Are there any actual Neo-Nazis on here, or is it just memeing?
Are there any actual Neo-Nazis on here, or is it just memeing?
Sup Forums is just satire. Nobody here is actually voting for Donald Drumpf
I'm not a neo-nazi but if the oppurtunity presented itself I'd be a real nazi.
Nazis haven't existed since 1948
>there is no Jewish conspiracy
Do you even Torah you fucking twat?
There are no neo-nazis anywhere. Just annoyed men meeting at pubs. All NatSoc movements have crumbled after the mass of mouthbreathers they attracted killed them.
Well that does it.
I am now a #CruzMissile
>intelligence is chiefly influence by socio-economic status
This is more meme-tier than the Sup Forums is a christian board thing.
that's a jewish meme
I'm a Creativist. My local sect drove a nigger family out of Sudbury two months ago.
>Nazis haven't existed since 1948
HAHAHAHAHA, holy shit education now a days is terrible.
isnt it clear as water that this board has being hijacket by neo liberal journalists and also the jewish influence of redit followers that are soo mentaly disarranged that it is still a oke for them when it sttoped to be a joke years ago .
get your pork chop broken english off this board you fucking stinky mud skin
I'm nationalist not "neo-nazi" and I consider Hitler was the greatest man lived.
Martin Bormann was objectively better.
Jews like to caricature all NatSocs as skinheads with suspenders
bet you mommy wanted the juice of this mudskin
You're betting us that your mother wanted the juice of a mudskin?
Seriously, learn to speak English first.
The whole concept of "neo nazis" is just a globalist meme to supress nationalism. The very idea is absurd. Are there "neo weimarists" or "neo athenians" or "neo romans?" It's not 1930's germany, there will never again be "nazis" in their original form. It's just a bogeyman term.
>he doesnt know that most all of the truly important nazis survived the war and integrated themselves with other nations intelligence agencies, research divisions, and multinational corporations
>Nazis will never return
They never left.
disgusting, bootlicker had to come and handjob is comrade
me I rather have my hand on your momy punani
They never revived NatSoc policies within those groups.
Memeing for me.
I have even shaved my head in RL and nobody connected the dots.
I'm still voting green and have no specific alt right interest except for a deep fascination.
Suppose someone suddenly had a glimpse of my web behaviour: they would go apeshit crazy and reinterpret my appearance as a signal.
Actually, I was just losing hair.
He has a point though. This place has became shit, most people come straight from Sup Forums, and you hardly find decent right-wing comrades.
Neo-Nazis wouldn't even be allowed in Nazi Germany. They're fake and cowardly.
maybe you need a group hug , this shit hole remains the same , don't get on ilusions that this ok before
>this is what newfags think
Also nice leaf.
>intelligence is genetic
>meme/disinfo side
Is this a troll edit to discredit the rest of it or was the person who made it actually this stupid?
10/10 post
Not really nazi but isolationist
Wenf to a punk bar one night to see if I could find a skin head crew to join. Ended up getting my ass beaten like i was a child. Now im voting for Bernie
They def don't come here but they do exist. The culture now is almost entirely supported by the RAC music scene. The days of leaflets and the Aryan Nations are pretty much gone, but if you go to an RAC show you will meet real hard ass neo-nazis. There and in prison.
Just here for the chaos.
t. white guy with black wife, whom also loves pol
Yes. They are pretty easy to spot since all they post is
>hitler did nothing wrong
>Fucking kike/schlomo/jew/goyim
>how to get a based gf??
When it comes to IQ they are on the same level with nig nogs
Nope, i grew up in an area that was white.
Now I live in an area infested with niggers, and I hate it.
I understand why neo-nazis exist.
Black people are fucking shit.
sure thing, buddy
This desu senpai.
I'm actually left-wing but I fully understand how people can end up hating niggers.
Not in Russia, but in Europe and the US the ideals are kept alive and it dictates policies made by certain groups of people or agencies.
