indian guy here (from CAnada) i was wondering if you guys got any tips on getting a white gf?
Indian guy here (from CAnada) i was wondering if you guys got any tips on getting a white gf?
Wipe your ass
Wait for the first girl who smiles at you (or even makes eye contact with you).
Approach her casually but confidently. Tell her you want her to be your bride, and offer to give her family a cow as payment. If that isn't enough, you'll throw in two sacks of lentils and some ghee to sweeten the deal.
shit in the toilet or "poo in the loo" as your people say...
poo in loo
poo in loo #1
You're indian, thirsty, bad grammar (possibly fresh off the boat) and probably look like your typical mustached stupid pajeet.
Why would you think a white girl would even look at you? You're one of the lowest on the desirability chart, unless you're rich you might as well write off this dream.
Stick to your own kind, i'm sure you can find a pajeeta that's not too hairy.
Kill youself. They are waiting for you in afterlife
salty jealous white boys here
> turd people
i hope you die painfully
In your case, chloroform, twist ties and a panel van.
>Wait for the first girl who smiles at you (or even makes eye contact with you).
This won't happen until after you're dead though. Many will smile as they walk past your rotting corpse in the gutter of the street.
Ask her to send pics of bobs and vegana
Be white
>from CAnada
Is that near Sri Lanka or Bangladesh?
Don't forget bitch lasagna
Just rape her man women love that shit
Dont say "eh" after everything
Dont be creepy
Dont be rapey
Dont poop on the street
Do wash your hands
Do be respectful to women
Do know your limits
most important thing is to try, talk to girls, and remember they're humans too
don't try too hard, just chat away, and if things go smooth, then you win
Should be easy enough to get a fat one
The best and easiest way to get a white gf is to wear a suit and over stuff every single pocket with cash. Proceed to toss, literal, handfuls of cash at women as they pass by you in the street. It's preferable to throw the handfuls of cash directly at their face because broads be dumb as shit sometimes and might not have developed object permanence yet.
At that point the white gf should bend down and start picking up the cash like a hobo on a ham sammich and it's your job to leave a trail of dollah billz to your crib. Once she's inside, shut and lock the door and BAM you gots yourself a white gf.
Well, look at your own picture you posted. Be that guy. Work out and cut your hair.
bitch lasagna
idunno lad. Loos aren't so bad. They're not freighting civilization destroying marauders en masse like blacks are, and the thought of having one as a doctor doesn't make me cringe.
If you see the mustache and you're a woman, run tho
Demanding bobs and vegana normally does the trick.
you are a fucking disgrace for the human race please consider suicide
Get rich. Act white.
how can anyone want to racemix its degenerate not just for BMWF the same goes for whites who want to fuck chinks
Have LOTS of money. Like 100+ million $ then you'll be good, like this guy.
continue to not bathe or wear deodorant.
>white woman love the sour indian soup
I'm white and you people make me laugh
It helps to be white or rich. I would say get an escort but most escorts don't fuck with AA men
Depends on where in Canada you are.
Yeah....... but he's also reasonably attractive.
Sry white women and women in general don't like indian freaks. You guys stink, are ugly, look like monkeys but at least you make good foods, props you for that
Don't stay the fuck out of our country shitskin
Wear deoderant.
Have good hygiene.
Be respectful of their culture.
Be respectful of them (dont ask to show bobs and vagene)
Don't do a terror attack if you get rejected.
Had a friend who was born in Canada from Pakistani Refugee parents. Kid grew up along side us whiteys so he had a better start than you but theres hope. Just dont be a fucking towel head stereotype or if you are, be chill and a decent human being.
dear god - another one of these threads.