
deathened Castlevania music edition

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First for AtmosBM

Median age of this thread: 15

you must be 7 then

Too old


>imbliyign dadaism isn't god tier

Have you thrown out your computer yet? Dio says it sucks your soul

What album is the Filosofem of DM?

Two Hunters is better


I'm more metal without one

Celestial Lineage was better than that.

more like this and suffocation pls

quorthon was pretty gay

are there are any local bands you tell yourself you like just because you want to believe the scene is better than it is


you're not trv kvlt if you're not gay
being straight is bowing down to the tyrannical Christian hegemony

"Just be yourself" - Satan before he got expelled from Heaven.


What was the first album that got you into Metal?
Pick related for me.
I've listened and liked Black Sabbath and Metallica before but it was Maiden who got me really interested in the genre.
After that it was listening to bunch of Traditional Metal, then Thrash, then Death and Black metal.

Being straight is being normal, user.

>be intelligent, critical thinker questioning authority
>get thrown out of heaven and damned to Hell for all eternity
what did (((they))) mean by this?
Is Satan actually /ourguy/?


being "normal" is not black metal


the mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven


>when BM starts sounding like "woke" college student rant
he fell for (((anti-christianity))) meme

what's your favourite genres outside of meal?

Man is not God.

neo prog

Not any specific albums, but a lot of the popular Metallica, Slayer, Anthrax tracks. I still feel ashamed for liking Metallica that much.

very nuice

is the brazilian thrash metal nut here?

jazz, noise, singer-songwriter

>be intelligent, critical thinker questioning authority
so basically euphoric neckbeard? WTF I hate satan now, praise god 777

blackgaze, experimental/hardcore rap

ummm sweetie, bm has always sounded like that

this is really making me think

Good post + check em


shit get

Yacht rock/soft rock
RIP Dave Porcaro

czech'd for bm

Dead (while in Morbid) once sent Quorthon a dead animal or something in the mail because he acted like a rockstar douche when they met.

No and neither should you. If you don't like it, don't support it (it applies for the bands and the scene as well)

neo prog is basically nu-metal in terms of shittiness you tool

give me more SATAN
>inb4 Hell (2017)

might as well literally say "I don't actually read books"

seriously, if you are "drowning in an anti-intellectual quagmire" you can go to a fucking library, or hit up Project Gutenberg if you're into old shit, or read stuff on academia.edu, or listen to countless hours of lectures on whatever subject you please for free

if you think fucking reddit is the most intellectually stimulating place online, fuck you

I never implied otherwise
It's just that anti-christian sentiment is very convenient for, you know, a (((certain group))) of people

Shoegaze, City Pop, Synthpop (especially 80s shit), Alt. Rock


dubs of duty speak the truth

Prog, industrial, neofolk

Dude this image is meant to poke fun at reddit, calm down

not everything anti-Christian is part of some Jewish conspiracy, you cucktard

yeah I know; it just disgusts me that there are people like this

>not being opposed to all Semitic sand cults

I wish more black metal would explore anti-Islam and anti-kike themes though.

im pretty sure i had a dream where he literally died of aids. I thought i had read it somewhere but when i checked it just said heart failure.

Sadly it's not 111666

I think I had the same dream my dude. Or perhaps it was the Mandela Effect. I could have sworn he died from AIDS or cancer.

i feel like the people that say this just aren't paying attention to the general anti-semitic labels

at this point Chrstianity's a poisonous decaying pile
it has definitely overstayed its welcome
and has nothing new to offer whatsoever.

wiggers don't live very long

I didn't say otherwise. I simply implied it can be used for their benefit
Reminder that '90s mainstream was chock full of "satanists" like Marylin Manson, who also put down family, middle class, tradition and capitalism, and promoted androgynous (if not plain transsexual) image

I know
i'm a sucker though

>I wish more black metal would explore anti-Islam and anti-kike themes though.
Exactly why I'm forming such a project


>I'll never eat pussy again

>Decapitated were arrested in California, early Saturday on suspicion of kidnapping a woman after their concert in Spokane on August 31st. However, they are now also facing charges of gang-rape. The woman said she was gang-raped by all four members of the Polish death metal band in the bathroom of their tour bus after their concert in Spokane, according to court documents released Monday.

are there any acts whose lyrical themes are being gay and Skyrim?

At this point it is irrelevent and no longer a moral authority. Anti-Christianity is so overplayed.

you literally said that anti-Christianity in bm is a Jewish plot

>he fell for (((anti-christianity))) meme

>would explore anti-Islam and anti-kike themes though.
And that's the key, they'd rather choose to preach about awful Christian """oppression""", sing about sodomizing the holy asshole, burn churches and shit like that, but religion of peace is apparently OK
Really makes you think

>muh traditional values at existential stake :(
lmao, in a fucking metal thread of all places


Quorthon looked like Jason Mewes.


how can one act be so patrician is beyond my understanding

do you even fucking listen to black metal you Christshit apologist

"he fell for (((anti-christianity))) meme"
dude if it means "literally said" to you then I don't know
In this context, "anti-christianity" was meant as a monicker for all (((liberating))) ideologies, which suddenly let the person I replied to believe that being gay is (((true rebellion))).

It's really sad if it's some shit you don't even listen to. I knew a guy who formed some shitty local metalcore band, he tried to convince me to support his band and I told him I didn't like their music and I won't support it, simple as that. Try to be more honest to yourself

Old christianity:
>hated gays
>made crusades
>hated jews (see Martin Luther)
>secured nation state
>generally served for benefit of white people and their protection
Implying any of that is bad.
Being Christian, at least ironically, is the ultimate trigger for any (((liberal))).

>insults someone for being Christian
>lol do u even black metal lmao! XD

it's pretty fucking clear, dude
you're just retarded, or trolling
stop putting echoes around everything you don't like

less baits, more metal

what's wrong with being gay
you're just too much of a pussy to take a finger up your ass, let alone a big-ass cock

What does /metal/ think of the new Dyscarnate record?

fuck off larpers

Because judaism and islam are the biggest religions and the ones oppressing the population in the countries in which black metal was originated right? You are fucking stupid kid

Nothing's wrong with being gay, but there is something wrong with gay sex and gay marriage

looks pretty communist desu senpai

>what is nsbm

Again, I never implied anti-christianity is bad. It's bad when it's used badly. It's good when it's used to fight abrahamic religion.
But at the same time, by pretty much its fucking definition, anti-Christianity is a big fat loaded gun directed at hundreds of years of Western culture, which, you know, gave us far more good than bad, and helped fight the said (((Abraham))).

Europe accomplished those things in spite of Christianity not because of it. We hated gays, crusaded and hated jews because of the culture and values of the time.


for the absolutely wrong assumption that black metal is somehow self-censoring itself to push this retard narrative, when it becomes evident the more he talks that he doesn't know anything he's talking about regarding black metal, much less on those historical perspectives

Dyscarnate is blue collar as fuck senpai

lad the only accomplishment you've ever done is shitpost on a Maldives tax preparation forum