My sides.
what is this
You would match well with the other fattie watch fag that is obsessed about telling everyone about his rolex
i should really start wearing my watch again
it's a smartwatch faggot what does it look like?
I didn't see that through all that fat
ngl saw the thumbnail and thought it was a hospital
1/10 lose weight and realize that a watch wont make your obese autistic ass anymore interesting than a beta cuck.
itt: poorfags
"Hey guys look at the watch I bought for 4 months welfare payments while I am in hospital sucking even more benefits to try and stay alive because I had to resort to eating the shitiest fatty foods made from the shitiest left overs, because I had no money after buying my watch."
"but we are #1 and we are great, we have great everything"
Yeah ok Nation of 68% overweight fat ugly fucks, whatever you think.
what are we rating, ham hocks? confused.
you dumbasses realize this isn't op's hand, right?
who pulled the ripcord on that emergency inflatable human?
Wow do you honestly think people thought differently. Jesus.
This is why Automatics are so popular in America, too many fat people to operate a gear stick.
That is the cringiest thing I've ever read...and I'm actually pro-LGBT and totally for destroying mental illness stigmas..but that shit is taking it too far...
Lost it at "giant galaxy"
it's tiem
True. That and most of us are too goddamned stupid.
Lol someones mad their stats are wrong
>t. eurotard
The guy in the last panel is actually a citizen of Mexico, not USE. Other than that, spot fucking on.
Please find and kill her before she multiplies, Jesus fuck...
Kek! Humans as a whole are fucking retarded
A screencap of a Sup Forums post with a 9gag image....fucking atrocious.
I was going to say "holy shit, I think that's my friend's little sister", then I remembered that thousands of bitches look exactly like this in the US. Literally thousands.
>never been to the US
Honestly #4 on that pic is the greatest offense.
Holy fuck that's very true. Especially #10. I've fucked a few fatties, and they only cared about themselves.
Yes I have, to Ohio, so get rekt Cleetus
I LIVE in the US. I kniw what im talking about. Lol fucking newfag.
Top fucking kek!
oh look, it's time for a snack !!!!
wewy wew
I live in a major city faggot, like I said
>never been to the US
she probably sold a kidney to get it, that's why she's in a hospital.
>thinks he is edgy
>acts like a faggot 12 year old
>tears coming down his cheeks
My sides
what the fuck is that? under its necc?
You post a pic like that, and says I'm edgy
Is this bait?
Mould from not being washed there. And if her (him?) neck hasn't been washed, then everywhere else will just be as bad.
Anybody have the video of a fat guy cealing his back with hundred of zits ?????? Is fuckin amazing .
Will a poke flute work here
Why doesn't anyone ever shoot up a welfare office would anybody even care?
yet another fokkin Apple fanboi.
She says her pronouns are bun/buns but by the looks of it the only buns she's encountered are of the cinnamon variety
Even my dog shows shame when he gets caught doing something he knows is wrong. WTF is this shit, doesn't it know that humans can see it?!?
eww niggers