Did Sup Forums actually chose this as the face of their movement?
how did it actually happen? How did they brand everyone as Alt Right when its always just been right wing/libertarian?
Did Sup Forums actually chose this as the face of their movement?
how did it actually happen? How did they brand everyone as Alt Right when its always just been right wing/libertarian?
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he's a faggot that shills himself on Sup Forums all day
but you already know that, don't you Milo?
>dumb hopeless kids looking for a father figure to lead them
>opportunist jew faggot who recognized a niche comprised of fools looking for a messiah
thats pretty much all
>degenerate jew the face of Sup Forums
We have a queen, we don't need that fag.
He's articulate and polite and knows how to interact with the mainstream, even if he'll never be on Charlie Rose or whatever.
He's self appointed and really just out for clicks, but at least he's got bantz. We could do worse.
This meme needs to end. Libertarianism is literally neoconservatism. Prove me wrong.
Sup Forums has no face
It's simply a screen upon which various dominant internet forces project upon.
I love this degenerate! Milo if you are ever in Wyoming I'll I want to take you shooting then suck your dick.
I think you mean paleoconservatism
>Jew, Faggot, Nigger Lover
>Sup Forums
>Anti-Jew, Straight, Nigger Haters
Nah we're just memeing for some lulz and this faggot is being used like a metaphorical hole.
neocons want to legalize recreational drugs?
Alright there bi-stander. If you're not going to stomp around or start using a drum, can you at least go out and find some sticks so we can make this a real fire?
>not all Sup Forums
insecure leaf, you know full well he is speaking of on behalf of a demographic. stop being liberal with language. the last place i want to police my speech is Sup Forums
>Choosing a Jew over a Red-pill Fag
>implying there isn't multiple people behind this computer right now
It's like you're unironically being a leaf...
there is no face to the movement. that is the trick.
you fucking retard
Milo puts a face on the movement. He inserted himself as the face to the media now whether we like it or not this faggot will forever be associated with le alt right
No, it's just a meme pushed by a bunnch of amerilards, the guy is a Literally who
Alt-Right has grown into a nebulous term because SJWs have taken to labeling anyone they don't like as being a member of the Alt-Right, while at the same time more and more normies are realizing how bullshit modern Social Justice is. These people are essentially forced into the label, which has expanded the movement, but made it less specific and more of a general Anti-SJW movement.
Why is there NEOreactionary and not just reactionary...people like to create terms to make themselves seem important.
post her gif
He's only successful because Social Justice Warriors are hesitant to talk shit about a fag, as he has more victim credits than them.
We chose Evalion but butthurt neckbeards and guys who don't get laid couldn't handle a woman being a better spokesperson than they could ever be.
Because he's the perfect secret weapon - a conservative gay Jew.
Just saying that sentence out loud makes the social justice crowd's heads explode.
>a nigger loving fagjew
>Sup Forumss idol
you literally cannot make this up
>Sup Forums
>part of muh alt-right
Fuck no. His only goals in life are shekels and attention.
>Implying Sup Forums isn't a gay board
Lmao desu
>Sup Forumss
>Sleep tight doggo
He is admittedly a handsome looking man. He does not look like a Jew to me.
>Did Sup Forums actually chose
Yeah, weren't you here for the ballot? We're a grassroots organisation but we're highly structured, with AGM's, elections, and a hierarchy of authority.
You fucking retard.
Fuck off shill
he's a puppet
Blame Gamergate. Matter of fact, blame them for Justine Tunney also.
>right wing/libertarian?
implying everyone would adopt this retarded ideology that only americans love
I wonder what Milo's goal is.
jesus you have low standards burguer
I've seen trannies better than her.
Milo reminds me of this guy.
No. No one did.
I wasn't including Trudeau supports or any faggot living in the 416 like you.
Is that an Italian?
thats Balki Bartokomous, you fucking newfag
Did I trigger you?
You must be new here. This has been a place for and by fags since 2003.
>self appointed and really just out for clicks, but at least he's got bantz
I know....Milo is just Fabulous
I bet you have, considering this is a sex symbol in Brazil...
Idiots detected. Milo shilling "alt-right" as a movement, trying to casually force it as something mainstream, is the only way to actually make it a movement and something young people can identify with. This guy is trying to preserve our beliefs with the next generation. What the fuck did you do today?
I'm not even that gay, but i'd tongue punch his ass.
George W. Bush is a neoconservative.
Pat Buchanan is a paleoconservative.
