How fucked is this guy?
No Prenup
Totally fucked. But he shouldn't regret, there's a good chance the judge may have thrown out the prenup anyway if there had been one.
I just have a feeling that hes going to kill himself. I don't want him to because he is a good actor.
Is this JUST v2.0 or 3.0
He has more money than he'll ever be able to spend. Who cares if his wife takes half. He'll make that back in a few movies anyway.
He's an open borders fag, hopefully he loses it all
Pretty much this, after the new POTC movie he will be back again.
now this is what i call JUSTracing
>discussing celebrities on Sup Forums
well kekkle my shekels
This would be the case if alimony wasn't a thing.
So she gets half of the money he made in the last year. Big deal.
Not a happening.
His mother died less than a week ago...
She files for divorce...
2 days later
they have been married a year she's not gonna get shit
get married, get buried
HOLY COW! Women are evil. I am never getting married.
She deserves nothing and should probably do porn
but you're indian, if your wife leaves you, you can beat her to death and get away with it
How on Earth can you throw a pren-up?
t. Civic lawyer in Russia who makes bulletproof pren-ups. I enjoy hearing stories of "left with nothing" divorcee trophy wife's of my rich clients.
This is his third marriage. He'll be fine.
she was afraid he wouldnt want to get married if she didnt sign it
>literally raped into doing it
>this picture is real
Contrary to popular belief, pre-nups are not iron proof and are routinely thrown out by judges.
He would've been fucked anyways.
the US has this thing like a good number of other countries where legally binding deals can be thrown out if they are "ridiculous" you know- sell your soul sort of shit.
Of course since it's the US it's abused constantly.
Marriage just doesn't work for some peeps.
It must suck to be a movie star. Especially a movie star in your 50s. At the age all you want is someone to love and for someone to love you back.
or some guys are very dumb.
>Anonymous (ID: 8UC/s7BK) 05/25/16(Wed)18:21:38 No.75109506 ▶
> (OP)
>Totally fucked. But he shouldn't regret, there's a good chance the judge may have thrown out the prenup anyway if there had been one.
> Anonymous (ID: JY7XdgiW) 05/25/16(Wed)18:24:10 No.75109734 ▶
>I just have a feeling that
I thought his "sister" was his asshole? Not his actual, you know, sister.
I mean, later in the movie the main character ans snowball(?) talk about it.
Anonymous (ID: PTGRcozW) 05/25/16(Wed)21:42:22 No.75116205▶
>Anonymous (ID: 8UC/s7BK) 05/25/16(Wed)18:21:38 No.75109506 ▶
> (OP) (OP)
>Totally fucked. But he shouldn't regret, there's a good chance the judge may have thrown out the prenup anyway if there had been one.
> Anonymous (ID: JY7XdgiW) 05/25/16(Wed)18:24:10 No.75109734 ▶
>I just have a feeling that
I thought his "sister" was his asshole? Not his actual, you know, sister.
I mean, later in the movie the main character ans snowball(?) talk about it.