The true captain America
The true captain America
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Wow... makes you think huh... ISIS are the real victims...
So, we should die and let the other fellow, with his de facto legalized rape and pedophilia, have whatever he wants. Got it.
MFW that Orson Scott Card line about the ability to inflict pain was right all along.
Could just as easily apply to the "refugees"
Obviously the best solution is to kill the women and children too, so that there's no one left to hate.
>Reading western comics
Absolutely [curent year].
Pick one.
>all religions want the same thing
news to me
Holy kek, the Irish didn't come here to replace the population and start their own zones where rape and honor killings were normal. COME ON MARVEL WTF
and then there is this shit making him a nazi and portraying people who aren't for open borders globalization as being evil villains?
western comics are seriously dead
The real captain America
Bit hypocritical coming from the guy who fought against Hitler.
Hitler killed millions of people user
I miss racism in comic books
Who's the guy with tha flag paint in his face?
What are we going to do about Red Ahmed?
So did Stalin, didn't stop the US lend lease for some reason :^)
This is beautiful
What a fucking farce, that's awful. I am sick of all this condescending "love wins guys" bullshit. "All religions want the same thing!" No they fucking don't, you asshole. Ask anyone in those religions.
Sometimes, you need to fight. Sometimes there is an enemy. Stop acting like we're the fucking problem and offer something more useful than wagging your finger and condescendingly clicking your teeth.
Fuck comics, it's a dead misused medium infested with pretentious, holier-than-thou liberals who just roll for shock value and fill the rest of the space with paragraph-long speeches about their own politics told through decades old characters who never thought shit like that, anyways. Fuck it.
but the irish came legally cap
>the Irish didn't come here to replace the population
Yes they did. Anglo elites needed more bodies to suppress the south, destroy local identities (and thereby strengthen the federal government), and to populate the western frontier. Irish migration to America is a fantastic example of population "replacement" done right.
>start their own zones where rape and honor killings were normal
>implying that the Irish were non-violent, model citizens
>Irish were sent to suppress the south
u fucking wot
a classic marvel villain
overload i think
lmao someone actually thinks that cap is wrong here
>lend lease
The Sup Forums education system has clearly succeeded
Nothing is safe from politics
Alright mate?
Thanks, my tolerant American friend. As a member of the Kali cult I often get negativ responses from bigoted racists that just can't get over the fact that it's my religious duty to sacrifice the lives of passerbys to my god. After all, all religions want to please their deity.
Easy choice, kill the baby and make another one later.
that makes no sense. nobody in the south now identifies as irish.
Was that the baby or the woman
love it
So, I'm supposed to just believe your word?
>A comic book is just so relevant.
Saged, cuck. Islam struck first, as did Jewry.
It's nuke actually
I'm assuming she killed her husband and he fucked the baby out the window anyway.
Not an argument.
>The cock suck of freedom
>stars on the right side of the flag on his face
It was the baby
That's over cooked.
As a normal person who has sex I have to ask who that man is who has an American flag tattooed on his face
That last panel went a bit too far, dontcha think?
>implying he wouldn't have killed everyone anyway
crazy super solider jingoist black ops dude
It's the latest villian by Marvel - Trump
what a pathetic captain america
but then he was drawn by a man that has never seen a gun
Jesus christ,that's dark.
"Gaseous" Snake Nukeman
yeah except people still speak English, don't have Irish accents, don't exclusively celebrate Irish holidays, or even identify as Irish. Stop being such a cuck.
is it tho?
It was either that or anime.
>some Irish immigrants were bad therefore we should let in millions of unchecked "refugees" from 3rd world countries
There's no reason to read Western Comics since they've become a mouthpiece for the SJW agenda.
Probably while making some dumb speech about morality too.
>“Whoever kills a person [unjustly]…it is as though he has killed all mankind. And whoever saves a life, it is as though he had saved all mankind.” (Qur’an, 5:32)
>And do not kill anyone which Allah has forbidden, except for a just cause. And whoever is killed (intentionally with hostility and oppression and not by mistake), We have given his heir the authority [(to demand Qisas, Law of Equality in punishment or to forgive, or to take Diya (blood money)]. But let him not exceed limits in the matter of taking life (i.e he should not kill except the killer only). Verily, he is helped (by the Islamic law).