Neo-"Nazi's" are degenerate filth and controlled opposition in the same tier as ANTIFA. They will meet the fate of the enemy albeit once their street thuggery distractions are used up. They distract the gullible braindead masses from the truth.
True National Socialists do exist and are all over most are descended legacies from SS soldiers and officers whose fathers migrated back to Europe from the Nat-Soc safe zones of Argentina and South Africa as per the command of the Führer before he died in exile..
Please refrain from using "Nazi" that is an American Jew word. Simply refer to us as Nat-Soc or "The party".
pol is snownigger compared to me
It is sort of stunning to think about how well they have integrated themselves with modern globalism.
How? Because I fail to see any aspiration for racial purity, healthiness and unity in European and US mainstream.
I like RAC, but that's it.
Sup Forums is not satire. However, there are no Neo-Nazis here, just regular Nazis
You're crazy.
neo-nazis are nazis as much as neo-liberals are liberals.
We are very traditional nazis in the classic sense of the word.
"Nazism" was "Hitlerism." As he said himself, movements are only footnotes to the lives of great people.
Nat Socialist Germany was a product of its time, a reaction agains what the Jews did in Weimar, just like the Klan was a reaction to what the "Union" did to the South during the Reconstruction occupation.
Those movements were products of their time. Some people collect original 3rd Reich memoribilia just bc it's a cool hobby to collect...but to dress up and march around LARPing and just plays into the Jew's hands.
>He doesnt know that the CIA was founded by Nazis almost in its entirety
>He doesnt even know about how far the Nazis got when it comes to alternative physics or how used it
top kek
Jews want a multicultural society, they've said this themselves. They can't exist in an ethnically homogenous nation.
>Sup Forums is not satire
As long as this argument is even an argument, it keeps us safe from the glare of the ADL, SPLC, and other Jewish pressure groups.
Is pol satire? If the media is asking, yes of course. Which is why "based BBC lover jew Milo" did so much damage here.
People have come here with their neo-cohen beliefs and set up shop, and tried to make us "mainstream" which is cancer to us.
thanks for ruining our board for your own personal gain, "milo."
Everything is run by the kikes. The last nazis were killed in the 90s.
Nei nazis are social outcast and losers who don't have any friends so they cling to the only group that will accept them.
Or they are so full of hate that they need to blame and entire race of people for their own failures. They go beyond white nationalism and say shit like "kill them all".
I am now a #Hillocopter
>the CIA was founded by Nazis
I know histroy of the CIA pretty well (see book "legacy of ashes") and while 3rd reich members were sometimes used as anti-Soviet agents, to say CIA was "founded by Nazis" makes you retarded.
Now, the American Space Program WAS indeed founded or at least powered by Nazi scientists. As were numerous other aircraft advancements.
The entire design of the Stealth bomber was stolen directly from Germany, as we now know since the stolen blueprints have come to light.
Hitler was a mad man and an idiot. He made is country great and then bent it over and let the world fuck it in the ass and pussy.
Doubtful. A good example is the man who put forth the idea of Home Land Security in the US, which has large portions of its charter lifted from the Nazi equivalent organization from the war.
>while 3rd reich members were sometimes used as anti-Soviet agents, to say CIA was "founded by Nazis" makes you retarded.
Fremde Heere Ost made up the entirety of the CIA in Europe for many years.
When it comes to aerospace they made us what we are today and there are many things that were worked on that are still being worked on to this day that would boggle your mind.
Its this meme again
more like an intelligent jew-templarian shill
It was real before it became a meme. I've never seen an actual nazi so poorly dressed or living in filth. Basically, they are the lowest common denominator.
Ive been hanging out with B&H and the hammerskins for about 5 years i kind of drifted away a bit do to the way they live there lives :/ cant say i support drinking and smoking and not going to the gym and or being active for a healthy life style..... but i love their music and some of them are really fuckin funny! there are some smart guys in there too and really its a great way to make friends when all you wanna do is mouth the jews and talk shit :)
and if you ever get into trouble they got your back :) couldn't ask for a better group of friends besides them slowly killing them self's with bad diets :P
Yes, there are several, paid shills as well as volunteers from both wings the identitarian movement.
