ITS HAPPENING! TIME FOR Little Racist INcestuous Orange Fat Fuck to go to jail!
>deep state trying this hard
So what's it now again? Some girl he didn't touch years ago, just because he said he could? Some wall he didn't build because dems blocked him? Some golden showers with russian prostitutes that never happened?
Yes, Virginia, there is a Mueller.
were you the user who posted this after the texas shooting?
you seem to have inside information about the case.
would you care to share it with us?
sure kid
republican wins in 2018 midterms
>anti-Trump vermin still this asshurt 12 months on
sure kid?
wtf does that even mean in this context?
so much win
really the dems will fail miserably
this retarded
Over a year later and Soros is still sending you money?
Or are you just that pathetic that you spew the bullshit for free?
damn, that's a fucking bad photoshop job
What do you mean still? Its a continual flood of retardation. There's new bullshit every day.
>implying the mere thought of Obama didn't send conservatives into a rage for a solid decade.
it didn't kid
retaliating over what someone said.
just like a child would
Are you doing for free or are you still being paid by Soros?
>people who believe in capitalist ideology
>selling themselves as better than the other guys
Thanks to you jews, life is now a continuous series of commercial advertisements. Die in a fire.
Trumpbots don't speak English, they're paid to solve the Captchas and post random shit.
No, Conservatives have the courage to look their own losses and failures in the eye and come back from it stronger.
Liberals just smash up property and go hide crying from reality in their safe spaces.
Even if the Dems take the house in 2018 - which is likely - they'll never have the 2/3 of the Senate required to remove Trump from office after impeachment.
Member when they impeached Clinton and it did nothing. Yeah, me too.
stay mad kid
not after this bullshit kid
we have to wait for mueller.
what's taking so long mueller?
you are a god
just bc the president tweets it doesn't make it a real thing.
Clinton was impeached because he told Congress that he did not have sexual relations with "that woman". Congress felt that he had lied to them, which is in fact a crime. In those days, however, the majority of MuriKKKans honestly believed that fellatio is not sexual relations, so Teflon Bill dodged another bullet. Congress should have indicted him for Mena instead … except they weren't allowed to.
he won
she conceded
we accepted
the reason the buffoon won't appoint more legislators to vacant federal offices is bc he's afraid he'll lose the house in special elections. facts
Good luck faggots.
this guy thinks trump is smarter than him
Keep dreaming that you faggot cuck hahahahahaha
closet sissy nazi
Are you a kid fucker, OP?
so Sup Forums is basically reddit now?
date: december 19, 2016
nice try, no dice.
What do you mean 'so long'? Just this week he's filed almost three hundred sealed indictments.
so weak you think you can bring it back
lol retards
The money and concessions his family members have received from certain businesses.
Legally Trump cannot pay him to delay, but if certain business associates of Trump were to make certain allowances for businesses owned/managed by Muellers family members...Good luck proving it.
no but you're white
>we accepted
yeah sure you did lol
sure kid
it's a pathetic stunt. 6 dems in a majority? why even do it.
wait until you have a majority and some evidence, and impeach him.
can't beat em, join em
closet sissy nazi
sure kid
>inside information about the case.
i thought the bannon trolls were out supporting child moletor moore. honestly i hope moore wins
All those salty tears xDD
Are you saying that he should use a Democrat strategy ? I don't think he's libtard enough to pull it off
the president is a lying moron. facts
calmer than you are
I thought you accepted?
active measure
getting your facts off political memes is stupid
more retarded then I am too
>I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me
Actually your hero Soros has the history of colluding with the nazis
straw man horeshittery rejected
that trump is a lying sexist racist dotard moron
and trumps pro black
great song.
What facts? That you didn't accept the result? lol
shit meme kid
>this triggered over 'sure kid'
soros is a fucking jew, you fucking moron.
Great argument.
Just like Trump put his businesses in a blind trust (like every other President)...So who is managing his blind trust?
Donald Trump Jr. under the word from our President "We won't talk business or policy while I run the country and they run my company."
> This time for sure!
Sup Forums is that way.
Also, if something happens to Trump then Mike "Electrocute the Fruit" Pence gets to be president.
And how exactly is this something bad, nigger cunt?
kek, saved
these things take time. from the start they said expect it to take 12 - 18 months or more.
Kenneth Starr went for more than 3 years against Clinton.
>Wolf wolf cried the little boy.
>Yet no one replied or even took notice.
this is correct. sadly.
>Also, if something happens to Trump then Mike "Electrocute the Fruit" Pence gets to be president.
shh don't disturb crying liberals with your offensive facts!
Standard economic law dodging. "We cant shake hands, but our brothers can."
>deep state
Make sure to keep your tinfoil hat secured tightly, or the deep state mind control waves will get in. You can improve your mental defenses further by wrapping a plastic bag around your head too, and tying it tight.
sure kid
you've said this before.
how does it feel to be so small you have to pretend you are big?
i figured tumblr cunts were still here go figure
everyone knows the right can't meme