Kuffar, you have three options: convert to Islam, pay the Jizya or face the sword.
What do you choose?
Kuffar, you have three options: convert to Islam, pay the Jizya or face the sword.
What do you choose?
Other urls found in this thread:
I bring my own sword
>implying I'm not itching for the opportunity to kill some sandniggers
Is that a Katana in the picture?
Don't they have their own type of swords?
*shoves uncircumcised dick in your mouth*
*warps behind swine using divine powers*
Psssh... Deus vult, infidel.
Shoot them because I have the right to bear arms unlike you cunts
Wouldn't hurt me. I'm protected by a force field of God's love
Are they standing right in front of me? Pay the jizya I guess
Fucking ninjas, they even have a katana.
convert and start a harem
*unsheathes scimitar*
*teleports in front of you and circumcises you*
Heh... Keep the tip
>pay the Jizya
there is no such thing in ISIS
I'll pay the Jizya *unzips dick*
well guess i'm a #allahmissillah now
How much is the Jizzya?
I'll pay the Jizya. I'm Jewish, so I have plenty of money.
About 2 table spoons
>still living on the crusudaer fantasies
where are your crusades today, ya kuffar? you nearly got rekt the last time, this time to finally taste some defeat.
>yfw even islam is infiltrated by weeaboos
Offer to become a suicide bomber and convert to islam.
then just before they send me off, detonate the bomb in their presence to kill as many ISIS as possible.
Praise jesus, boom!
Convert obviously. I will follow their imaginary god if it means not being a slave.
convert pay the taxes and be good boy
Russians have killed 28,000 terrorists in Syria, nearly 1/3 of every jihadi in the country.
>source is rt.com
convert, declare them as infidels, kill them and take the woman as sex slave
I'll take the sword.
Hahahahahaha. Inbred fucks think they can actually fight.
Every single one of you shitskins iv'e fought i have kicked the shit out of. Your bones snap easily and you cry like children beneath a real human.
I am just waiting for the sign, god help you when it is time. You are going to need it.
My ancestors fought against your cancerous pedophile cult you call Islam. I would rather die and convert to being a Muslim. I'm willing to kill and remove the kebab off the face of the Earth.
wipe my ass with the quran.
Rather than*
Face the sword my own way.
Fight them dangerously and die the most painful death to show my absolute determination to reserve my rights. My land is a recognised cornerstone of the Earth, I reserve my right to sit undisturbed by some fucking Muslim.
afaik 1:40 of your annual income.
nuke belt when?
the only areas you can dominate are middle of bum fuck nowhere desert shit holes
want to see the effects of crusader fantasies?
Wasnt the civillian death count for muslims by coalition forces hovering around 1.3 million like a decade ago?
tip top kek faggot
I would take down as many of the sand niggers I could before I return to valhalla
Convert to islam then poison all of them. Thats how Mohammed died.
He killed a Jewish woman's family, so she slipped poison into his food. As he lay dying he admitted he was a false prophet.
Deus Vult
Build it brother.
Astound them by letting them know we can fight as cowardly as they.
I choose option D
Have a piece of cake and chill out, op
You want the D?
It's better to die free than live a slave.
are you serious , was speaking to american "dude" , they are the nuke guys not me, but at same time they are feggets
a-are you him?
Nah, this guy had a much better idea. No better way to die than performing epic kebab removal.
orcs > muslims
Whatever happened to Abu Hajaar?
Through Dick, Unity
Jews subvert the west to adopt muslim culture while Japan subverts muslims to adopt Japanese culture. It all makes sense now. New mongol empire is coming soon.
>where are your crusades today, ya kuffar?
They bombed your place to pieces
And now they do it remotely
Already converted to Islam, I would not be part of those being asked that.
i chose to hide your faggot thread
I'm already getting taxed by a government I dont support so might as well pay up, at least this has a funnier name
can't we just put down a global bann on islam and forbid anyone to be muslim?
how long did it take people to realize that the nazis should be prohibited?
when do we draw the line for these pedofiles?
Nope, I'm just taking what should be our national anthem to the word.
