Oh shit, I am now /artilleryforhillary/.
Oh shit, I am now /artilleryforhillary/
I'm a hill-dog now
We all know whites make the best burritos
>We all know whites make the best burritos
We've had burritos for so long, we can do it ourselves, can't we?
>Muh Burritos
>Mexican Intellectual
I never understood the mexican food is good meme.
It's all too greasy, oily, and carby and tastes either bland or the worst kind of spicy.
>4 ants
That's actually a pretty clever memed out sign. That kid is alright by me.
Burritos are not Mexican.
At least, not the ones we see these days.
America has a knack for inventing vaguely ethnicized foods like california rolls, sushi rolls, tacos with more than just meat, onion, lime and cilantro, etc.
You think a meximelt is mexican, you dumb fuck?
Mexican food is the easiest quisine to make in the world, this is not an argument
>Only illegals can make burritos
I've never had mexican food in my thirty-two years of life.
>Mexican inventions
It's important to view this topic from a broader perspective. Illegal immigrants have to work unsafe, unwanted jobs in order to have a living in the US. As an example consider who works in meat processing farms, certainly no sensible citizen who wants to do disgusting, exhausting work for large cooperations that would deport and replace him in less than a day while everything is kept under the books.
Reducing illegal immigration will reduce (and reinforce) the abuse of workers' unions and labour rights.
Iunno man Haitian food is very easy and dirt cheap to make.
>not enjoying your Chipotle brand missile of Mexican destruction
fucking this
burrito literally means "little ass" (as in donkey)
it's gringo food, if mexicans are going to leave they have to leave the burritos here where they belong
>every hispanic is an illegal immigrant
hahaha I love watching the Left destroy itself.
>Haitian food is dirt cheap to make
>dirt cheap
I see what you did there, and I am amused.
>Hancock & Goodyear were double-secret-mexicans
Fuckina haitians, they know how to make mud cookies but don't know how to PLANT FUCKING SEEDS.
are you implying that all the burrito making Hispanics are illegal criminals ? wow, bigot.