Kek. Let's meme this until neo nazis believe it.
That actually counters everything nazis stood for.
Hitler was a literal, but he was skipping meals to buy books and educate himself and he worked hard to lift himself out of poverty and help others do the same.
lol red laces "i have spilled blood for my race"
the band name Rammstein LOL nothing jewish about them ;) ;) ;) drinking juice gotta stay healthy right? for the master race! drawings on the walls from the 3 year old that put to sleep before parsing out on the couch
Why do neo-nazis shave their heads? Don't they realize that they look like the subhumans the real Nazis put in concentration camps? Every Jew and degenerate had a shaved head.
they keep a clean heads so people like you dont grab their hair why they punch in your face
>mike's hard lemonade
Neo Nazi's are pussies.
Care to deliver?
I apologize, but how is what the general public subjected to in anyway indicative of what those in control experience? Furthermore, the continued research Germany have enabled what one would call a break away civilization to form which is not impacted by the general goings on here on Earth.
Exactly. Nazis knew to be politically successful, they had to create a positive culture for people to follow. These neo-nazi fucks completely misrepresent everything about national socialism, it's no wonder people have such a distorted view of it.
'''''nazis''''' aka shitposting on Sup Forums about jews and blaming everything on degenerate society and niggers.
They should really stop the whole retarded violence. Especially against the shitskins.
Fighting the symptoms, instead of the illness is not a right way of healing.
There's probably a few. Most of it is just memeing though
>how is what the general public subjected to in anyway indicative of what those in control experience?
Yet you again failed to deliver. Firstly, we wouldn't have so much Jewish and Israel influence in politics and culture, if Nat Soc were still in control. Secondly, we would have racial purity, national unity, healthy and intellectual lifestyle as common value, because that what Natiknal Socialism stood for. Thirdly, there is no slightly subtle trace or evidence that NatSoc people run anything today.
Who said they are the only ones in control? There are all sorts of factions vying for control. The edomites who currently reside in Israel are not Jewish, they are simply usurpers of the term. Racial purity of any regard isnt for the general public anymore, as stated before, due to research started in Germany which has continued to this day there is a break away civilization that is not impacted by what you perceive as major powers on the planet. If you dont believe it is still around maybe you should look at the charter of Homeland Security and look at its equivalent organization from Nazi Germany, parts are word for word copies. You should read more books, start with martin bormann nazi in exile by paul manning
Racial purity is not kept in American WASP elites anymore and this comes from Columbia graduate. Heck, look at whom Trump kids married and Trump himself. Tell me, who amongst ruling elite in the West indeed keeps racial purity? Small fraction of European aristocracy and Jews. That's about it. What kind of break away civilization? Is it some club? I think I would know, because my father is top executive in Gazprom.
>Racial purity is not kept in American WASP elites anymore and this comes from Columbia graduate. Heck, look at whom Trump kids married and Trump himself. Tell me, who amongst ruling elite in the West indeed keeps racial purity? Small fraction of European aristocracy and Jews. That's about it.
What you know of is nothing then.
>What kind of break away civilization? Is it some club? I think I would know, because my father is top executive in Gazprom.
Neat, so you dont know anything personally about science, have any value aside from a family name and yet you expect to be aware of these goings on? I have 1200 years of verifiable linage, after the death of my father I am the family scion. I have a PhD in Quantum Chemistry and a Masters in Tensor Calculus, I work on craft that make oil obsolete. Yet you assume that because of your status that you know all there is or even deserve to? Laughable.
If you truly want to understand what the break away civilization is capable of I suggest starting to get good at math and science then reading the works of Gabriel Kron, Ronald Richter, and Tom Bearden. This will give you a good indication of what was possible in the 20s, this is all I can say of the matter.