France hate thread

Why is France objectively the worse country in Europe?
>Full of Muslims
>Cuckoldry is widely accepted
>French don't care about race
>Shit Government
>Shit Nationalist party
>Shitty language
>The Average Frenchmen looks Arabic
>Sharia zones
>self loathing
>Demographics under 30 are majority non-white and Muslim
>Cities like Marseille and Paris

Other urls found in this thread:'armée_secrète

>TFW Paris looks like Senegal

NIce meme m8

Don't forget that we have now our flag on the moon thanks to you

Why does the average Frenchmen look Arabic

Because France is full of North Africans all over the country.

Kek senpai

I was in paris 15 years ago. Loved the city and the frenchs.

I still love the language to this day, and they have some of the best black metal.

All the reasons you mentioned are basically the same on every european country, except maybe Denmark. For what I know they are absolutely based when it comes to the preservation of the nation.

Don''t forget they started the whole nigger worship in the west, and then blame the Americans. They also caused hundreds of thousands of whites to die over their degenerate country.

Who does the average American is a nigger or a spicy spic?

Atheists = worse?

Your president is a nigger. Your opinion is invalid.

Their Amazing Atheist tier Atheists.



You couldn't handle some rice niggers in Vietnam and needed our help in two world wars so your opinion doesn't matter.

Daily Reminder that the French World War 1 soldiers praised black soldiers. They even offered their wives as a reward

>>Full of Muslims
>>The Average Frenchmen looks Arabic
>>Sharia zones
>>Demographics under 30 are majority non-white and Muslim

If you're up to start an hate thread, at least, try to put some decent and credible argument who doesn't sounds retarded.

Why are Peruvians angry at the French in the pic? Haven't they like, zero common history?

He's not wrong, only he should have said "Paris" and many other major cities.

They are bolivians, you can see the flag behind

poo in loo

No blacks are fine, I prefer them compared to brain dead storm fag like you.

I can buy that, but still ,there aren't any "Sharia Zone"...
Unless you think that a bad shitty ghetto with drug dealers and gang is a "Sharia Zone", then you have plenty in the US too.
We just stock niggers and sand niggers there.
Most of them aren't even muslim, just by culture, they drink alcohol etc...

>and they have some of the best black metal

Surrender-fags have no honor or dignity.

France is a traitor of Europe

France was supposed to be catholic and latin

Why is it that there's no large, latin, powerful european country anymore?

Because the Jews win ww2 faggot

dude they are called mudslimes nowadays.

>Be French love Niggers
Wew lad

Americans love black too.

I laugh every time when burgers talk about cuckoldry, degeneracy or being non-white.

You guys seriously live in denial

France is the eldest daughter of the Catholic Church and now the newest bride of Mecca

I bet OP's new step-father is french

Let me tell you that we have a French femanon in this board.
A real one!
That makes French people the best.


The french are good at chimping out.

buggers inherit their hatred for french people from their inbred island fathers

Reminder the french are projected to reelected there manlet president Francois Hollande
Ayy Lmao

Why would you talk shit about our oldest ally? They helped us beat up our abusive, alcoholic father and break free

They need our help

We can't save what's been lost


And now we are out off
fuel and soon electricity cause of workers union (Stalinist )

Soon they block all nuclear center

>>Shit Nationalist party

Œuvre française
Jeunesses nationalistes
Parti nationaliste français et européen
Parti nationaliste français
Jeune Nation
Parti Franciste


As a pole that lived in this country for 20 years (following my parents) and is about to GTFO, I approve of those statements


interracial marriages are bigger in America

>tfw France is literally going to have to cede territory to kebab in my lifetime.

Fucking Dominicans with their hilariously cheap parades ...'armée_secrète

Just for your fucking education amerifat.

American black metal is the best sorry bub gonna have to ask you to leave

France has more people converting to Islam

But OP... we are both equally BLACKED

>American black metal is the best

Pf...dont make me laugh. What are some good american black metal bands? Absu has one good album the rest are shit.

I also like the first album of ICE.

And that's all.

They lost their balls after Napoleon, centuries of permanent warfare with germans fucked their shit up