Nigerias' anger over Spain's culture of waste
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>waaaaah why you throw away that food?
>plz feed me plz plz plz
fucking niggers.
'Gibs' is the first word every nigger learns, no matter where they're born.
Nigeria's population has grown from 29 million people in 1950 to 170 million people today, they seem to be doing well enough to have 10's of millions of kids why do they need food?
Whenever I will throw away food now I'll have a warm and cozy feeling. Deep inside I know I'm trolling Nigerians.
cucked west made that population boom happen due to medicine and food
If you feed wild animals they'll become dependent on you. Aid to Africa is appreciated, it's expected so when they view not receiving as theft
fucking dumb-ass niggers
instead of blaming others for living in earned wealth, they should fix their problem
>implying wasting food on them would be better
We should put poison in the food we send them
I don't care if people feed wild animals that are not niggers because wild animals are cute. I have some birds I feed and now they sit on my lap and they eat out of my hand.
I'm trying to teach the squirrels to do nazi salutes, they put up both their hands to grab the peanuts but I don't give it to the until they only have one hand up hopefully one day they will do nazi salutes to me every time they see me
Nigeria has the highest birthrates in the world. If they lack food they should stop having babies
>the smell of ripe tomato juice all around you
I want to go there and make a killing on freshly baked bread durin this festival.
Gonna start throwing away large amounts of food and posting it online with the simple title on each video "For Nigeria"
it's good they see successful white countries. maybe their society shouldn't be just a daily series of chimpouts
I also applaud that man's erection for tomatos.
>The topic of tomatoes - a staple of the Nigerian diet - is currently not a laughing matter outside the digital realm in Nigeria. A state of emergency has been declared in the tomato sector in Kaduna state
why not just have a carrot?
> I'm trying to teach the squirrels to do nazi salutes, they put up both their hands to grab the peanuts but I don't give it to the until they only have one hand up hopefully one day they will do nazi salutes to me every time they see me
Kek, pls be true
Spain seems to have the most degenerates traditions
>wasting tomatoes/oranges
They just started standing on their 2 legs up at me holding their 2 arms up like they're trying to grab the peanut, it might take a while but I hope they learn. I live in an area with nigger squirrels though I wish they were the grey ones because I don't really like the nigger ones as much as the greys but whatever it's a fun experiment
What the fuck do Nigerians care about what's going on in Spain?
Also if they're mad at Spain nobody tell them about us lol.
> Tuta Absoluta
that's a cool name
Well regardless of what you think about Nigeria, wasting food like that is pretty fucked up.
>It's my genetics not my fault|
#Marine wives.
>farmers are said to have lost up to 80% of their tomato crop.
> about 200 farmers lost 1 billion naira ($5.1 million) worth of their tomatoes.
>$5.1M/200 = $25,500
these "farmers" grew fucking nothing.
Lazy good for nothing niggers. Maybe if they werent shit at agriculture they wouldnt have this problem.
>muh plague
As if agriculture in europe is free of that shit plus other problems they dont have such as harsh winters and poor soil ( specially in spain btw).
Niggers only complain but never actuallh do anything to try fix it, its the evil white man's duty!
Believe it or not, Nigeria is actually a net EXporter of food. I know, I couldn't comprehend it either.
You're country is notorious for it laziness. The only people who upstage you when it comes to slothiness are the Greeks.
How is it autistic? Sometimes other old ladies feed them too, imagine a half dozen nigger squirrels standing up at once saluting her
That's a pretty nasty looking chicago deep dish 'za
because they're niggers
growing tomatoes is so basic how the fuck can nogs not grow fucking tomatoes?
i thought nigeria was supposed to be "something"
no old lady is going to get it but thank you for destroying my sides, i hope they finally salute you some day
tomatoes need allot of water
Yeah I grow tomatoes it's easy as shit probably one of the basic easy foods anyone can grow you can even do it on your balcony if you live in an apartment
It's a jewish neighbourhood ;)
>Five tomato photos that will make Nigerians cry
Is this a deep dish pizza thread?
Maybe what they find really infuriating is the fact that after the "party" all the neighbors and workers clean the street and an hour after the street is again a normal street...
one country should not focus soley on one crop. They should cycle new things. I'm sure these pest have to do with the fact that tomatos were so bountiful prior to the moth population blwoing up
>whitey wastin' fud
>gib fud, craka
They should grow their own fucking tomatoes. Oh shit right–that’s labour inducing! Good heavens, we can’t let a darkie work for their worth now can we? I wonder if there's even a farmer amongst the people of Nigeria.
M8 grey squirrels are nigger squirrels
They breed faster, are more agressive, and are more likely to carry parasites.
Brown squirrels on the other hand, are basically white people with brown hair covering their entire body
who is that qt?
That's a man
My wife has some heirlooms and cherry tomatoes she grows. They are the most minimal effort plants I've ever seen.
Why don't they farm it themselves?
We don't have brown squirrels here, just blacks and greys and the blacks are greys just their fur colour is different. I call them nigger squirrels because they're black not because of their behaviour, I've got a really sweet cat but he's black so I named him nigger
Tomatoes are very delicate though, if they are having a food crisis they'd be better off planting potatoes or carrots, both which you can use the leaves as well, either for eating (carrots) or as a fertilizer (potatoes).
>Comparing rodent psychology to humans
You are fucking retarded.
i know. the petplay thread made me gay tho so i want to dress him up in a dog suit and fuck him
Everyone should grow their own tomatoes I try to grow as much food as I can during the summer months, I even make my own pickles. Even on a small balcony you can grow a lot of stuff, herbs are good and easy, they save a lot of money too herbs are surprisingly expensive
>The situation is so bad that it was dubbed 'Tomato Ebola' and the term trended on Twitter for hours on Wednesday.
Thank you ebola-chan
Fuck niggers
>Spain seems to have the most degenerates traditions
are you fucks getting ready for next year carnival already, how many transvestites will participate this time, half of the "females" you say.
Well you could read the article...
Yup about 100 tons of tomatoes thrown = $565,000. So why didn't the Nigerians offer say 10,000 or even a 100,000 barrels of oil for them.
I have never seen a black squirrel, are they mean fucks.
$10 says they're going to smuggle that moth into spain out of pure fuckin spite
Yeah they got a rep for travelling with undeclared fruits and vegetables
No they're the same as greys, but when the greys and blacks meet each other they chase each other, I like to pretend the squirrels are having a race war
What kind of person falls into a Chicago style pizza?
They don't realize that tomatos "wasted" in Buñol just end up as fertilizer for the soil.
Niggers be stupid
Sup Forums
Nigeria is the last place that needs any food aid.
>According to the United Nations, the population of Nigeria will reach 440 million by 2050. Nigeria will then be the 3rd most populous country in the world. In 2100, the population of Nigeria will reach 914 million.[8]
It's basically just a meme started by local news and they're joking around/poking fun at themselves but of course the Big Black Cock chose a headline that suits their "poor blacks, evil whites" narrative and white-guilt faggots will start flocking to twitter to denounce western excess and indifference.
from OP:
>Nigerians had taken to Twitter and Instagram recently to lament (albeit in a very tongue-in-cheek manner)
>Nigerians have taken to Twitter to lament the situation, pointing out in playful disbelief that while they have to pay dearly for tomatoes, at an annual festival in Spain they are wasted for fun.
Puta España dejen de gastar tomates y alimenten a Nigeria, tu primo de mejico