

how fucking hype are you niggas for this shit coming out?

Bump for interest. What is this?

An unattractive bimbo that makes garbage music?

No thanks.

>pretending to care about a whores music because shes attractive

is this an inside joke?

m8 its a magazine shoot i dont give a fuck about the music lol

>Pretending to care about Taylor Swift a country whore music because shes attractive

bruh, I know her music is shit, but if you don't think her tits and ass are fine, you're more of a faggot than OP


unless i can see the inside of her colon in this shit i dont give the slightest fuck about it

she's a fatass nigger

this is disgusting on so many levels, i wish she wasnt alive

heh maybe Sup Forums's not dead after all


She's as fake as a fucking Barbie doll, fuck that shit.

Literally cancer in human form.
Disgusting fake body, disgusting face, disgusting music. 0/10. Only the most degenerate niggers like anything about her, end of discussion.

she's short, fat and ugly, what's wrong with you people?

not at all and i have no idea what are on about or care.


>what's wrong with you people?
They are niggers. What did you expect?

>getting mad on the internet about how some celebrity looks

everyone talking shit would cum before they could even get it out of their pants

its true, it's damn true

ew blacknegress