No true Brit should ever die a slave (or a cuck).
>can't we just put down a global bann on islam and forbid anyone to be muslim?
We'll have to ban liberalism first
I don't want any dirty no good sand niggers replying to me, don't ever reply to a Canadian flag ever again because it could be me and I don't want at you got it?
One spetsnaz did the same exact thing in the Chechen war
Are they recycling war stories?
The sword obviously.
(Symbolic picture, not mine.)
Same way you should do the same for the ret of te religions .
Don't be a hypocrite
As an ancestor of Vlad the Impaler, I will say, bring it faggots.
We cleansed Europe of your kind once, and will gladly do it again.
Whoever comes to us with a sword shall die by the sword. - Wallachian proverb
× CROM ×
>ancestor of Vlad
>of a man who lived 600 years ago
There's a reason we called em "Crazy Ivan" during the Cold War.
Russian soldier is superior to every other soldier in the world. Including Burger. Russian will fight to the death barehanded. Russian will fight to the death naked in subzero temperatures. Russian will fight until victory or revolution (more war).
Russian, like honey badger, doesn't give a fuck.
The gas chamber for you, infidel kike.
you're right. I meant descendant.
Also good plan, brother. Your sacrifice doesn't go unnoticed by our creator god
Pay the jiyza, then retreat to /k/, rally them to save Sup Forums, and /k/rusade with the surviving Sup Forums brothers.
Vuh vuh I want to suck your blood sandindu!
lol at american typical daydreaming
absolute disgusting
Is it payable to a central entity in Islam, or is it dindu-level "gimme your money, kuffar" every time you encounter a Muslim?
I know of several events where a mortally wounded Russian soldier would grab several grenades, and cover the rest of the company's retreat and blow up as many muhajideen as possible when they overran his position.
Omg take my wife pls dont kill me i never liked my racist ancestors
Good boy!
Illatahin faggot daesh.
I'm descended from the mercenary officers that advised Vlad to impale the kebab. True story.
Do you sleep in a coffin?
You Sikh bros are alright. You guys worship a cow with 8 arms and 10 tits or something like that, right?
Vlad. History at it's best. If ever psycops,and art of war meet.
wow impressive just sd you are now kettle for the jews , stay cucked vlad
Good goy
>mfw full permission to Deus Vult
Ban Islam. And socialism.
You can take my liberty. You take my love. You can take my life
But you can never the spirit in me that disagrees and fights against tyranny and chaos.
You better kill me quickly and make the first hit count, because I won't permit a second chance, you filthy anti-freedom scum.
You will never win the hearts and minds of real people with the balls to stand up to you
I'll pay the Jizya in the form of 7.62mm bullets, where do you want them?
Yevgeny Aleksandrovich Rodionov (Russian: Eвгeний Aлeкcaндpoвич Poдиoнoв; 23 May 1977 – 23 May 1996) was a Russian soldier who was taken prisoner and later murdered in Chechen captivity for his refusal to convert to Islam and defect to the enemy side. The circumstances of his death have garnered him much admiration throughout Russia. Despite widespread popular veneration he has not been glorified by the Russian Orthodox Church as a New Martyr due to lack of evidence about his death.
Use rifle to apply a bullet to the chest. This kills the muslim.
bullshit. Vlad grew up as a prisoner and watched Turks impale Christians every day. when he got a chance to escape he did, and vowed to use their own punishment on them.
He knew their language, and could dress like them so well, that he would infiltrate the Turkish camps and literally spy on them.
Google "Circassian Prince"
Convert to islam, kill libs and leftist as revenge of letting them in.
You're gonna have to say that IRL real quick under Justin Trudeau lol. Fucking leaf.
>how long did it take people to realize that the nazis should be prohibited?
After two World Wars and a few genocides.
to exterminate this scum wherever they breed
Sorry Mo-ham-head. I'm all out of cash so I'll just have to pay you in lead
the vampire thing was a myth that came about in the 19th century.
yes, he gave no fucks about watching people get executed, only because he grew up watching that shit on a daily basis.
I didn't vote for him
I wish you Yanks would hurry the fuck up and annex us