Would Hitler have won if he weren't a weeaboo?
Would Hitler have won if he weren't a weeaboo?
Why does your flag look like a barcode?
At least our flag means something. Your's is just one of the many pointless "dude 3 random colors lmao" flags of Europe.
From darkness
Through fire
Into light
>Implying shitty tricolor flags are better
Also, barcodes are vertical lines you dumb kraut.
Our flag has a meaning, faggot.
Black stands for the dark times that we'll overcome united.
Red stands for the blood of our enemies on the battlefiend.
Gold stands for wealth and prosperity that our country shall create.
Yellow is light?
When are they adding the green for Islam?
now black resembles the dicks behind shoved up your ass by the refugees
Being an angloboo fucked him much worse. Should have slaughtered those pigs at Dunkirk.
Pretty gay actually. Sound like something a edgy teenager would come up with.
I swear to god mate, I'll slit your fucking throat if I ever see you IRL.
more like black like your women after the refugees are done with them
red like her blood after rape
yellow like the piss they left on the floor in your house
Yes Hitler would have definelty won if he could fully embrace the weeaboo inside him. We would be living in the waifu age right now but his normalfag cuck counselors brainwashed him into starting shitty pointless wars with everyone instead of focusing on building the transdimensional waifu portal.
>not having a leaf in your flag
Why do you guys even bother living
can't do that when shekel mcmerkal takes your knives away
Did they change your flag to the pot leaf when the weed man came into power or was it like that always? Serious question.
he would have won if he didn't think that uranium bombs were stupid
The stars on yours are the percentage of how white you are after you account for the Middle Easterners, North Africans, Jews and "undocumented citizens" :^)
You do realize AfD will be in power in 2017, right? Just about when Hillary becomes your president. We'll see who's laughing then.
Germany is done. It's way, way too late to act tough.
Just stop m8.
There was no way for Hitler to win, his philosophy demanded that the strongest nation destroys and usurps all the others. We Germans are quite easily the greatest nation to ever exist, but not the strongest.
Bomb dropped
I didn't choose to live here, asshole. I didn't choose to import a fucking billion immigrants. Stop fucking making fun of me, it's not funny.
No offense, but we're still a much more accomplished (and white) nation than the USA.
Hör auf rumzuheulen, du musst kontern. Wenn du beleidigt bist, haben die anderen gewonnen.
Hitler just allied with Japan for strategic purposes
Once victory in Europe was secured, a big war would begin with Japan, using Russia as a massive battlefield
That's really fucking edgy though. Too bad the black stands for BLACKED now.
>red now stands for your own blood, gold stands for your wealth stolen, black now stands for what skin color Germany will become.
t. Turkish colony
Does your flag stand for anything besides liberal dictatorship over what once was supposed to be independent states?
If Hitler hadn't allied with Japan, Japan never would have had the balls to attack Pearl Harbour and Singapore, and Hitler would have avoided war with the US and would have had to make peace with Britain before invading the USSR. So, yes.
At least we have a chance to fix it, where's your Trump?
>we have a chance to fix it,
Was soll ich denn machen? Das kotzt mich einfach an sowas zu hören. Da brennen bei mir alle Sicherungen durch. Dem dreckigen Wichser sollte einfach mal einer gut aufs Maul geben. Wenn ich so jemanden auf der Straße treffen würde, würde ich ihn sowas von zerficken ey, das is echt nicht mehr lustig.
Mich doch auch, aber das zeig ich denen nicht. Du musst den Eindruck erwecken, dass die vereinigten Kräfte aller Herren Länder deiner Selbstgefälligkeit nicht mal einen Kratzer verpassen können. Speziell als Deutscher muss man das draufhaben, keiner wird hier so sehr angegiftet wie wir.
Dast it genau
Geile schlampe
Ich wolle
In deiner apfelstrüdel
Respekt wenn du da ruhig bleiben kannst, aber bei mit ist einfach alles zu Ende wenn ich sowas hör.
Even looking at this amazing piece of art you guys have created, I'm still having a hard time believing Germany is a better place to live in.
you won't be able to laugh cause you'll have atleast 2 black ones shoved down your throat by then
Thanks. Took me the better part of a minute to come up with it.
>Ik ben een Nederlander en kan niet spreken, Duitsland red mij en heers me
That's a nice anime
>having shit tier flags
get at me yuros and Least coast scum
You all that paranormal SS stuff?
Their real objective was to make waifus real
You mean gold stands for all the money the US gives to you in foreign aide every year
Overall, it's much better than most parts of the US. You really lost your "land of opportunity" shtick in those past 15 years.
