
nah, it just makes you a moron
Why are you jewish? Why aren't you in Israel?
Andrew Oboler pls go.
>Why are you jewish?
I was born this way, I was given no choice.
>Why aren't you in Israel?
I'm not a Zionist and I don't like the Middle East.
>Because I am Polish, Ich bin Pole. If you want to let some foreigner dictate to you, your identity and nationality, that's your choice, I don't.
Your name is "MapleJew" - you're the evidence that no matter the mix, the Jew will always float atop like a turd.
>Who cares what you want? Seriously, who does? What power do you have?
The same power any group of goyim had in history before they decided that it's been enough of Jewish shenanigans.
>Yes I am, I'm no rootless cosmopolitan.
Pole, Jew, living in Canada, not a rootless cosmopolitan. Come on, nobody here is stupid enough to fall for your lies.
>It's Israel's problem, not mine.
There's a little common denominator that puts you in the same oven eventually.
>USA is different than Western Europe, they still have some pride in their principles and some honour.
If they have pride and honor they won't accept what the kikes have done to their nation.
Zündel predicted that the US will snap one day and then there'll be a real holocaust and I agree.
Are you a full jew or are you a mut. Why aren't you a Zionist. That's antisemetic.
your mum is - suck a dick cunt
>you're the evidence that no matter the mix, the Jew will always float atop like a turd.
This is Sup Forums, I would rather go under MapleJew than constantly have people call me "JIDF" my opinions are too anti-Islamic and not anti-semitic enough to pass muster.
>The same power any group of goyim had in history before they decided that it's been enough of Jewish shenanigans.
So currently no one.
>Come on, nobody here is stupid enough to fall for your lies.
I know where I'm from, I live in Canada temporarily for work.
>There's a little common denominator that puts you in the same oven eventually.
I won't ever live in Israel
>If they have pride and honor they won't accept what the kikes have done to their nation.
They certainly won't "real holocaust" the Jews because Americans don't like the idea of the government going around murdering defenceless families, at least not on American soil.
Like I said, I would worry about my own nation. You're being over-run by Muslims and your main concern is to masturbate to the mass-murder of Jews in the USA. That's pretty fucking sick, my man.
I'm am a mut and I'm not against Israel, I like Israel, I just think Zionism is mildly treasonous.
If you want to be a Zionist, go live in Israel.
Soft cunt kike.
Why do you think its treasonous. Why do you like Israel.
>Why do you think its treasonous.
Well if you live in one country while identifying as a nationalist of another, that's a conflict of interest at the very least.
>Why do you like Israel.
Strong Jews who don't take shit from anyone and remove kebabs. What's not to like? I wish they would stop taking so much American aid but that's kind of a two-sided relationship.
Well gee, that sure describes us right now...
>Strong Jews who don't take shit from anyone and remove kebabs. What's not to like? I wish they would stop taking so much American aid but that's kind of a two-sided relationship.
Without American aid they would be pretty fucked. Plus it's not that hard to stand up to stone throwers when you just bomb them with F16.
>Implying israelis are not kebabs
I'm not saying they are superheroes or something, but they are certainly a warrior nation who fight for their survival so I respect that.
I mean, they could have bent over like the Western Europeans, converted to Islam, repeated their memes, allowed themselves to get genocided (slowly or quickly), etc.
>This is Sup Forums, I would rather go under MapleJew than constantly have people call me "JIDF" my opinions are too anti-Islamic and not anti-semitic enough to pass muster.
"Too anti-islamic"? Come on, where the fuck do you think you are.
You're too namefaggy too to pass muster, so that really can't be the reason.
>So currently no one.
The sword of Damokles has to drop eventually, it doesn't matter that it's currently still suspended in air.
>I know where I'm from, I live in Canada temporarily for work.
Perhaps in a cosmopolitan area? :^)
>I won't ever live in Israel
I'm fine with Jews dying, so that's really not a problem.
>You're being over-run by Muslims and your main concern is to masturbate to the mass-murder of Jews in the USA. That's pretty fucking sick, my man
Because I'm able to look at the bigger picture.
Who encourages immigration?
Who controls the US that makes revolting violentely near impossible without having "peacekeeper" boots on the ground the next day?
The only fucking sick thing here is how this shit is such a recurring development throughout 2000 years of history.
And every time you look, there's a kike. It has to end.
All I can say is to find the lies, just figure out what is illegal to talk about.
>You're too namefaggy too to pass muster, so that really can't be the reason.
What? I am namefagging constantly.
>it doesn't matter that it's currently still suspended in air.
Isn't it always?
>Perhaps in a cosmopolitan area? :^)
No, I hate cities.
>I'm fine with Jews dying, so that's really not a problem.
Lol, come and kill me, unarmed Internet tough guy ;^)
>Because I'm able to look at the bigger picture.
You think the USA is responsible for your immigration policy?
>And every time you look, there's a kike. It has to end.
It will, Jews won't be around forever. Jews are demographically dying out (mixing or leaving the fold or not having kids) and the sand niggers and their European allies will eventually crush Israel.
The reason Europe is so cucked is because of all the shoah bullshit you guys push. It's why kebobs like me are able to come to the west and get the white womyns.
Europe lets in millions of rabidly antisemitic fighting aged males to murder their Jewish population like you stormfags always want, and it's our fault?
