>be Hillary Clinton
>dissolve the border
>The United States of Mexico :^)
>be Hillary Clinton
>dissolve the border
>The United States of Mexico :^)
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yea right, she'll probably make a wall just as trump would
Holy shit just imagine if it did happen.
America turns to shit, Europe turning to shit. This is truly the end of days.
Why would she ?
No borders means millions of new voters for her next election.
She vehemently belives Merkel's policies are working and plans to go even further
You're fucked. I can easily see the woman "democratically" winning the elections.
I thought Merkel cucking the EU was bad, that's just open season on Burgerland.
Do you think it's a coincidence that Europe and the US has massive waves of migrants flowing in?
Thank God. The border patrol officers are inhuman, nad this is coming from a white person
This election has just became the most important one in decades.
They are working.
Can we please learn from Europes mistake
>>The United States of Mexico
thats already mexico's name
Civil war when
I hate this fucking country if she wins
I don't want niggers roaming thru here I will fucking get to work on the wall myself.
We must make sure she never wins.
She is insane
can you post the quote where she says she's gonna dissolve the borders or is it just clickbait
They are, very well indeed. White genocide at a speed nobody believed possible.
It already was, but the fact that it was just became undeniable even to normies and mainstream media.
Hope she has a plan for when Texas leaves the union and tells her to fuck off while patriots country wide sympathize with Texas and travel there
It would greatly improve both countries and end the bullshit that divides us.
Unlike any Sup Forumstard meme you guys might force, we Mexicans are good people who simply need a bit of guidance. If Hillary is going to do that I sure hope welfare is removed out of the equation somehow, as it keeps both minorities and whites down.
Most people, regardless of race, aren't criminals or violent savages, Sup Forumstards commit the grave mistake of conflating Mexico's worst with our normal population.
Nigger they behead little kids in your fucking shitty ass country go the fuck away
>89 IQ subhuman rambling
We don't want you little dick rapist retards in our country. No offense.
Open season for the Mexican mafia.
No thank
Maybe Hillary should get elected.
Nothing ever good happens in the world anymore. Moral standards are plummeting, people are growing spoiled and rotten. Deviancy and degeneracy are running rampant, there is no respect for tradition anymore. Incompetent leaders are allowing our nation to be poisoned from within, the concept of duty and honor to one's people and country are dead. These days eerily resemble the end times of the Roman Empire.
These days I find myself wishing more and more for an apocalyptic event to occur. This society needs to be destroyed.
>we Mexicans are good people
>he says while being beheaded by the cartels that payoff his elected officials.
Kick out the Jews from power and everything will be fine.
>Nigger they behead little kids in your fucking shitty ass country go the fuck away
Also, you're acting as retarded as what I described to you.
This reads like a little dick impotent rage dissertion of its own, though.
So cartels and some corrupt government officials represent everyone in Mexico?
The US will collapse in that scenario you fucking idiot.
This, and I'm voting for trump. What people don't realize is that once a nation is in decline, simply voting in a person won't stop the ride.
Each nation throughout history has declined and declined and then got destroyed or some event rekt it. It will happen to the US too, Hillary will win, but she collapse the US
If trump loses we need to go full accelerationist about bringing about the end
Idiots, can't you see that this is the beginning of the north american union and the new world order?
I remember the open border thing being an angsty anarchists wet dream. How the fuck did it suddenly become standard practice?
How so, my dear armchair strategist?
Edgy liberal anarchists have just always been useful idiots. Realizing this is what made me leave the local punk rock scene once I graduated high school
Say hello to the Amero.
Soros wanted this 15 years ago.
This just proves what many of us have been saying for months now:
This election is the last stand. The last stand for conservativism, for the working class, for White middle class Americans, for everyone whose ever spoken out against political correctness gone mad, or globalist trade policies gutting our economy, or multiculturalism washing away American culture and traditional values.
If the Republicans lose this election, they will NEVER win another. Granting amnesty and a path to citizenship for twelve million illegal immigrants locks Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and Florida as blue states... even ignoring swing states, that puts the Democrats at 278 electoral votes BY DEFAULT. You're also looking at major shifts towards the left wing in the House, Senate, and Governor positions. The Democrats, now led by the far left, will be able to pass whatever they want, confirm whoever they want, write whatever laws they want, with nothing but token opposition from Republicans.
If Clinton wins, the United States becomes a de facto single-party government.
This is the last stand.
Some Mexican corrupt government officials would infiltrate California so fucking easily you dummy
Yeah, rape and crime has gone up, all part of the plan
No i won't be able to see cause my head will be cut off by tour cartels
If she's given the nomination, it'll be a landslide
I'm sure that will happen
(((They sure are, goy!)))
Maybe I should get off my ass and order one of those oversea voting kits.
88 average IQ, 5'4 average height, third to smallest dicks narrowly beating Arabs and Asians. You're all disgusting sub human filth who will turn America into a shithole just like your pathetic country. Fuck off and build the wall smelly spic.
No borders = more Mexican intellectuals for the US
How is this bad?
