World War III begins after all alliances are dissolved.
Nuclear Weapons are not launched in any scenario.
Your nation may pick two others to join it in the fight.
Who would you prefer?
World War III begins after all alliances are dissolved.
Nuclear Weapons are not launched in any scenario.
Your nation may pick two others to join it in the fight.
Who would you prefer?
China and Russia.
We win.
America and Germany
>dat filename
Couldn't agree more. Was terrible.
America and Russia
dont need anything else
US and Russia.
Islam vs Everyone else
Israel and Vietnam
If I get to chose I may as well go for the OP combo.
USA and China.
Just America, thanks.
"Stay out of the road if you want to grow old"
Why Russia and not China? Remember: no nukes.
None, modern industrialization turned towards death is still a no-win scenario if countries choose to utilize chemical and biological weapons with modern delivery systems.
We don't actually live in a video game.
Home Country: USA
> Based Russia
>Meat Shield Canada
United States and Russia. Any other choice is just illogical and limiting your nation's ability to survive.
>>Meat Shield Canada
i see your point
America and australia.
Our Anglosphere children will flock to the side of their venerable father. I'll pick nothing.
yep, RUS + CAN
Japan for the anime
England out of pity
This is the only correct response. Who would we be fighting? Dune coons?
I'd pick US and China, but the US-Russia-China alliance is the strongest there is. You guys would actually win even if the whole world united against you
italy and romania
Everyone will either choose USA or China or Russia depending on the country doing the choosing. So what's the point bro?
White English speakers and nationalistic other whites vs everyone else (except east asians and eurasians)
Sup Forums and Milo
Hes so dreamy
Oh no dude the 56 million Canadians and their army worth of about one European country.
What are you doing?
If no nukes, India and China.
>all these China fags
No experience in war, other than getting raped hard by the nips. The alliance is strong because there's strong economic ties, other than that they don't give two fucks about each other and actively get in each others business just as much as they do with the Russians, but the Russians are the obvious better choice.
Stronger military and Christian.
America doesn't need any allies to conquer the world.
Everyone vs Aliens
I don't want to kill humans desu
America and Russia, who are we liberating this time?
not sweden
USA + Germany alone is more OP than USA + Russia + China especially in a no nukes scenario. Add in like India just for numbers backed by our technology or Britain to secure Europe first then the world is fucked.
Japs and Straya
May we rape the planet and then set it on fire lads
Canadian Army would serve as the cannon fodder for a Hammer-and-Anvil Type approach against whoever we are fighting, and then once the enemy is dealing with the Canadians, a joint US-RU 100 million man wave comes around their rear.
>Enemy: N/A
>Canada: 2.7m
> US 600k
> RU 900k
Pic related
>56 million
You are grossly overestimating our population m8.
USA and israel, easy mode
How do you figure?
China has the capacity to outproduce pretty much every country during wartime. Their stocks of metals will be extremely needed during war aswell.
And to the army part, sure the leaders are not really experienced. But since we are now allied to them, our generals/military strategists could teach them a thing or two.
>USA + Germany alone is more OP than USA + Russia + China
>You guys would actually win even if the whole world united against you
The US could literally do that by itself already mate
The motherfucking Philosopher's Legacy alliance.
Remember no nukes
We could hold Michigan
How the fuck will that help you?
The islands couldn't put together a million if they tried, Canada is so weak it's sickening, and Straya hates you
We aren't anglo or one of your children so get rekt cunt
China is a meme country with a meme army full of shit and they wouldn't be capable of handling anything on their own in the Pacific, Asia, or Middle East where we would end up having ot support them anyway.
Russia would get spanked by Germany even if it took some time for Germany to readjust its economy, once it got going say good by Europe its 4th reich time now.
All of this discussion is dumb anyway considering the United States could, right now, take over the entire world. Or at least render all other nations militaries useless and destroyed within hours/days. We don't need allies.
>Nuclear Weapons are not launched in any scenario.
Double fronts for everyone, America would likely destroy the UK with us and Russia would blob eastern Europe and sandwich Germany with us, China and Japan would then be the only threat left but having them invade Russia would only cause their demise because they don't have oil while America and Russia both produce such resources, making this a perfect alliance.
Sadly for you this isn't a Total War series game.
This is modern war. America and Russia can provide all means for any angle or type of attack. Any American force can easily be fodder and take many less casualties.
You're acting like a pre-modern era general. That isn't how war works.
That is one cozy alliance desu
Fuck you fat burger
Finland and Albania
Nigger the entire Canadian population is roughly the same size as texas.
Kek this
Even without nukes our conventional army is beyond anything anyone else has. We dump so much money into every possible area of military science it's insane. Not to mention all the off the books funding of god knows what kind of not so ethical stuff. Also Roswell alien technology. We haven't shared it with anyone.
May have given Britain shit on the WW2 thread earlier but, Britain and Russia.
China can not into modern warfare, they would be the Italy of WW3
You don't know a thing about our country do you hombre?
Even then the US could likely survive for decades with the entire rest of the world united against it simply because the US navy is so massive and Canada, Mexico, and South America have no way of hoping to defeat the US army when fully mobilized.