Guys i just realized how deep the jew is and how hes got us.
It was a meme to me.
>What? I am namefagging constantly.
Get a trip too while you're at it, cancer.
>Isn't it always?
Learn how to understand a parabel.
>No, I hate cities.
So you'd rather work in a rural area in Canada than in Poland? Wew.
>Lol, come and kill me, unarmed Internet tough guy ;^)
Ridiculing the angry goyim - another thing that never changes with you kikes. As if you're inable to learn.
>You think the USA is responsible for your immigration policy?
They certainly liked the Turkish "guest workers" coming to Europe when they decided they needed bases in Turkey. It's been going downhill ever since.
>It will, Jews won't be around forever. Jews are demographically dying out (mixing or leaving the fold or not having kids) and the sand niggers and their European allies will eventually crush Israel.
And what a beautiful day it will be. If they're smart they'll send the kike straight down the memory hole.
Mudslimes don't distinguish between jews and christians.
Anti-Semitism is not what it is represented as.
It actually designates targets of organized Jewry.
The Anti-Semite is not one who hates Jews but rather one who is hated by Jews.
if it really happened you'd be allowed to talk about it
the lie is enforced by law
no one believes it. everyone has either doubts or knows the truth
>Europe lets in millions of rabidly antisemitic fighting aged males to murder their Jewish population like you stormfags always want, and it's our fault?
That would be a more appropriate term.
I prefer "counter-Semitic"
>Get a trip too while you're at it, cancer.
I get somtimes.
>Learn how to understand a parabel.
I understand it, I'm saying that sword is always hanging over all our necks.
>So you'd rather work in a rural area in Canada than in Poland? Wew.
I work in a small town in a specialized industry. I always live in rural or semi-rural areas on account of hating cities and being afraid of crowds.
>Ridiculing the angry goyim - another thing that never changes with you kikes. As if you're inable to learn.
You threaten me with death, I laugh at your empty threat. Believe me, I take it seriously, and I don't think it's funny, but I have a fire-arms licence here in Canada and I would defend myself and my family.
>They certainly liked the Turkish "guest workers" coming to Europe when they decided they needed bases in Turkey.
Aren't you confusing the USA with Germany?
>And what a beautiful day it will be. If they're smart they'll send the kike straight down the memory hole.
It won't be, by the time it happens Western civilization will be in ruins, and they'll be imposing Islam over all our nations and formerly great civilization, it's going to be a sad, shitty, depressing time.
I agreed wholeheartedly the nation is the world's tribe. I am undergoing Orthodox conversion through my local Chabad. I have been Shomer for months. Conversion is extremely difficult and will most likely take 2-5 years.
Literally fucking kill yourself.
Have you not been following this thread? WHY THE FUCK would you subject yourself to the endless, mindless, hatred that large chunks of the worlds' population will have for you when you become Jewish?
Literally, WHY!?!?
>mfw he's even a tripfag
This is unreal. What's it with kikes being such attention seeking whores?
>I understand it, I'm saying that sword is always hanging over all our necks.
No it isn't, since it's clearly in connection with a position of power that makes it not hanging over all of us, and the threat of consequence which made Damokles' servant move away from it eventually.
But instead of moving away, the kike mocks it: "You're not even sharp! That hair will hold you forever!" - it's pretty retarded, quite frankly.
>You threaten me with death, I laugh at your empty threat. Believe me, I take it seriously, and I don't think it's funny, but I have a fire-arms licence here in Canada and I would defend myself and my family.
Technically I only said I'm fine with you dying. I wish I could snuff this one perticular kike out of existence but realistically speaking with 15 millions or so on this planet, it's pretty unlikely.
It's great that you dragged your family along to Canada - yet you still call yourself a Pole, as if you aren't completely uprooted.
>Aren't you confusing the USA with Germany?
No, those are fundamentally different countries, how would I confuse them?
>It won't be, by the time it happens Western civilization will be in ruins, and they'll be imposing Islam over all our nations and formerly great civilization, it's going to be a sad, shitty, depressing time.
Like says: Islam is a better option than the current degenerate kikery. And that's assuming that it'll even happen.
>and the threat of consequence which made Damokles' servant move away from it eventually.
>But instead of moving away
Where the fuck am I supposed to move away my wise Goy friend?
Implying, you wouldn't hound and plot global extermination like for me if I lived in Palestine or Poland or China.
If I lived on the fucking Moon, you'd be clamouring for a moon holocaust and making some pretty dank memes about it.
No. If I was anti-semitic, I'd want the holocaust to be true.
it would make me a criminal
I like you fellow yid.
I wish I had a gun license for self defense, then again I will move to North America, so that'll get easier.
Also polish ancestry, nice to see you here.
>Where the fuck am I supposed to move away my wise Goy friend?
From your Jewish identity. That's the seat under the sword.
>Implying, you wouldn't hound and plot global extermination like for me if I lived in Palestine or Poland or China.
>If I lived on the fucking Moon, you'd be clamouring for a moon holocaust and making some pretty dank memes about it.
Depends, we haven't had you kikes staying in one place since 2000 years and you already said that you wouldn't want to live in the designated shekel area, and I doubt you're alone in that.
It's not like there are a ton of options left, and if we can learn anything from history then it's that expelling rootless people doesn't really work out long term.