Why are we pro-life again?
Why are we pro-life again?
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Fuck off
That vagina faced child contributes as much to the world as you do, Canadian.
ayy lmao
That's a mouth pussy if I ever saw one.
Canada your like the little brother who always acting out for attention. Just stop you'll never be as cool as American and you'll never be as good as shitposter as Australia.
The alien master race demands it
We're not - kill 'em all.
What's going on in this thread?
Birth defects have always fascinated me
What is the medical name for what I'm looking at?
I'm personally pro abortion. I want to clean up the mean streets. =)
I'm not pro-life, especially yours.
Fraiser's Disease
Stephen Kings "Dreamcatcher".
Its Mr Grey
>never be as cool as American
What the fuck does that even mean...
>thinking Sup Forums is one person
Honestly, fuck other humans. They only obstruct my own goals such as getting a job and other things occupied by other humans that I can't have.
Bcgtiat. bruh
Pro Life should be renamed into Pro Lightskinned Health Life
Seems like a jew to me, whats the problem here?
If you were cool enough you would know
You'd know if you were cool like America
well I'm not
made me laugh tbqh
oy vey!
Seriously, it is.
Pic related.
take abortion away and that will be replaced by starvation and murder
because we hate you
a fucking leaf
Bro seriously. Just stop digging.
The biggest jew puppets on the planet..
Ayy lmao
They should abort the parents of these "children".
white birth rate and so we can laugh at vagina faced children on the internet
I was about to say that her mouth look s pretty much like a worn-in vag.
Before you go go
We're also against incest, to prevent such births from happening
>a pinata
Top kek
I think I killed about a dozen of those in Dark Souls tonight.
Leaf is blown away
Joe Camel!
Top fucking kek
well yeah.-
Second post solid post
actually more if she makes porn when she grows up
Perhaps they think that their miserable existence is still worth living. Kind of like being born Canadian and having to endure living in some shitty Canadian city like sarnia or Brampton.
10/10 would fuck that mouth pussy
First Nations Detected
Hide the mouthwash
>not having backup bottles of Listerine
I can use the internet, I can stash some good drink.
And abortions will still be there, they'd just be performed by midwives with crotchet needles again.
I would rather the procedure is done sterile so there won't be more sick and damaged people to take care of.
No, it won't. No one starves to death in America. It means more welfare dollars or more wasted on orphanages.
Abortion is the singular reason the black population is totally stagnate in America. God bless it.
We only care about the feeling of allowing them to live, not them having to live it.
I'm not . I may be a republican but I do have some leftist views , and that kid should have been aborted along with many others
That child is crying for death.
Much appreciated.
Jesus fucking Christ
I must know more
Looks like a character out of Legend of Zelda
She looks like a messenger.
Some are willing to perpetuate human suffering for idealistic reasons, all of which are totally inadequate in the face of a horribly malformed human being that wishes for death every day of their life.
I do not care for definitions of right and wrong handed down un-examined from a higher power, but the one good piece of advice my no good father gave me was that if a creature is in pain you should do what you can to stop it, whether that's setting a broken leg, putting a slug between their eyeballs or sticking a coathanger up their mum's foof.
I actually come from a long and storied line of back street abortionists.
plastic surgery is very good at correcting issues like that.
There's a point where you have to resent your parents for letting you live. I'm already kind of pissed they put me in this dump.
I don't think that child even knows what death is or why it should wish for it.
I don't feel I have to be 100% on any platform. I am pro abortion. I want abortion expanded.
Why would anyone want a child born with cankles? I would be so embarrassed walking around with this things hooves clopping down the street. Smdh
Be honest Sup Forums, would you fuck that?
You can hope, but there have been those as bad or worse who've been fully and terribly aware of what they are all along.
They're literally Lovecraftian horrors. Strange creatures on the fringe of humanity, whose very existence, in their closeness and yet distance from ourselves, call into question the fundamental axioms of life.
Such is life in The Zone.
Fuck you for destroying the meaning of this word.
you can thank all the new moderators, i have my suspicions that many of them are canadian and have contributed to the recent bullshit
If against all odds this... creature... is not brain damaged, it could have a decent life. Looking like a freaky alien isn't the worst fate out there.
I'm sure it's not that simple though and that it would be better off aborted.
fucking lost
You're literally a faggot.
Literally nobody is pro-deformed babies, except the absolute hardest core of christniggers.
Good point. Abort all Canadians.
There are many words you could have chosen. Basically, practically, virtually, essentially, the list goes on. All of these words have a loose definition and would get your point across.
But you had to choose "literally," a word with a strict meaning. It's really the opposite of what you mean. That's how stupid you are.
Fuck off with your run-on sentences and literally read a book sometime.
This is a literal demon from hell 200 years ago its entire family would have been massacred
Does this image and that movie illicit the kind of bloodlust from anyone else it does from me (against the demons, of course)? I don't know what it is, but there are few things in existence that get that kind of reaction out of me. And greys are about it.
"We" fucking aren't. I know Leafland doesn't have a lot of dindus, but we would have 3 times as many without the ol' fetus hoover.
What's going on in this thread?
It probably has something to do with Uncanny Valley, and the fact that humans feel displeasure when they don't believe something is real.
Greys look almost like humans or fetuses, but not quite. The result is something like a deception to the mind, and you react negatively.
>It probably has something to do with Uncanny Valley, and the fact that humans feel displeasure when they don't believe something is real.
Yeah I've heard this explanation many, many times before, but other uncanny faces don't get this reaction out of me or most other people. ONLY greys. And ESPECIALLY the greys from Dreamcatcher. That movie is just full on murder porn for me. I literally want to be in that movie so I can genocide those motherfuckers.
What does this book have to do with anything?
>when she grows up
I'm pro-abortion because planned parenthood was tailor made to keep nigger populations down
god bless eugenics
This is exactly why.
Because we hate slutty teenagers
Fuck the hell off already, Planned Parenthood. I wish shilling carried the death penalty. Retroactively abort yourself if you're so fond of it.