The men who live as dogs

The men who live as dogs

>It’s easy to laugh at a grown man in a rubber dog suit chewing on a squeaky toy. Maybe too easy, in fact, because to laugh is to dismiss it, denigrate it – ignore the fact that many of us have found comfort and joy in pretending to be animals at some point in our lives.

>Secret Life of the Human Pups is a sympathetic look at the world of pup play, a movement that grew out of the BDSM community and has exploded in the last 15 years as the internet made it easier to reach out to likeminded people. While the pup community is a broad church, human pups tend to be male, gay, have an interest in dressing in leather, wear dog-like hoods, enjoy tactile interactions like stomach rubbing or ear tickling, play with toys, eat out of bowls and are often in a relationship with their human “handlers”.

>In the documentary, we see Tom, AKA Spot, take part in the Mr Puppy Europe competition in Antwerp, a mix of beauty pageant, talent show and Crufts; David, AKA Bootbrush, talk to camera in a leather dog mask; two pups walk through London pretending to wee on lampposts to raise awareness of their identity; and lots of men jumping up for “treats”, barking and wagging their mechanical tails.

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Why does every mental illness and fringe fetish need to be celebrated nowadays?

Stop oppressing me

>The men who live as dogs

And I thought this was going to be about street shitting.

Not the best time to be a dog in Britain.

I doubt this is celebrating it.

C4 know they are freaks and are exploiting them for ratings, same as that TV show they had where they had spazzos date each other.

> your grandfathers died for this

>tfw Hitler would have saved us from this timeline

>The men who live as dogs
Did you mean neets? xD

What happened to the world?

We live in a society where some guys decided such deviants are interested enough to be documented and TV channels also decided it's worth presenting those videos to shape public opinion.

My Grandfathers fought in USSR against degenerate Germans. tfw Russia didn't win (completely) and now we have this.


>this is truly the world we live in

>that was once someone's baby boy.

If one of my kids ended up like that I might kill myself.

>It’s easy to laugh at a grown man in a rubber dog suit chewing on a squeaky toy. Maybe too easy, in fact, because to laugh is to dismiss it, denigrate it – ignore the fact that many of us have found comfort and joy in pretending to be animals at some point in our lives.

At this point im all for shariah in europe.

This shit shouldn't be on morning tv for young kids to watch.

Life as a dog would be hella comfy. Free food, shelter, no obligations, endless affection from the family.

Russians were degenerate.

t. wh*te "people"

Soooo, I'm just going to put this out there but; could we just let the islamists win?

While Sup Forums probably doesn't give a shit, there is a difference between BDSM pet play and furries. There is some cross over, but furfags general wear faux fur, more baggy, suits. They give their characters sentients and human properties (like being upright). BDSM pet play on the other hand wear tight leather or spandex suits, often mixed with bondage. In pet play the goal is for the person to lose their sentients, and become animalistic, with the least number of human properties as possible.

Their worst wierdness is simply all the more reason to embrace the Trumpening and the Return of Masculinity.

damn white people are weird bruh

~*~LITERALLY~*~ BDSM propaganda on national airwaves. Stay cucked, Europe.

They are taking the piss on those people and they dont know it.

i just reported this, have fun in the pokey, faggot

Fucking white people what the fuck man.

Yeah, not constantly fighting just to eat does a number on you.

underrated keks

so where did you got the dog suit

Here was my thought on a more realistic way to shame sluts and cheaters (both male and female)

I for one am glad that Film Makers are avoiding sexist propaganda by showing male sexuality. It's absolutely unacceptable to showcase women wearing collars and being objectified like that.

I'm into horses, m8

Fucking furfags

Judaism son.

>my grandfather fought with the marxist slav army of rapists to stop the Aryans
>lost 3 million men
>had to get resupplied by Americans
>USSR collapsed anyway


"fighting to ear" lol, burguers truly have no idea of the world around them.

All men are basically dogs anyway. They'd do anything for pussy. They can't live without it.

I'm not even angry anymore, just tired and sad.


We all are.
Here, cheer up.

Why why why WHY WHY WHY?

How can you be proud of this? How can you take pride in being a literal pet? Why would you ever want this to see the light of day?

This makes




Don't forget to spay or neuter your pets, wouldn't want them to have a bunch of puppies you can't care for!

He should be killed on the spot

you VET!

>tfw Russia didn't win (completely) and now we have this.

>literally had half of Europe postwar and managed to piss that all away

>death will be my only salvation from this nightmare

Fuck...this is just getting depressing tb.h family

this has gone too far or has it

its time to start dropping nukes and start civilization over

It's so hard imagining how bad the world will be if this bullshit continues.

What if one day, people are mutilating themselves and chewing ferret buttholes just to be progressive? We're not even far away from this.

It still has a normalizing effect.

>slippery slope is not real
>except for when it is
>next prime minister will be a openly Human Pupper who married his own son

This whole thread. Jesus Christ.

We need to destroy the internet and all electronic technology and purge the west of these degenerates in the subsequent blackout. When the lights come on again, all will be right with the world. It's the only way.


>Human pupper hybrids


I think you have it backwards

You have to wonder if this was part of the plan all along


I'm pretty sure it was done before. What we remember as the deluge or the flood event was a civilization reset due to rampant degeneracy.

>one day after white people create a self-sustaining colony in space

White "people"