He did win, look how amazing poland is. so little jews so based
How about some examples?
oh man
good one
Lel look up Ronald Richter. Germany had the atom bomb before the US did.
Tough guy huh?
Germany has
>no raging unemployment problem
>a considerable trade surplus
>still far less of an immigrant problem
Nice example you picked there, only had to kidnap a few dozens of Nazi rocket scientists to make it possible.
The only reason we got to the moon was because of the Germans.
edgy as fuck.
>a few dozens of Nazi rocket scientists to make it possible.
I actually say that a lot when trolling the other direction.
Fair enough.
>Nazi rocket scientists
We got more than rocket scientists, look at Debus as an example.
Best European fleg here. Unique, iconic, not too simplistic like those tricolours, but not so intricate that you can't see the details properly from a distance like the flags featuring their coat of arms like Spain, meaningful, and features not just one, but three holy crosses.
Explain this. Hitler had no plans outside of Europe
You're still outfagging us in this regard, m8. Hard to believe, but you are.
There are very few people who look good in a pike helmet. Trump is one of them, it seems.
>Their flags wasn't desined to be easy to see from long distances in the sea.
How other countries can even compete with our functionality?
Why would someone just go on the internet and spread lies?
what is this, dark souls?
I would worship those cute feet all day and night. Got some artist name?
Deutschsouls. It has a much higher difficulty level.
Give me one instance on where Germany is less cucked than the US.
Please, please sir.
Do what you can to wake up the others.
Please don't die Germanball.
No i'm pretty sure this is the best european flag for several reasons
Hitler would have won if he had slightly more time to roll out scalar weapons, the thermobaric weapons that were tested on the Russians, and Die Glocke.
As it stands Nazism survives today in the govts of Europe, certain major companies, the CIA and the break away civilization that has formed in the past 60 odd years.
More like
From light
through fire
Into cuckness
USA: One Jew per 53 people
Germany: One Jew per 686 people
you assume we lost , but we are still winning to this day - to make a path for the apocalypse and cleanse this earth from vermin.
do you even revelation nigger?
hitler is alive in our spirits.
National flags only. There are too much to choose from if we include local/regional flags.
Georgia, Alania, and Greece also have decent national flags.
Denmark is probably one of the least cucked of all the Western European nations. They have a difficult position though, being stuck in the middle of Sweden and Germany.
It's so weird... looks like some shitty logo designed for SJW's with each leg represents a gender.
Also, one of the best flags was definetly Transition's Spain flag:
>Alpha as fuck
>Literally an eagle holding the coat with his claws.
>Full of historic references.
God, I hate so much our actual flag. I'm pretty sure that this is what canadians actually feel when they see their flag too.
>nigger island
>anime imageboard
>no anime allowed
old b8
>you assume we lost
I dont, given what happened to Fremde Heere Ost I would say that Nazi Germany is alive and well to this very day.
>also known as Marxismus Maximus
>where everybody is on antidepressants and nobody owns property
>the least cucked of all the Western European nations
Dag nabbit, Iv'e been foiled again.
>old b8
Still works literally every single time though.
She's cute. CUTE.
I was already replying to a post, but yes it's similar to my favorite b8 pic
The key to b8 is making it so bad people feel compelled to respond
The only euroland countries that even come close to being non-cucked are switzerland and the netherlands and the casual racism and organized crime keeping the dutch from devolving is eventually gonna give out, dunno if the swiss can hold it together, maybe
please respond
Don't give up. Germany and Europa will be strong once more, for all of us. Not today, not tomorrow, not in a year or two, but soon enough.
No thanks to the clash of civilizations and militarized Islam Germany started working on before WWI.
What does the leaf represent?
Their currency, maple syrup.
I do not happen to have the information that you seek my good gentleman.
But perhaps you can be delighted to know it has a fine design regardless of any subtle meaning.
~ Dude
somebody get this hothead outta here
what is that from, looks like a fun movie.
>le attributing meaning to randon colors
I dint knew Germnas where autists
He just picked the wrong high-iq race to ally with, is all. Hitler should have backed the Verband nationaldeutscher Juden and recruited physicists like Einstein and Born, and if possible even those in friendly countries like Fermi and Szilard, in order to develop superweapons before beginning his war.
But you forgot to say sorey.
They out paced the allies by a wide margin when it comes to research.
Here is my sorry
It's actually top to bottom though, about how your country is turning from white into shitskin.