There is literally no reason a state should deny the medicare coverage in Obamacare. If your state if grey or light grey, it's shit tier and run by a neo-fascist RepubliKKKan.
There is literally no reason a state should deny the medicare coverage in Obamacare...
Tell me, do the states have to put up any of their own money to fully implement obamacare? Or is Oklahoma just refusing a free 900 million because of muh principles.
>Or is Oklahoma just refusing a free 900 million because of muh principles.
Oregon's implementation was supposed to be the model for the country, and turned out to be an unmitigated disaster. Obamacare will never recover. Fight me
>states should blow money on more programs
>states should blow money on more programs
>tfw Obamacare only screwed over the poor and middle class
Who here /comfy/ with private health insurance?
>this message has been brought to you by Goldman-Sachs
>this message has been brought to you by Goldman-Sachs
I don't really understand what you are trying to say. The healthcare insurance industries hate Obamacare and the medicare expansion.
>tfw live in greatest state in the nation
>mfw the only 2 states as based as us chose Oniggercare(Alaska & New Hampshire)
And before you get ahead of yourself, no Texas is not an American state it's Canadian
Grey states = poorest states in the country
Not North Carolina
OP, your post is lacking some important keywords that ensure your post gets replies. Please consider reposting with the follwing words for an optimum Sup Forums experience:
And don't forget to attach a pic of a tranny instead of that boring map.
>texas and florida
>texas and florida
Not sure about Florida, but Texas is a god dam shit hole.
>Grey states = poorest states in the country
And that's the ironic part. Those grey states will vote against their own interests every fucking time.
Texas has the 2nd largest GSP after California.
Those dark states are a who's who of liberal holes.
>there is no reason to resist federal tyranny
Texas is a very large area with many different localities you inbred fuckwad. Im not even from Texas, but goddamn.
>Texas has the 2nd largest GSP after California.
Again how does that mean they are rich? I'm waiting.
>there is no reason to resist federal tyranny
>giving people healthcare is tyranny
And this is why Trump is going to lose. People are so sick of this Ayn Rand MUH FREE MARKET bullshit you guys keep spewing.
Wealth is relative. Curently only 9 countries have a higher GDP.
Texas has a larger economy than Canada despite have 10 million less people. So connects the dots faggot.
>using power not granted by the constitution isn't tyranny
>adding more cronyism to an already shitty system is bad
>driving cost up for everyone while driving down quality isn't bad
>believing in the founding principles of America and understanding basic economics means I must support trump.
I say again: kys
>Wealth is relative.
Wealthiest areas in the USA are the counties around Washington D.C., Virginia and Maryland.
>using power not granted by the constitution isn't tyranny
The fuck are you talking about?
>adding more cronyism to an already shitty system is bad
Expanding medicare is NOT cronyism you stupid fat fuck.
>driving cost up for everyone while driving down quality isn't bad
Obamacare has LOWERED premiums nationwide. It's working.
>believing in the founding principles of America and understanding basic economics means I must support trump.
So who do YOU support?
> (You)
>>using power not granted by the constitution isn't tyranny
>The fuck are you talking about?
Read Article 1 Section 8
Find the words Healthcare. I wait
>Expanding medicare is NOT cronyism you stupid fat fuck.
The law was written by insurance companies and various Healthcare providers. Roots out competition. That's cronyism
>Obamacare has LOWERED premiums nationwide. It's working.
See pic
>So who do YOU support?
I plan to write in Ron Paul or Andrew Napolitano for the rest of my life. Hoping that in the future we can make in a techno zombie
In fairness I'm an antifederalist an really Ron Paul is the only prominent politician in that vain in more than a half a century.
>Read Article 1 Section 8
general welfare
Get fucked.
>The law was written by insurance companies and various Healthcare providers. Roots out competition. That's cronyism
So help us pass a public option like Hillary wants or a single payer plan like Sanders wants.
>I plan to write in Ron Paul or Andrew Napolitano for the rest of my life.
You should vote for Jill Stein like me.
>general welfare
>Get fucked.
That doesn't mean what you think it means.
Providing for the common good doesn't mean taking from some and giving to other, forcing individuals to buy a product, demanding men and gays to have birth control on thier insurance, etc.
Ie the law serves special interest. Insurance companies and the minority of American without insurance. At the expense of the average
>So help us pass a public option like Hillary wants or a single payer plan like Sanders wants.
An make it worse? No sorry I don't want the goverment telling me what I can and can't do for my health. Instead why not alow not only completion over state lines and end bueracy in the fda and federally created quasi monopolies of hospitals. Ie return to pre Nixon days before the government endorsed the horrible hmo system.
No one deals with prices that's part of the problem. More competition the better quality and lower price.
>You should vote for Jill Stein like me.
I belive in soft marxism. Bieng honest with me doesn't mean much if she's still wants to steal my property, regulate my actions, and end last bit of vertical checks and balances this nation has left.
I can't support anyone who has zero respect or understanding of Natural Law