Hey you fucking stupid nigger faggots

Hey you fucking stupid nigger faggots

What is a great (Fairly new) game to play on PC nowadays.

It must be very dynamic. Mostly need to be rpg or something similar to Diablo.

Also not an online game fuck no.

Why not online OP are you scared?

Path of exile is similiar

Horizon Zero Dawn and its DLC are absolutely top tier if you haven't played it yet.
I know its not pc but i bought a ps4 specifically for it )and bloodborne tbf) and it was well worth the investment.

OIther than that Shadow of War is worth a poke, Witcher 3 and its DLC's are beyond top tier, battle chasers nightwar has a pretty nice story if a bit grindy at times, if you;re really in a pinch the new Ass creed, whilst not amazing, is a passable experience to while away some hours, better to wait for it to be on sale though imo

Divinity original sin 2 is very decent.

>similar to Diablo
>Not an online game

Like diablo 2 you fucking idiot cunt.

No I don't have the resources like you rich kids do to play online every day all day.

Because Diablo 2 wasn't an online game.

If you like questing try assassins Creed origins

This looks interesting I'll give it a try, Thanks user.

Nioh released on pc recently, its worth a look at the very least

Diablo 3 can only be played online bro.

I don't have perma internet access.


You missing the point I'm trying to make.

I'm just saying you used a shitty example as a non-online game.


conveniently ignoring the "SINGLE PLAYER" option there, he wants a game that can be played offline, diablo 2 can be played offline.

Stop being nigger and get internet you dumb cunt.

So he should have said
>can be an online game if it has a single player option
>fuck all online games hurr durr

I enjoyed dying light for a while

So shoot your money load all over me you rich gay fuck

I enjoyed that but grown sick of it for some reason

Even with internet, some people just don't care for an online experience.

Yeah honestly I quit playing and I'm not really sure why, just stopped being fun after a while

Nigger get Grim Dawn and the expac
It literally what Diablo 3 should of been. Way better than POE