Sorry about the whole "jew" thing

sorry about the whole "jew" thing

don't jew worry about it

You did your best dur fuhrer

Why you apologize man? You didn't do anything wrong

What "jew" thing?

that's okay dolfy, u did what u could.

"Final" solution my ass. You are a failure.


rip sweet price

I will always member the six gorrilion


My fucking sides

Yea man you should feel sorry, there are still Jew running around here in Germany

When Jews start making threads to pretend they aren't Jews

Still hate it

Millions of people died and you guys think this is funny. Try getting out of your parents' basements and finding some real friends you pathetic fucks.

Hey Addy, look, I know how your Jewish art teacher always said you'd never amount to anything and, let's be honest here, you might have overreacted slightly.

You pathetic normie fag

Retard alert

only gonna reply to this one , have a (((you)))

Never. Fake jews from europe ruining the world today.

It's okay bro better luck on the fourth Reich. We love you

It's okay, man. We'll get 'em next time

It's all good

You didn't kill enough jews

Ich verzeihe dich, mein Führer.