I have a question; where are all the jobs are going to come from or how the welfare that she is proposing going to be paid. The money must come from somewhere to fund it, if China catches wind of this shit, they will want us to pay back the $18 trillion we owe them.
>Inb4 Pay Denbts
We're going to share a country with THIS! Wow!
Corporations want open borders because it irrevocably shatters a nation's ability to resist the Corporate Overlords.
Without borders you'll be taxed by a "government" which exists simply to rob you and keep you enslaved to the the globalist billionaires who live far, far away from the peasantry. At least in the dark ages you could rise up and maybe behead a fucking king, but the global neofeudal aristocracy are safe and sound behind a thousand Blackwater, Inc mercenary guns living away on their own private tropical islands filled with underage sex slaves (like the island the Clinton's buddy Epstein owns)
This lel
>corrupt government officials represent everyone in Mexico?
Yes, the democratic government does in fact represent the people.
oh man look at all those hard working 1910's germans they had. hey we should encourage german born whites who dont want to live in kebab land to come to NA.
This. We'll probably get the same treatment Austria did
I weep for the U.S. that could have been
She will be Merkel on steroids
Just as psychotic but also retarded and over the top in a way only a burger can be
>mfw democracy made this happen faster than any other system
oh hey look one decent mexican.
Don't tell me your "good people of Mexico" aren't willing to kill and maim anyone.
>So cartels and some corrupt government officials represent everyone in Mexico?
yes, your representatives represent you
Jesus merciful christ. The fucking ride never ends.
>I hate this fucking country if she wins
she's not going to win, she'll be out of the race by election time, just keep calling and shouting and pestering people
>It would greatly improve both countries and end the bullshit that divides us.
no, Mexico wishes we would fuck off with farm subsides, and it would honestly be better for Americans if we did since no more cheap corn syrup = no more diabetes and other huge health problems
anybody eating this western diet gets fucked over,
we'll all come to straya
daily reminder there are the people protesting Trump and calling his supporters racists
It won't end until we go like the Romans, it's coming, there's not stopping it.
Uhm, Mexico is already the United States of Mexico, you idiot. It is "Los Estados Unidos de Mexico" .... you must have failed elementary school geography.
>Hillary will win
how? she'll be in jail, another 3 weeks and she'll be so unpopular people will be shouting from the rooftops
how long have you worked for the cartels you snake
We should have purged Mexico entirely in the first war. That has been our only mistake.
I only hope this is the last stand and not the first of many do-or-dies. Hopefully the pendulum can swing back. This is what we are against this election. Imagine the next.
This is pretty much part the new world order agenda to bring about a one world government currency, religion and a singular culture. The whole point of multiculturalism is to bring about a single culture at the destruction of all others.
>Clinton’s pledge for amnesty perhaps explains why she won the endorsement of open borders advocate Luis Gutierrez–who has previously said “I have only one loyalty… and that’s to the immigrant community.”
t. Mexican intellectual
How does canadafags feel now your border is less safe than mexico's according to hillldog
Won't happen.
Even if, Bernie would probably win then.
Does it matter? We're fucked, the West is fucked.
People throughout the ages warned of this shit and people did not listen, lessons must be learned before change happens
The best part is that Gutierrez is a Puerto Rican nationalist despite living in Chicago all his life
He is "muh heritage" gone bad
Shit, even the monarchs saw this coming and warned about the merchants.
So, according to your own logic, the average American is a war mongering, freedom hating, corporate sellout who is OK with lobbying, running a revolving door of corporate/government crooks, spying on its own citizens, waging secret wars and funding terrorists worldwide, experimenting on its own citizens, among other curious customs.
There really are few ways of worsening this rotten carcass you call America
you hope.
I can't wait for the delicious Sup Forums tears in November.
Why does this bitch want a Cicil War so much?
shes just saying that to get the anti-trump vote.
That's a good description of the average normie cuck, yes.
>Jew York
>wants a union with the US (totally not because I'm a leech btw)
>"rotten carcass you call America"
Dear god, she'll ruin the US beyond recognition.
I'm a #hillshill now.
Holy shit dude you're nothing but a leech who wants to mooch off America.
Literally an entitled manchild.
It's a critical point in the history of days to come. Like I said - if Clinton wins that's it, there is only one possible outcome for the path she will put us on: First a one-party government in the US. Then an EU-style common market/common government with Canada, Mexico, and parts of the Caribbean and Central America.
Trump winning is no guarantee of swinging the pendulum the other way, but at least it's a chance.
It honestly doesn't make a bit of a difference.
NAFTA has already moved economic barriers.
No wall can stop illegal immigrants.
You may as well just create a North American Union and get it the fuck over with.
No infact I believe Mexicans would usually come out more Republican
I am almost certain she will build a wall on the Southern border
#nevertrump cucks were able to safely say they won't vote for trump because hillary seems nicely republican enough for them
hillary says: "how do I exploit this? I know, I'll go full retard and force this election to be far-left against right instead of presenting myself as a reasonable centrist fighting far-right Trump!"
Hillary is probably the most amazingly incompetent politician of the modern era, even more so than Jeb.