What’s the worst Sup Forums?
>”Family members you’d fuck” threads
>”Asian” threads that are filled with clothed girls
>”Tribute” threads
>”YLYL” threads
>”Traps and sissies” threads
>”FB/IG fap” threads
>”loli/shota” threads
>”Controversial post or opinion that is obviously bait but sparks heated debate over stupid shit” threads
What’s the worst Sup Forums?
the family member threads, honestly. Fucking sick of these incestious rednecks who can't keep their dicks to themselves for one second.
Just add in the ''Im secretly gay and enjoy looking at dicks, dick rate'' threads and thats 99% of the content you see here.
Traps/sissies, tribute, and bait threads are the worst, the rest aren't nearly as degenerate. Family comes close but still not trap tier
This garbage normie thread complaining about the internet being weird.
women rednecks don't have dicks you ass monkey...
they're feminine
also trap threads are degenerate as fugg.
YLYL are pretty fucking bad, some crap posted day, week, month, year after year and it wasnt funny the first time around either.
The incestuous bullshit here is so much worse than everything I've ever seen on this board. Cock rate threads are fucking terrible but at least people are posting their own dicks (and also knowing what they're getting into) rather than taking images from their sister/mother's FB/IG accounts to share and jack off to.
So, I would say the "Family Members you'd fuck" are the absolute worst on this board.
This, that pussy is perfect.
Emily Bloom
Andy Sixx log threads are pure cancer. If I could punch the OP in the face through my monitor I would.
worst are andy log, white/black boi feel, dick rate threads
Nice I've actually seen her videos months ago, I wish there was one of her getting banged though.
She said she'll never do any scenes with a man in them after what happened during a massage shoot.
andy log is just an updated version of Sup Forumsill from a few years ago so its not that hard to scroll past that after practice.
traps & tributes are the worst, is there not a gay board for those fags?
Family members don't magically turn ugly, guys
Hot girls are hot period
This truly is a christian board after all
what happened?
It was supposed to be an erotic massage only, but the director couldn't take no for an answer and she was coerced someway into being fingered to orgasm. She won't work with any man in the industry at all now.
FB fap threads
there's nothing more pathetic on this board.
From the catalog just now:
1) Drawthread
2) Giant tits thread
3) Celeb thread
4) This is a trap, how do you feel thread
5) Joke thread.
6) What should I do with this? Trips edition.
7) Rate my disgustingly fat hand thread.
8) Favorite cock tribute thread
9) Asking B to be their personal army thread.
10) I’m going to kill myself, trips for cam link edition.
11) Tan lines on tits thread.
12) Image with bait thread.
13) Breast envy thread.
14) Post a more perfect ass protip edition
15) Where would you drop three nukes on the world thread.
16) What’s the worst thread thread.
17) Boxxy forever queen thread.
18) Chubby/BBW thread.
19) FB/IG thread.
20) Pics you shouldn’t share thread.
More than half porn, and only one (maybe) that would qualify as an actual Sup Forums thread and not on some other board.
they always descend into "this is my crush, please validate me" threads
Unfortunate, fuck that director. Is there the video of this out there though?
Porn threads. All of them.
>he worst Sup Forums?
the worst is that nigger who thinks posting a white druggie slut porn star means the white race is going to die etc. wtf delusional much?
Loli, Shota was here, incest was here, traps and sissies were here. But if you weren't, I have some news...
Rekt threads
The worst is getting banned for all manner of bullshit that doesn't violate site rules.
You want to know why those same shitty threada get repeated eith the same shitty content day after day?
Because ANYTHING new is a risk on Sup Forums now.. We're posting during the death rattles of a once mighty beast.
Probably, but I believe most sites removed it after they found out the circumstances it was recorded under. There a photo set you can still buy though.
>>”Controversial post or opinion that is obviously bait but sparks heated debate over stupid shit” threads
We should bring back Snacks