Memes aside how safe is a career in coding from automation?
Memes aside how safe is a career in coding from automation?
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if you are a script kiddie or web dev faggot you aint a real coder? if you are asking this question you aint a real coder.
STFU faggot. and step off!
Even though automation for us isn't right around the corner, the market is already too saturated to find work. I was recently laid off about a few months ago, tried calling buddies of mine to see if they had stuff in their sectors but no dice. Half of them were cut too, tough time for coders right now. Good luck.
Well according to the internet its booming and in demand. What gives?
I'm really getting sick of this meme.
I'm a tax accountant. It won't be automated. The prospect of automation is an excuse for layabout, low testosterone Bernie supporters who think everyone will receive a basic income.
>300k per year as a fry cook at a burger joint
So they just major in something useless and convince themselves that they'll be getting free money soon enough.
Safe for 15-odd years until the singularity. Then AIs will code themselves.
>I play with numbers. there's no way a giant calculator will replace me
>switch to flat tax
>taxes become simple math peasants can do
>suddenly accounting fags all btfo and homeless
My job is coding automation
I hope you're trolling
You're job is coming under threat from several different directions
If it came to machines coding themselves, we would die so quickly that we wouldn't even see it coming.
Someone doesn't understand what accounting actually is.
They will never happen. I don't think you understand how much congress likes having the ability to dictate tax policy. They won't strip themselves of that power.
I'm a corporate tax strategists. Robots aren't taking it over. Accountants also basically control regulations over the profession. They won't put themselves out of work.
A few lawyers and programmers could certainly automate your job. The program would be faster, more accurate, and cheaper. It's just a matter of time until that much trust is placed in machines, but it will happen. Sooner rather than later.
Your job isn't much more safe than fast food workers, but please stay on that high horse. I hope you're saving and investing your money well.
There's your first mistake.
If you don't get replaced by a robot your job will just be outsourced to Pajeet
Top lol. Again, I really don't think you know what the accounting profession entails.
dont even bother
good luck trying to compete with pajeet from india who'll work for $2 per hour
I teach mechanical programs at a technical college. I have students graduating in two years with an Associates degree in Electromechanics and PLC programming starting around 80k a year. There is a huge demand and push from area employers for automation related programs.
don't tell them , man
Each Pajeet generates jobs for 2-3 actual coders who have to fix his code
this reminds me of a Dilbert joke where his boss saved like $2 million by hiring Ukranian coders and then had to spend like $3 million to debug the software.
I hope this is true
you're fine until the singularity
You damn well know that not even the most advanced of today's super computers could put up with all the bureaucracy the state throws at the taxpayers.
>Same as programmer. Fuck off you slav third world faggot
Automated coding already exists and it will get even better, there are tons of poo in loos at work at it right now
the fact that you refer to it as "coding" implies you are some front end or other web dev pleb. So yes, you are easily replaceable by any pajeet code bootcamp """"graduate"""". Get gud or be unemployed
We have a service economy. A hook or poo in loo can code remotely from Asia.
do yourself a favor, get a good job -- programming is a never-ending learning cycle.