Allied soliders died for this

>allied soliders died for this

the negore doesnt seemd armed
why is whitey not putting up a fight?

better safe than sorry
he might be concealing a butter knife

>implying he isnt sorry because of the billions of years of slavery

I heard that since in England knives are banned criminals dig out victim's eyeballs with spoons

the modern West represented in one image



You literally can't defend yourself.

Fight him?? Go to jail for hate crime.

He could have a knife, there's two of them.

Brits are FUCKED

>not just running away
here thieves have fire arms and no one would submit to a nigger that way expect a total cuck
>British Empire
>anglo-saxon master race
>we wuz adam

Knives aren't banned tho, just lock knives.

Flip knives are game...unless it's over 3 inch, then your fucked...and yes I know we're cucked.

You can get arrested for Britain for posting "hateful material" on social media.

That country is beyond saving. Europe in general is. Land of the fucking quitters, cucks, and cowards.

if theyre not gonna fuck, then why take off those pants? im legit confused. did he really want those plain blue jeans or something?

>All these no fighting back memes

Kek, there are brawls all over London lads

Had a bust up with a few pakis the other week father in law and I fucked them up.

One of the best feelings

The guy being robbed is a Pole.

He's doing it to humiliate him. Perhaps the white boy's girlfriend is stood there watching.

Of course the Britcuck complies.

=DD seriously, in 10 years England will be in peril of becomong moslem?
are you working out preparing for race war?
>JOJO is set in England
>pakis are vampires
>Erogan is Dio
>Nigel is jhonatan

No he's not. Shut the fuck up britroach.

Please tell me someone recorded it

Hahaha yes you deserve it britshits

>are you working out preparing for race war?

Fucking obviously

nice, me too.
I will go to Spain and defend muh heritage
>also I used to smuggle nigerians in UK for cash, trough online connections. I know a certain secret

You go girl.

>we fought the Germans otherwise we would have been invaded by foreigners
>is now 85% British
thank God for those brave patriots

> mfw I realize that 70% of Union Jacks are Polish diaspora
Damn shame, because I love seeing an actual Brit and his top tier bantz here

It's a show of power

Didn't happen.

UK is covered with CCTV, ya fight, cops turn up at your door.

The UK is finished