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Nice photoshop



Omg... that is so me!! XDXDXDDXD

youtube.com/watch?v=1TJKQI1pDUU ;

Kill me


Why would someone ever make something like that?
It just goes to show that racism is alive and well in the US...

Are you really the retarded? It's a mine sweeper, moron.


Okay, you're actually just trolling right? That's a tank mounted mine clearing flail.

This is fake there is no such thing as an iPhone 3


yea dude ... hes a jew ... thats what they do ... this shit is not funny this is their kind of warfare

youll be talking to that black girl one day ... and shell cry something like "racists" and "sexual assult" ... then you go to jail

in the court room you see her jew father and mother ... that taught her that ... cause shes not black now, shes a jew

open ur eyes mate , ur laughing at them ... and thats what they want

also that kid will have the upbringing of a white person but get affirmative action ... like the parents planned

fucking idiots

Ah you beat me to it.

If it's supposed to be a minesweeper why doesn't it have a large metal detector to find them?




>> 751030241
metal detector? It's not going to an airport, yo. It's Smashing Deadly Shit and blazing a trail for victory. One pass solution, no pussyfooting around. Almost as cool as the primacord launcher, which lays down a long line of explosive rope, and blows mines to smithereens w/o our good soldiers ever getting near 'em.

>free gun
Hell yeah

U mad white kidz?
Blacks always get the cool sheit!!



this was funny the first trillion times but contribute something new faggot.


I remember when people had a shitfit about this because they actually thought it was real.


Swamp thing I think I love you.





>trump is a rapist
>trump is a virgin


absolutely potastic

>literally has children
>also a virgin


Do you even english, that sentence makes nosense

I really, really like these pictures


Horse pussy

I mean, there are people like Carl the Cuck. It would be feasible that the kids aren't his.






i lold






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virgin as in first time being a leader of a country

God I hate Sup Forums, what a bunch of fags collectively over reacting to the same post in attempt of applying some kind of entertainment value to it, they can easily be compared to tumblr.

Damn, i wish i could get some 19 cent burgers





░░▀▀░░░░░░▀▀█████████▀ ░░░░░░░░

So where is everyone getting these horse pussy pics?




░░▐█▐▄reply post░░░▐░█▄▄
░░░▀▀ or spooky mum▐▄▄▄▀


iphone 3g.






Lost, but seriously that poor kid


you called?

He just missed the "?", everything else makes sense.

Laughed way harder than i should have.



>The Breeki crew fights off the invisible buttrape gang


>Burned the coal and paying the toll
>Lower your standards and accept some 5/10 beta that probably has a good career
Nothing new here, at this point I don't even blame women for being smart enough to take advantage of a guy like that. I blame the guy for being such a sad spineless sack of shit to actually accept this.

I hate you and I hope you discover google one day

Keked so hard I got bronchitis

mama mia