...Except if it's an infidel, deus vult!
What a pile of shit Islam is.
I wouldn't be surprised.
>not just immediately stabbing him in the throat or whatever to kill him in about 20 seconds flat
Dumb bitch.
Well this is even darker.
Mainly because it's the middle of the night and all of the lights are turned off.
The funny thing is this looks more like an original than the original itself, the guy's face is a typical Islamic jihadi ahab beard face
tbqh that's what ISIS would do, after raping the husband of course.
fucking homosexuals
notice how the family was white.
really makes you think, doesn't it?
Top kek.
Ironically Marvel (and definitely facebook) would probably regard this version as racist (but not their original which had white males as suicide bombers and terrorists) and try to ban it. Hypocrites.
Ahaha what is this from? What happens to this guy and where did he get like 15 babbies?
European migrants aren't the problem
what am I hearing?...
>all religions want peace
its true! Muslims are peaceful people and a peaceful religion! All they have to do to achieve peace is bomb, kill, torture, execute, decapitate, assault, sue, and sanitize anyone that thinks otherwise!
the flag is pointing downward
wouldnt shooting a baby like that harm your own arm?
Maternity Ward?
It's where I'd go.
I dunno, Xenophobia seems to have worked out well for Cap
TEN FUCKING TEN great shooping skills
>refugees today will never get to a country just to go fight in its civil war
Irish earned their place here with their blood
>people actually getting pissy about this
>in fucking comic books
Give it five issues and it'll be "Well, ya see, I was just infatuated with a completely different brand of Hydra that I lead that is meant to subvert the red skull and lead Germany into a utopia of open borders and welfare payments :-)"
where's the one where falcon literally aids and abets illegal border hoppers?
It's hilariously dark. But really, why are all comics cape oriented? Japan is diverse and american media has shit marketing.
Damnit Abu Hajaar
Wow... makes you think huh... the Nazis are the real victims...
these murder fantasies reek of semitic resentment
Credit where credit is due - Kamala is one of the better examples of how to write a minority character in comics, or hell just plane modern literature/media in general. "What if Captain Marvel was a Paki Muslim girl?" Isn't exactly an original elevator pitch, there's been plenty of things like this before and even now.
>What if Spider-Man was black? Miles Morales
>What if Captain America was black? Sam Wilson becomes Cap
>What if Thor was a girl? Jane Foster... somehow becomes fucking Thor
The difference with Kamala, and the reason why she doesn't suck massive balls the way Miles or girlThor do, is that the writers actually made her an interesting and endearing character aside from just filling a minority slot.
>Telling a soldier that he is fighting for peace, when he joined the army to be in one of the most violent occupations out of pure choice.
Most people in the military join looking for a fight to prove to themselves that they are great, and then go insane.
why don't they torture niggers?
there has to be always a functional and conversative white family
If only there were some hard-hitting, reflective medium like this in the middle ea....oh wait haram.
They need to get "whiter" or "Americanized" before that is an option. That or not fucking attack America and go back to fucking goats in peace.
well, i gotta say that's effective
sounds wonderful desu
>...Except if it's an infidel, deus vult!
That's my kind of Christianity
Jews love fantasizing about killing/humiliating goyim in their fictional media.
>tfw you will never protect the boarder with the supreme serpent
You can always read japanese comics.
>why are all comics cape oriented
They aren't but no one reads comics any more.
How would the cops handle his situation? Like, would a sniper would just aim for his head and then hope like hell the first responder could move his body fast enough to save the kids?
lets see if I can find the rest
The Hibernian conspiracy reveled
here it is
>Like, would a sniper would just aim for his head
Yeah, probably.
If that situation actually did happen, it most likely wouldn't end well.
Almost every big name super hero is either a nigger, a spic, or an Arab. The few white heroes left are either portrayed as weak comic relief or are turned into villains.