Well Sup Forums it finally happened.
Yesterday I made a thread about the Trump rally today and I was thinking about not going.
I did go and I even got to talk to Trump and I got my hat signed. Thank you guys for convincing me to go. It was one of the best days of my life. I will post the video if i can figure out the webm. conversion thing but here is a picture for ya.
Trump Rally Anaheim, CA
Other urls found in this thread:
Did you talk to supporters?
You lucky bastar
Good taste, you got it in Trump gold.
i talk to supporters and protesters. Tbh the media makes the protesters seem so much worse than they are. Its just a bunch of edgy spic kids waving flags and fucking with cops.
He was coming around and I said "Donald you gotta sign this hat, look at this hat, theres no way you can sign it." he pointed and smiled.I got a video on my snapchat were i hand him the hat and he signs it and tosses it back and someone says "sign mine im Mexican" haha i lost so hard.
There was only a hand full with the Trump gold. Everybody else got the red.
What did you say to him/he say to you?
What did he smell like?
He literally scribbled on your hat
Hellllll yeahhhh brothhaaa how long u waited in line?
That's pretty fuckin awesome, you motherfucker.
signed by who
Trump's a great man but his signature fucking sucks.
No that's his signature.
I shook his hand too, it was magical.
What did you talk to him about
i've literally dreamed of getting to shake donald's hand.
if this is true story, you are very lucky
I was signing alot of stuff we didnt really talk. I just said thank you so much and it means so much. He was so cool.
I got there an hour early and just walked to the front near the podium
I mean he was signing alot of stuff
>dem SS agents
Goddamn I hope they keep him safe.
Lucky sod, still haven't gone to a rally
>Tfw live in rual America
Here's him tossing it too me (:
I envy you
>"Donald you gotta sign this hat, look at this hat, theres no way you can sign it."
Beat the man at his own game.
Absolute madman.
the best part about it was that he knew it too, he looked at me and smiled and pointed and Uhhhh gawd it was just the best feeling in the world.
nice now buy another one if havent already
The signature says Awwwh.
How much will these go for after Trump's 2 terms? 5K?
u jelly?
Woah a white one... its like the white power ranger and how he comes along when the gay rainbow colours fuck up.
DUDE haha i bought the one he signed just for this rally! I already have two and ones signed now hahahah
More than stolen NAZI paintings and realskin lampshades.
"Lucky sod?"
Yer not a burger.
mad jelly very nice
Here are some protesters i saw
Is he wearing a wig, or is his hair naturally blonde?
I only got tito to sign my hat. What were you wearing? I think I may have seen you. I had my anti Hillary shirt on that said "nope" at the bottom. We're you outside to watch the la rasa losers?
That's nuthin, I got Hillary to sign my dick. With her full name, just in case yer wondering.
Ask Mika Brzezinski
the veins popping from that she-bull
She is one pissed fucking creature. It's almost like the really don't want to take a deep breathe and think about the scenarios.
Jesus she looks about 12
>buys political enemy's
>just to protest said political enemy
What a retard.
I wished I lived anywhere near where shit like this happens, I'd love to brawl with some of these people just for the sake of fighting alone let alone our political differences.
But Soldotna is a pretty tame and lonely place
I was wearing all black with a black t that had white dots on it with a gold watch. part of the time i was walking around with this sign
I don't understand. She's wearing what looks like a signed MAGA hat.
haha do you remember me? I was wearing the black shirt with white dots on it hahahahaha
Aryan as fuck signature
Apparently, black Christian women post on Sup Forums.
WTF she wearing a Trump hat for?
"FUCK" was written all over it.
After seeing the "protesters" yesterday, waving mexican flags and throwing rocks, my wife said, "i hope trump wins, and gets rid of these people." She was a bernie supporter. Feels good..
Im white as fuck hahahahahah
His signature is AWWW
All Whites Will Win
That's the sign a black lady who went to the Costa Mesa rally had and she got to sit in the bleachers behind the podium. How did youget this?
>Costa Mesa rally photo
She doesn't seem very smart.