You wouldn't win but I would have a hell of a time watching it
Take your half Paki mong fetish somewhere else mate
No nukes?? Just New Zealand then
Germany and Japan, like old times.
Australia and Canada, Let the shitposters reign supreme
I don't think the US could win If everyone truly united against them, you could surely put up a good fight, you have industry that clearly is clearly unrivaled in times of war and the biggest fleet, but in pure term of manpower and resource, you'll sadly not be able to win, at first you'll dominate but once every other country's war industry get going you'll just be toasted, it would be like an army of 10 million ants attacking nest of 10 thousand hornets.
>Implying m8
The Dutch-Finnish-Albanian alliance would kick your ass
Russia and China
I am Russian (nevermind the UK flag, decided to see whether they have any decent girls to fuck - they don't, ugly as fuck, it's true)
I'd pick China and Japan
Normandy was a close fight unequaled in warfare.
Now multiple the distance of water crossed by 20 or 30. Add in a civilian population with enough guns to give every man woman and child able to walk 3 or 4 firearms apiece.
The entire idea is laffo. Nobody invading the usa from overseas ever.
China is almost understandable, but why Japan?
was meant for
>Duplicate USA 2 more times
The burgers, ruskies and chinks together?
Only against aliens.
Fuck me I am being exceptionally retarded today
I would want the Anzacs and the British in my corner.
Old allies are best allies.
not to mention the 100 million guns and billions of rounds of ammunition floating around the states
>We aren't anglo or one of your children
Fuck off, wog
Again just like that idiot who knew nothing about our military
You haven't a clue about our country, we have literally almost every resource known to man in vast quantities and could be 100% self sufficient save for lithium in which case we would just invade Canada and take
Finlan lost it's nerve years ago and is dead weight, Albanians have a shitty K/D ratio and Holland is only worth a shit when it comes to water
You couldn't even kick your own asses let alone the most powerful nation to ever exist
>Nobody invading the usa from overseas ever
Actually England tried mate
>Most powerful nation ever to exist
Wew lad
Still would bloody rek you US ladyboi's
Kill yourself faggot we were hardly ever English, literally their only claim is the language and that they invaded the land and placed military patrols on it.
The english weren't even the most numerous colonist origins
>Nuclear Weapons are not launched in any scenario.
is anyone actually dumb enough to believe that they will not use nukes?
Keep being delusional son
Best stop yourself before you start talking like a Brit though, then you'll really sound like a cunt
It's obviously just a fantasy scenario for role-playing reasons.
>American thinks the the global dominance of the Dutch-Finnish-Albanian alliance is delusion
You are the delusional one my friend
The Bongs and Ruskies for old times' sake.
i can guaranteed you that someone will break the no nukes agreement
Chinese soldiers are cowards. I'll take Russia any day of the week and twice on Sunday.
Canada can come too. Bring poutine.
>literally picked nothing because I believed in the shared bonds of heritage we all have in common
>betrayed by Cajun frog loving swamp dweller
Does the mighty America renounce their own father in his time of need?
>Implying you'd be self sufficient in a time of war
>implying your use of oil would not be above your production if you were moving you warship H24, producing some more and also using it in industry and other vehicle
>implying the US would not collapse from the inside because of the Marxist Jew
>Implying you'd be able to conquer more than Canada and Mexico as useful territory
Nah it would be death either from your own instability or by a thousand paper cuts, when somebody has 3 times as much resources and land and is separated by an ocean it's hard to compete, even with all your aircraft carrier those are useless in war where the enemy is able to destroy them easily because they're close to their land.
You might be able to get Canada, Mexico and Japan but you'd slowly get steamrolled by the combination of all of the resources of the middle east Russia and Europe and all of the industry of India and China with the modern technological expertise of Europe.
If the world was against you I'd estimate it would take about 5 or 6 year to get a foothold in America, depending on whether or not you defend Panama's canal and build defenses there and your strategy.
The whole world has better logistic no matter the country and logistics win war far more often when the enemy are far away from one another.
>literally their only claim is the language
Someone's a few baskets short of a picnic. You understand that Englishness is the foundation upon which we've built our republic?
We're the only Anglosphere country that still holds true to the ideals of the Glorious Revolution. Just because you're a wog cunt doesn't make it any less true
>The english weren't even the most numerous colonist origins
This is flat out false
>tfw no one choose us, and we're all alone
>tfw even shitty country get picked
>tfw when no one loves you
We could conquer the solar system with an army like that
I think you're right that the longer the war lasts, the worse the US's odds are.
But if the US adopts a heavily offensive strategy at the beginning, we could crush europe before other countries could organize.
Our advantage is that our populace is already armed and knows how to shoot a gun. This saves us a huge amount of time at the beginning of a war.
Russia, USA
>Not nuclear weapons
Then why would I choose US?
I choose China and Russia
I love you.
russia and china
>all those old soviet bioweapons labs.
there ARE other WMDs besides nukes you know.
Britain and France
The Argonne shall be our battlefield once more against the savage Hun