>for open borders and outsourcing jobs
>for open borders and outsourcing jobs
Literally the same.
>no dancing grill gif
Nice proxy nigger
Funny how a fag has more balls than most others speakers.
I thought he was Greek? Either way he is amazing I can watch him for hours.
Friend wants to go to a MIlo speech with me as he's speaking in my area coming up pretty soon.
Is it worth it to see this faggot piss off SJWs Sup Forums? Anyone been to one of his speeches?
Fuck yes! It is so worth it to see the triggering.
libertarians are usually non-interventionist.
Jew who gets fucked by niggers.
>face of Sup Forums
good goy
Alt right narrative is collapsing. Everyone is abandoning ship and disavowing all their faggot and kike heroes. Eventually the only thing left will be the glaring truth that the "alt right" is just edgy millennial republicans under a super special snowflake name.
Get the fuck out, Sup Forums cancer.
Lyrics in description faggot
OP is one of two things:
1. a Stormcuck prison punk
2. a lib posing as one
>implying a bbc worshiping white boy isn't the perfect thing to represent Sup Forums
hes a goat, do you know what that means
>Choosing neither jew
Milo is unworthy.
This, it is convenient to both him and can we let the Jew meme about him die. It's quite clear he is not from a Jewish back ground. Look it up.
There's a phrase that was coined for exactly this type of person.
Useful idiot.
He's one of the people that are useful for a movement before it gains power. He doesn't really know what it is that he's gotten himself involved with, and is one of those people who thinks that the phrase "throw leftists out of helicopters" is just an edgy joke.
What he doesn't know is that when we win, he and his kind will no longer have a use.
Degenerate, miscegenist faggot.
But for now, he has a use as a kind of trump card. He has a measure of immunity from the accusations of racism, etc. that allows him to be a mouthpiece for our views.
He's a useful idiot.
Fuck you Milo is based for a gay kike. Especially after what those dindus pulled yesterday, that gay jew spite is gonna come down hard. You guys fall for this divide and conquer shit way too easy.
The media came up with the term the Alt Right so they could clump us all together, and then Milo jumped in to get on the bandwagon like he did with GamerGate and appointed himself our spokesman.
He's a dickhead, careerist shill.
Well he's working in our favor for now.
Milo is a filthy fucking degenerate with zero morals. In other words, he's perfect for the new republicans of the "alt" right.
I can't be the only one who wants to see Milo tear apart Ben's tight Jew Anus
Hey guys.
Sup Forums chooses nothing
The will of Kek guides us.
Choosing some 18 year-old whores or millennial woes over actual intellectual nationalists like fag voice greg johnson makes no fucking sense. Why not leave actual arguments to the adults?
i agree, we #TrueConservatives need to rise up and take our party back
Nice -ist there m8
He's a gay jew.
A minority.
He's using us for fame.
We can use him to prove our points without the "YOU'RE A FUCKING WHITE MALE" argument.
Frankly this. The neocons just never really belonged at the GOP. The people are taking their party back.
I'm not a conservative. The alt right is just a farce. It's literally nothing more than the republican party for millennials.
Too bad the party has sucked for just about as long as anyone has been alive.
That's only because all they care about is paying less taxes and squeezing labor.
isn't she like 12 or something?
too old
>How did they brand everyone as Alt Right when its always just been right wing/libertarian?
Libertarianism is the alt right
Conservatism is the right
If you don't believe that Milo is alt-right you've been browsing Sup Forums for way too long
Republicans a shit.
>Hurr durr sociopathy is a really good party platform
Don't get me wrong, I'm not a democrat either, but the republicans are the literal definition of evil and then ask "What's wrong with that?" as if it's an excuse or an argument. No, your filthy, degenerate kike religion is not "good". It's pure fucking savage, sandnigger evil. And "fuck you, I got mine" is most assuredly a great way to wreck a nation.
shut the fuck up globalist kike
when Trump is sworn in, mudslime lovers like you will burn
Lel but republicans are LITERALLY the biggest supporters of globalism and kikes. The republicans are the eternal cheerleaders for the rich and they're the reason everyone sees globalism as a bad thing: because they almost exclusively use it as a tool for evil ends.
>when Trump is sworn in
Kek. Trump is everything wrong with America, stupid, born entitled, never had to suffer real life, loud, obnoxious and oblivious to reality.
You're the one who belongs to a kike demon-worshipping desert religion. I would purge all your precious jew faiths from this Earth and make sure monotheism was never permitted to arise again.