Why were you carrying that sign?
OP was a ways to the left of me, I got my hat signed by the god emperor as well.
What a throw!
What a fucking awkward question.
idk i found it and i thought it would be funny.
Let me transfer some to my pc right now so I can upload them instead if using mobile.
I tried to bring a baseball to have him sign but security took it away :(
>tfw got caught in traffic and couldn't make it close enough to Trump
Oh well, still a great rally though. Tons of hot Trumpsluts too. Also like 75% of the protesters were underage spics
Train for the upcoming race wars you faggot.
Dude the security guards didnt allow any homemade signs in so there was a big stack of them by the trash and i liked that one. I also got about 30 MAGA signs.
the cops and swat were in full force. they paintballed this one dude
Like napalm in the morning.
this. they were all edgy faggots.
Reminder that Trump has been bought
kek even his signature is a wall
>tfw working in police/armed security.
Wonder what the minimum qualifications are to be one of his guards.
Join the Secret Service
Those are the exact type of people Hitler sent to the camps.
Haha nice combo.
Hellll yeaahhhh
Feel bad for the guy who got his black hat signed with sharpie lol
>Dude the security guards didnt allow any homemade signs in so there was a big stack of them by the trash
Yeah I saw that too, sad because some of them I glanced at were pretty cool. But I think some people managed to sneak their own signs since Trump commented on them.
>tfw chatted up with a qt Trumpfu but she lives like an hour away from me
It was surreal enough to see Trump supporters at all since I'm a Hollywood fag.
This dude in the blue shirt saved an old couple from getting trampled by spics. Reply, "Thank you Irishman." To bring him good fortune.
dude can you believe how many latinos were there??? I saw so fucking many pro-trump! i even saw a group of girls wearing hijabs that were trump supporters. fucking crazy man! the media is so twisted.
One girl next to us took out two sheets of paper and made a Hispanic female veteran sign. she was right next to me and everyone was eyeballing her because we didn't know what she was writing. one protestor next to us got kicked out that was dressed in the full anarchist gear.
the girl I was with talked shot to all the beavers raging outside.
>transferring photos and videos but it will take forever. says 3.5 hours due to file sizes.
It looks like Himmler's sig
Dude i was literally right fucking next to you. I saw that veteran girl and the protester was right next to me haha.
No kidding, the guys sitting in front of me were two Latino bros chanting 'build the wall' and everything. It was a ((((diverse)))) crowd for sure.
>one protestor next to us got kicked out that was dressed in the full anarchist gear.
I see a few 'anarchists' outside. Didn't really stick around to taunt protesters though.
He should have brought a silver marker
I have a Hathcock hat with that
It was the same at Costa mesa. there were even log cabin Republicans from the oc chapter there.
I want to upload photos but it will probably be at the next thread due to transfer wait. I got great videos of even the protesters outside.
you see the dude wearing the BASED MAGA TRUMP shirt? pretty sure he was pol
Log cabin republicans?
kind of a bigger dude? like kinda fat? he was on the right of me during the rally.
sorry i meant he was on the left of me
I can't believe they didn't have those projectile cannisters of bear mase fuckin rolling as soon as they started breaking barricades.
They need to have shit lke that in the future, if they break a barricade, fuckin spray paint
Were you the guy with the phone background of the confederate flag? or was i behind you? I had the white Maga and anti Hillary shirt on.
he only used his own pen to sign stuff.
Yeah that guy. I said nice shirt to him.
log cabin Republicans are gay Republicans and they have a good amount that love trump.
nah, i was wearing all black, my shirt was all black with small white dots on it and my MAGA hat.
This is the best thread in a long time. Need that video though, OP. Just upload it to jewtubes for us ffs
Protesters kept setting off fireworks that sounded like sing gunshots. When the first went off we thought they were starting to flashbang and smoke the Protesters out.
okay hold on
I'll upload mine when I can finish transferring. IT'S HUGE. The ones of Protesters outside were even better.
You all were to the right of me. I was with a noisy bunch of people. My throat was starting to give out from yelling so much.