Can we have a serious political conversation on this board with no memes?

Can we have a serious political conversation on this board with no memes?

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What about?

Trump's policies? Health care would probably be the big one. He's a big supporter of single-payer! Oops, he was a supporter of it, but now he's not. But he does promise that everyone will be taken care of, some how. Oops, that one's gone too. But he still promises to make sure that you can't be denied insurance because of pre-existing conditions! And that's an important ... wait ... no, he's flipflopped on that one too.

We should have a serious discussion about political memes.

>N-no memes on Sup Forums pls

Thanks COINTELPRO, you just convinced me that meme magic is real.

Good question, OP. It really makes you think


While I'm not pumped about that, hes still got my vote. At this point, hes not hillary and that's all I need. I would hope he stays away from it though.

> my bullshit political beliefs can't compete against meme magic

Oh shit, wuddup!

If you want to start a conversation on Sup Forums without memes, you don't mention or use memes. Just how Sup Forums works, friendo.


Sup Forums btfo this will be a good thread

>hes not hillary and that's all I need.

That makes it sound like your voting decisions is just "muh feelings". Did you actually weigh the differences between Clinton and Trump's qualifications for this job?

h-holy shit... hillary BTFO

>politcally serious


>politically incorrect

It's like you don't even like deciphering pottery.

get that cia generated meme off my mongolian cave painting board

wait.. Mongolian Cave Painting?

I thought this was the Used Filter Cleaning Discussion channel...


Donald Trump has destabilized 0 countries to date, Hillary has what, 3 under her belt now?


This is a shill thread! I repeat, this is a shill thread. Do not bump this!

You need to be a bit more specific

I can see why it looks that way. But if by qualifications you mean experience in office, I could give a shit. I agree with way more of what Trump says compared to 0% of what Clinton says.

And what exactly *do* they say? They both seem to flip flop like fish. Can you be more specific?

Sure. I like trumps stance on how to deal with illegals, and his foreign policy speech was fucking beautiful. I didn't read it, but saw a post from kikebart about Clinton wanting to dissolve US borders.

>I didn't read it, but saw a post from kikebart about Clinton wanting to dissolve US borders.

You sound extremely uninformed or misinformed. Maybe you should stop complaining about Trump being treated unfairly by media and try to actually figure out what politicians actually say.

I'm not complaining about shit. But please explain how I'm poorly informed.